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Am I a baaad baaad boy?

I must be a bad boy because my last question got kicked out. "Trouble, pain, misery and woe.." It had to do with Rahm Emmanuel living free for 5 years and not paying taxes. At the end I asked what would be the next thing out of Pandora's box?

Where is the violation? Except with Yahoo nit picking!


The subject was in the news this morning and would you guess I don't give a hoot or holler if this one gets kicked either. I have had nearly enough of the YA system. I came on answers to get and give information which I thought would be good for all to know.

I have never violated the guide lines but I am getting close to doing that very thing .

Update 2:

Yep, I know all about their little agenda, but it still irritates me and I had to vent or explode. you know the Amerind temper and vengence thing. I got the answer that I expected from the yamster. It is still a violation, in their eyes, yet no violation was committed. I asked for a particular reason and none were forth coming, therefore I will ask no more questions and they will only be able to censor my answers, which may be quite accurate and as precise as usual.

Update 3:

Yes, I have heard that it may not be long before the internet will be monitored by the government looking for those of us that dislike our leadership. I think that maybe someone has jumped the gun on this

Can you say,' Uncle Sam wants you!'

Update 4:

Bad Guy and John, I thank you for your compliments and for all who gave intelligent answers I thank you. There were a couple who apparently were raised on the chicken farm because you gave answers that smelled like the hen house and I am very sure that in your private lives you have hen house ways. To those of you all I can say is do not lick the white stuff because it is the same as the green and brown.

As I am a gentleman and always attempt to do that which is right and proper, I will refrain from stating my true feelings about those who like to hit the report button, simply because you disagree with an opinion, so for you, and I will not call you trolls, or any other terrible name, I will only hope, in the comical words of an old country song, "May the bird of paradise fly up your nose"!

Update 5:

I remember that one Mary Jane. I have seen many disappear like magic. And I predict that it will get worse.

I only put this up as a warning to all of what is going on in yahooland since the Obamanator has opened Pandora's box and loosed all the vile and corrupt things onto mankind.

May his Ramness get a horn stuck in a very bad place for him.

Update 6:

Well, H.T. I'm one of those that prefers to uncover the bull.s. and reveal the chicken.s. that lies beneath. That's why this question appears here. There has been too much of this crap going on. When time runs out I may re-post and keep it going until something happens. Why let a good thing die.

Update 7:

Well, H.T. I'm one of those that prefers to uncover the bull.s. and reveal the chicken.s. that lies beneath. That's why this question appears here. There has been too much of this crap going on. When time runs out I may re-post and keep it going until something happens. Why let a good thing die.

Update 8:

I'm going to have to go by the ratings on this one, because there are too many great answers to flip a coin.

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There's no violation there, but you get kicked if someone

    disagrees and doesn't like you. Yahoo's judges need to

    side with the Questioneer occasionally. I don't think

    you're a bad boy. I've seen so much worse on Y Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Like i have had thesame trouble and it's the reason for my nick name!

    We are at this point if we criticize particular poeple or religion they treat us worst than Nazi!!!!!

    Here we quite don't have the right not to follow the new universal order

    and if we argu they use to say we are politiquement incorrect

    non correct about politic!

    They especialy disliked when I explained the differences between communism and socialism who was their chief how they fight and where was coming the money to equip the red army and beat the tsar's troop This belt, this gun is payed by the jewishes bankers!

    And now the poor citizens of social démocratie has to pay back with interest.

    Into the bargain we are not allowed to say that a Jew has been caught the hand in the Jar and Madoff is free.

    They are able to work with psycholog and say you are paranoid yes and it was the way in Russia to send the ones who were not following the rules to psychiatric hospital but here too Trotsky has had a good teatcher:Freud as he was refugiee in Vienne Austria 1906.

    They always have done nothing and I have still trouble with my mails I cannot send followings letters or clips......

    You are politiquement incorrect ou paranoiac after a while you see that there is few differences between American and French about roots .They absolutly hate because we know them for a more longer time and as I read their name I know what they think like reading an open book. Bad guy

    Source(s): We have to change our name begin by truth. I never violate their rules and now I hope that you will read my answer more they are the truth of history and I never look on google to research all is coming from impartial writting books. We do have an another same event in our life:I have been sergeant during my regular duty 18 monthes as I was 20. Later in the reserve I never wanted to become an Officer ordered by a socialist politician!!! Imagine how they hate me! They bother me as hunter to buy some cadriges here be sure they will find few poeple to defend them.Chief we have no cadriges!!!!! To be reed of this socialist I prefer the ICE peak with witch Trotsky was killed and it's a green way homeopathy. some more:they are not liberal THEY ARE SOCIALIST the meaning of liberal is less leftist with liberty. Socialist no liberty especially liberty of speaking and here they dislike more if you belong a printing press not registered than a machine gun!!!!!
  • 1 decade ago

    Thank you for letting me know I'm not alone.

