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Believers and atheists: How do you convince an agnostic?

Most people believe in the existence of one or more gods, and some people believe there are no gods. I have seen no evidence to convince me one way or another; and in the absence of such evidence, I consider religious (or atheistic) proselytizing to have about as much meaning as secular advertising.

In light of all of the competition, how would you try to convince me that your concept of a creator is the correct one?


To the atheists: It looks like most of you wouldn't bother trying since it really doesn't concern you. That makes sense.

Update 2:

Godless Heathen: I agree that agnosticism does not preclude belief one way or the other, but I disagree that all agnostics are atheists. It's possible to be both (to believe there is no god but accept that your belief remains unproven).

Update 3:

correction to above; it should read: "It is possible to be both...but not mandatory."

Update 4:

G.H.: I think our disagreement is more semantic (fine points of hard/soft atheism vs. hard/soft agnosticism). I agree 100% that agnosticism is not a theological position.

Only one response from a believer so far, and it's the equivalent of advertising copy and product testimonials. All religions have sacred texts (or at least an oral tradition), so how do I know yours is any more true than someone else's?

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    All believers should be agnostics. Agnostic means "not knowing"; the nature of God is that he is not provable, otherwise it's not an act of faith to believe in him. I'm a Christian and a Quaker and I happily identify as an agnostic because I cannot *know* for absolutely certain that there is a God; if I could prove that there was a God then my religious beliefs would be pretty much on the same basis as my belief that there is such a place as China, even though I've never been there.

    Of course, my way of thinking is less conducive to those people who are really religious because they want to be tribal, bossy, powerful or special, so it probably won't catch on.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most so called "agnostics" are atheists...They just don't get what agnosticism means.

    Atheism deals with lack of belief.

    Agnosticism deals with lack of knowledge.

    Thus you can not know about existence of God 100% yet you can still lack a belief in god.

    Just like I don't know 100% that the Loch Ness monster doesn't exist yet i still don't believe in it.

    EDIT: No Atheist claims to know 100% that there is no God. Where did you get that notion from? Atheism is a lack of BELIEF in God. All atheists are agnostics when it comes to absolute knowledge of God's existence or non-existence.

    Of course, not only atheists are agnostic.Theists are agnostic as well...Well, those who are intellectually honest anyway.

    The point I'm trying to make here is that agnosticism is not a theological position on its own.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I will just tell you my own belief; that the order of the Universe is so amazing, so profound, that it couldn't have just come into existence without a Creator that made it all possible. But of course I wouldn't force you to see it in my point of view. If you are happy in your own belief, then so be it. As a Christian though, I'd tell you too to search your heart, your inner being and you might find my God, your God, the God of all. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont...the only thing Im really interested in convincing anyone of is to not impose their bible babble etc on me....I dont really care what people believe as long as they do no harm to others...unfortunately religion has long done harm to others

    keep your beliefs peaceful and you can believe what you like as far as I am concerned <8( }~~~

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  • 1 decade ago

    Money. I remain agnostic in the hope that someone will pay me to convert to their religion, or to profess atheism.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't care, and I wouldn't try to convince you of anything. I'm sure you're either happy with your current status or capable of making your own decision.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why would I need to convince an agnostic, when they are comfortable in their beliefs and are not proselytising or spreading hate among others?

  • 1 decade ago

    Why should I try to convince the agnostic? He is happy, life is short, leave him alone.

    Source(s): Dog
  • 1 decade ago

    Why would I bother? An agnostic is entitled to believe what he wants.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most agnostics are atheists who don't realize it. Once they realize that God has the same chance of existing as the invisible pink unicorn, progress will be made.

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