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Nobama! asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

We are running towards what Europe is running from?

From the source referenced below:

"How ironic is it that the U.S. is embracing socialism at the very moment Europe and many other parts of the world are running away from it?

Somebody needs to ask Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi about this.

In the past five years, 33 countries, including 20 in socialist Europe, always held up as the example for a new American economic model by Democrats, have cut their personal income taxes, according to a study by KPMG, the giant accounting firm.

In the past four years, 60 countries have cut their corporate income tax rates.

Notice you don't hear America's Democrats talking about Europe any more. They can't. Europe has abandoned the failed economics of the Democrats. In fact, many European leaders are astonished at the direction of the U.S. Its leaders are openly chastising America for its foolhardy policies of bailouts and government intervention and encouragement of debt.


8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    French economy minister Christine LaGarge was educated in the United States. She tells the most amazing story in the Feb. 2 issue of Newsweek:

    "Until this year you could not be a 'self-employed' person. Such a status did not exist in French law. We changed that. And I remember unbelievable discussions at the National Assembly where communist MPs could not understand what I was talking about, because in their minds, in the way in which they simplify relationships, you are either a boss or an employee. So the person who starts a business and employs himself, that, they could not understand. Since Jan. 1, when the new law went into effect, we've had 20,000 register - a thousand per day. We hope to have 200,000 by the end of the year. You know, you roll up your sleeves!"

    A similarly bizarre situation is developing in the U.S. People are starting to think they can't survive without the government. Instead of restructuring under bankruptcy laws, companies like Sharper Image and Circuit City decided to just call it quits.

    So isn't it ironic, that the Europeans are getting entrepreneurial fever, while we are getting cold feet.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, like you said, people are wondering why.

    Go figure.

    The US is the "see" to socialist Europe's "saw"

    Maybe this is simply a step to getting into middle groud., the so called "perfect balance"

    You see, the whole world looks up to the example of the US's capitalistic policies as though this is the absolute best, the ultimate goal for the whole world to achieve, emulate, copy, being the only key to economic stability.

    Unfortunately the leaders of capitalist utopia also robbed everybody and indulged in relentless greed as much as the socialist leaders do and did.

    Ok, maybe not all the leaders. Who knows if capitalism was intentionally sabotaged?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When will americans understand that the european welfare systems have got nothing to do with "socialism"?

    There is organized, state welfare in all european countries independently from the party currently governing the country, France as a right-wing government and it keeps its social welfare system, for example.

    Free education and free health for everybody are a Constitutional Right, it's got nothing to do with right-wing or left-wing.

    So don't be (even more) ignorant because any european just laughs out loud hysterically when he reads stuff like "the dangers of european socialism" like we in Europe had communist regimes or something...

    Most of Western Europe (UK, Ireland, France, West germany, Austria, Switz, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden} was but are not social democracies. with medical care, schools, retirement, etc all guaranteed by the govt.

    Still good article

    Source(s): i'm european
  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Europe is in trouble and losing control of what little heritage that they had left by the mass infusion of illegals and Muslims who now want to rule. The U.S. is headed down the same path as well. We're just a few years behind but will catch up quickly now that we have a Neo-Marxist in charge.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    wasn't anyone listening to this man when he campaigned. you should know then what he had in mind for the country. Instead the focused on hating Bush so much that they didn't care what he was going to do to the country. Well get used to it . you elected him now live with it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Amen on that one! I agree with you. I hope in 4 years America still look like America!

  • 1 decade ago

    You fail to ask a question so I won't give you an answer.

    Your title "We are running towards what Europe is running from?"

    Should it really be "Are we running towards what Europe is running from?" ?

    Fix your question and you will get answers.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Europe isn't Socialist, it has Socialist elements, but it isn't Socialist.

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