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Why are pro Obama sites targeting Ron Paul sites?

Please read this before answering, because this question is not just about Ron Paul:

From the pro Obama website: "We must make the internet more "Obama" friendly, there are a whole bunch of conservatard sites that criticize our president. I have been assured by Sec of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano that she will take steps to make the internet more friendly but she needs sites that should be banned. Websites that must be banned! "

Are these people for real? I mean SERIOUSLY point blank talking about banning websites, Freedom of Speech, Freedom to own guns, Freedom of IDEAS!?!

Is this what we "elected?" I use that term loosely. Oh, and for those who think that I am a Republican, I never voted for Bush EITHER time, nor did I vote for Obama. I vote on the issues and who will best protect the Constitution.


forget...but I can't believe that there are ANY people out there who don't enjoy the freedom of speech and want it protected? I understand the government not wanting it, but the PEOPLE?

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because radical Socialist Liberals are equivalent to Communists.

    Anyone who dissents upon their ideology is wrong. And if they are influential, they must be silenced; or censored in this case.

    So sad.. I guess the 'change' everyone wanted will include censorship of the people and the abolition of the 1st Amendment.

    2nd out.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because criminal politicians are embarrassed when the truth is spoken. Anything that sounds like Ron Paul is a danger to their efforts to enslave us.

    The criminal elements is working to destroy freedom. They oppose the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Freedom of Speech and Religion, Freedom from Unreasonable Search and even Freedom from Torture.

    Forget about Democrat/Republican of Left?Right (which nobody really understands). The real fight is between Freedom and Tyranny. Anyone who advocates the destruction of our civil rights is working for tyranny. This includes anyone who wants to disarm the American people. Anyone who is going to "protect" us from terrorism by spying on us, limiting freedom of speech and the press, or abolishing habeas corpus.

    The "emergency powers" invented by the Congress, are an invitation for the overthrow of Constitutional government. These powers are the American version of the Nazi Enabling Act.

  • LOCO
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    All forms of regulation of speech lead to a imperialist and totalitarian government..

    You live in America. You don't have the right to not be offended if you don't like the site don't go to it and do what we all do. Agree to disagree. These people who think we should ban something just because they don't agree with it are Morons.

    We are a melting pot of idea's just because we don't agree with it doesn't mean it needs government intervention. I don't like Uma therman movies. Does that mean there should have been legislative action banning Kill Bill in theaters? No it just means I make a choice not to see it. Let people have there fun while you choose to not engage in it. Simple really!

    Leave the internet alone.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I think it was extremely poor judgement on Obama's part, and that we must pressure our government to not allow this to be the precedent for future situations. However, I think it will be legally justifiable, if more information is revealed to show his actions were violent/were with immediate violent intent. Edit: Additionally, civilian courts may not have been able to properly handle his case if he WAS captured and tried, but it would have been unconstitutional to make him face a military trial. We need to come up with a system for cases such as these, because I fear it will not be the last.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It's a forum for the NeoLib left wingnuts. It's pure spew.

    They have no power.

    They are trying to turn on an electric light by striking a match.

    If they try going after 1st amendment Freedom of speech or the second amendment the people will rise up as one and stop it cold.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, your right. They also want to shut down talk radio too because it gets too much of the truth out. This is utterly ridiculous and I can't believe that people are acting like these socialist ideas sound good. They sound terrible! I just can't believe it.

    Why are they targeting Ron Paul? Because he's everything opposite of obama. It's good vs. evil.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It appears that Obama's fanatics have a lot in common with Dick Nixon who had an enemies list. these people are frightening; there is no doubt in my mind that many of Obama's followers are liberal fascists. They will shut down dissent if we give them the power. Heil, Obama.

    Thanks for pointing this out! I will alert my contacts. Oh, well, now they will put you and me on their enemies list Fedup.

    Keeping an eye on our enemies (2963 Viewing)

    Use this forum to report traitors, dissenter's and others who are a danger to the Obama Nation

  • 1 decade ago

    Probably because managers of pro Obama sites are political cowards who are afraid of the truth.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Control to the tenth degree. They are trying to hide everything Col. Alot of the people are stupid enough to fall for it. The people want what's easiest. Not what's best. You do the right thing, and you get crushed by the trash.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They really do believe in freedom of speech, so long as that speech supports their own position. I kind of knew this all along.... anyone who disagrees is a "right wing extremist" and a "possible danger to society". I'm sure they really do believe that anyone who votes 3rd party is a wacko polygamist holed up in a "compound" somewhere with a cache of weapons (a .22 target pistol) and large amounts on ammunition (2 boxes, very old).

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