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Cheryl asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Since the U.S.A government works for the American people, how can they pass a Package that many do not want?

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Williemom is correct in that we are a Republic - not a Democracy.

    The only thing WE can do is elect individuals to represent us. We then have absolutely NO power over what they do when they get to D.C. The only thing we CAN do is kick them out of Office at the next election.

    Unfortunately, rarely do qualified, honest individuals run for public office. They aren't interested in being slandered, beaten up, worrying about their families' safety, etc. only to be vilified by those currently in power who are determined to remain there.

    The only way we MIGHT get honest, responsible people to run would be to make the salaries more palatable as well as protect them from all the special interest groups.

    The people in power have NO interest in doing that which their constituents want or need. They might do a show for us every couple of years (before the next election) so they have something to point to, but on the whole, they are looking out for themselves and their contributors.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do you think it would be a good idea to let all the banks go under? Just let them all collapse, and then watch as the country completely tanks? Do you think other countries like China and Canada and Japan etc would let that happen either?

    The government has a responsibility to take care of the people whether they're capable of understanding what's good for them or not. It would be a disaster if the US gov't listened to Joe the Plumber all the time even though Joe could likely figure it out if he actually used common sense for 5 seconds! Wake up Americans, you have 2 choices. 1: Total destruction of the US 2: A damaged but repairable economy.

    If you were in the government and the people started to complain that they now hate firemen and demand they all be replaced with dalmations carrying water balloons, would you go with the people on that one? This is that situation. You've got people willing to allow the entire country to be unemployed and destroy all the countries infrastructure because they don't want to bail out the banks. Does that sound any less rediculous?

  • 1 decade ago

    Because this is not a true Democracy it is a Republic. Either all these people who do not want the stimulus do not vote or they vote to keep their guy at the head of this commission and that. They gain power the longer they are in and with that power they bring home pork, Americans really do like pork when it is coming home to them. My Senator is Byrd, have you seen this man lately, he barely functions but West Virginians keep voting him in for his pork power. WV was one of the states in the red, why because we are taking in so much of Americans money. We really need a complete house cleaning and term limits to fix this.

  • 1 decade ago

    You're under the impression that the congress actually cares about what the sheople want. They work for the PAC's and Media. Both are hoping that socialism comes to the United States and it will on Tuesday.

    Don't believe that the government gives a rats butt for the sheople, only about the monies that they receive from the PAC's

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  • 1 decade ago

    The Democrats follow along party lines like sheep. Also, they all, Democcrats and Repulblicans, were told to vote now and weren't allowed to read the bill. And yes, where's the line "WE THE PEOPLE"? I don't think they remember that.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they are not worried about being voted out of office for voting this way / they are beholden only to their special interests

    It's yet another example of why the current crop in Congress should be voted out and there needs to be much greater turnover in DC!


  • 1 decade ago

    It's another case of the "employer" being out-voted by the "employee".

    We can say what we want, but that doesn't mean we'll get it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Their job is to represent the interests of the people, not necessarily their desires on any particular bill. Most of the people opposed to this bill don't understand economics well enough to have an informed opinion. Among experts, most support ot. Among experts who are opposed, more say it doesn't go far enough than that it goes too far. Congress is passing it because the experts they listen to say they need to and they believe it's a vote they can sell to the public. Inaction is a much tougher sell to voters.

    That's what it means to live in a republic, rather than a pure democracy.

  • 1 decade ago

    The gov't never worked for the people. The gov't is for self advancement of themselves.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We don't hold them accountable, just look at Congress and how many members have been there for decades.

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