    There have been several times I've just HAD IT! I've been deleted, probably, about 15 times - always for a b.s. reason, i.e. "Violates Community Guidelines" without further explanation no matter how many times I request one, nor how nicely I do so.

    Believe it or not - I could care less about the lousy points (ooooooooh that hurts!!!) I only want to answer the question.

    Unfortunately, if you use a certain "button" word or 2 or 3, you get violated.

    I don't think I've ever used really vulgar or insulting language. I call 'em as I see 'em and that is not allowed. I also use words properly - although some now appear to be politically incorrect - BUT you can't know that until THEY say so. So much for the History degree. Or Law School, or the Sheriff's Dept., or D.A.'s Office...

    As you said - I suggest you answer accurately and precisely and let them play their games. They WANT us to get upset. They must lead pathetically insignificant lives if this is how they have fun!

    All the best...

  • 1 decade ago

    I've also experienced the bizarre behavior of the almighty Yahoo Masters who pull the switches behind the scenes. They deleted a completely innocent, noncontroversial question, and when asked to provide an explanation, could only repeat a general, nonsensical reason that had nothing to do with my question. As a result of this experience, and others such as yours, I have less respect for the Yahoo team than I did previously.

    There is far too much b.s. in this world. There are two kinds of people, those who try to see things as they are, and those who choose to ignore reality. The question each one of us must ask ourselves is, which path do we choose? To live genuinely, or to cover up with a counterfeit character? The choice you make affects the amount of respect you will receive throughout your life.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Take it from a clear cut virgin when it comes to Violations, LOL. I have

    resolved myself to this philosophy Screw Em. I am going to be straight'

    across the board on all answers and questions. They can hang political

    correctness in there ***. There is no reason to sugar coat anything

    on this venue. The reporting is done by individuals for one reason they

    can. They are no more offended by what is asked or said then fly,

    They do it because it is personal. They take your question and answer

    down because they think of it as a game. I would like to have these

    individuals in a room locked of course for 5 minutes. I would give each

    of them a gun or weapon of there choice, Turn the lights out, and

    within 5 minutes I would have all the weapons and they would be

    in tears, for the harsh reality would strike them very hard, that they

    were playing with someone that plays for keeps.

    When a venue such as this allows two people to overrule the voice

    of 1- 20 40 or 15 pick a nbr greater than 2, they are saying that only

    the voice of two matters. The majority does not count. So screw em.

    I will call a lib or a dem a pond scum sucking ingrate puke if they

    deserve it. However I would support there right to the death if they

    were correct,.But then that is just me. So Ol fool all I can say

    warrior is take your best shot each and every time as you do,

    You have always been considerate and Helpful. in here,

  • 1 decade ago

    Apparently, yes. Seems we should all get on the Pandora Bus, or get off the Internet. Shame this place if fraught with such small-minded and cowardly people. Bad enough, their willful ignorance, but it reeks that they are so opposed to even hearing the truth. A classier approach would be to just pass on by the question, but libs only pass by the truth.

    As Doc said, pluck them if they can't take the truth.

  • Yea.I posted a question today about Rahm and it was never posted. Like usual, I'll end up with a violation for it. There is no free speech on Y/A. I guess this is how Hannity or Rush is going to feel if the Fairness Doctrine goes through huh?

  • 1 decade ago

    Censoring seams to be quite prevalent on TV, radio and now it seems to be spreading to the internet as well. I thought freedom of speech is what the internet was for.

    In my humble opinion, no question or answer should be sensored. If the freedom of speech is truly recognized then freedom to ask and answer questions is a recognized right as well.

    If somebody is offended by a particular question or a particular answer so be it, they will get over it. After all, no real harm has come to them, if they don't like what someone else says, they don't have to read it. that is their choice, but if they choose to read the item or article than that is their choice as well and they can't complain if they are offended by the article, because they chose to read it.

  • 1 decade ago

    The headquarters for Yahoo is Sunnyvale, CA and Toronto, Ontario. I give up with both of them, liberals as I said before that kids that grow up in Sunnyvale, having the defense dept close by, but they are spoiled brats there. Toronto, well that's a pro-Islamic city.

    So we can't be truthful or right or even blunt, cause they don't want us to educate the people. Have you gotten any emails from Freemasons, like I have... they don't want me to educate the dumb Americans.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You not bad, you are upfront and honest, which is not allowed under the Communist USA. So I saw your question was up for a bit and quite a few responders, but then if got taken off, it's cause we are NOT to QUESTION the NEW REGIME. This is the USSA for NEW WORLD ORDER and Communists that are in the Senate and House of Representatives don't like us educating the average people.

    They are the wolves trying to put the wool over our eyes, and we got WISED, but then not enough the black sheep got elected.

    It's really too late for USA.

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