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Microfleur flower press?

I got it when I was younger , 7-10? So at the time , i didnt understand it...

Now however , i really need to use it (Art unit about leaves) , but i've lost the instructions...

I've still got the 2 plastic things , the 2 foamy material things , and then the 2 cotton(?) sheets you put either side of the flower. And the clasps to hold it all together.

So basicly , all i need to know is... do i just put the leaves in the middle , put it all together , and put it in the microwave? For how long?

And can i put more than 1 leaf in at a time?

Thank you , i couldnt find instructions online xxx

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've got one of these :)

    You just put the leaf, then cotton sheets, then foam thingies, then plastic bits to make a sandwich sorta thing, clip the whole lto together then mic for about 30-40secs in an 800W microwave. Watch out because it can get pretty hot even though its a fairly short time, and the leaves especially can be pretty hot when you go to take them out!

    If it doesn't "crisp up" the first time my instructions say continue in ten second blasts but don't exceed 90 secs (although I can't imagine anything particularly awful would happen if you did!)

    It is possible to put more than one leaf in at a time, but they don't tend to dry out as evenly and can end up sort of "splotchy" with some bits darker than others, so I tend to only fill up the space so they are one thick, so you can do 2 leaves or w/e next to each other, but on top of each other they tend to come out a bit weird.

    Hope this helps.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    when you press a flower you want to remove the moisture so unless you really don't like the book that may not be your best option. Flower presses are your best option, it allows for maximum air flow. This may take a day or two. If that's not an option I recommend placing the flower in paper towels, then corrugated cardboard, then placing a book on that for weight. It will take a few days.

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