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Lv 7
randy asked in SportsOutdoor RecreationHunting · 1 decade ago

So, now that Obama stated he WILL bring back the AWB...?

In a news conference Feb. 25th and 26th, the Obama administration has publicly and formally announced they will reinstate the assault weapons ban. This ban includes magazines over 10 rounds, several types of firearms, and we are waiting to see which other firearms he means when he says he will add more. He is also going after ammo, so it may be included in some form IE: military calibers etc And it will be permanent, no sunset clause like it had under the Clinton administration. So, do you still feel that those of us who predicted this before the election, and those who rushed out to buy AR and other types of semi auto firearms, magazines and ammo, after the election, were paranoid, or just realists who were a little smarter than the "sheeple" with their head in the sand? Are you still glad you voted"for change" without knowing exactly what change you were voting for? Don't just give thumbs up or down, I genuinely want to know your feelings now.

shoot safe (while it's still legal to do so)


I guess wounded duck has no concept of what Obama is trying to ban, No hunting weapons? my dad hunted with an M1 garand till he stopped hunting at age 72. no sporting use? how about the competitions I shot with my AR, my M1A, my Garand? How about the fact that it includes some semi auto shotguns? Or that it may ban all .308,30-06, .223/5.56,rifle ammo, and yes people hunt with those calibers. Or.45acp, 9mm, 38 special and more simply because the military uses them too. How about a 500% tax on your "hunting ammo"? Come on, either have a real argument, or don't respond.

"when they came for the jews, I did not stand up. when they came for the protestants, I did not stand up, when they came for the catholics, I did not stand up.

when they came for me, there was no one left to stand up for me".

(priest, after Hitler begain his genocide)

Take one class of firearms today, take them all tomorrow.

Great input guys, let's hear some more...

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What gets me is the few hunters and gun owners who are for banning “assault” weapons. Clearly they can not see the chipping away of our rights or the true need for semi-auto weapons.

    The need for semi auto weapons is to foremost protect us from tyranny or invasion. Yes we have the military but what if we are engaged in a large war overseas and have our country attacked while most our troops are elsewhere? Don’t think that will happen? Well it did in WW2 when the Japanese invaded the Aleutian Islands in Alaska. Locals had to fight with what they had as local military personal were overwhelmed. And a bloody fight it was! And right now the Mexican government can’t stop the drug cartel from killing thousands along our border. How could they stop a large group of terrorists from another country in a surprise attack into Texas or California? It would be the people of Texas or Cali with their guns who would have to back our LEO’s and military until reinforcements arrived.

    So if we were attacked or if our government had a military or political coop how could we fight back with a single shot rifle? Not too well I’m afraid!

    Then there is all the shooting competition events that use semi-auto weapons. Hunters who use some types of semi-auto guns for hunting, or the home owner who protects his family with a semi auto. Do we really want a home owners to be up against criminals who have semi-autos, with a bolt action rifle?

    And the big one criminals don’t follow laws! Just last week in New Orleans an ex-con and his buddy shot people with a semi auto “assault” rifle. Why didn’t the laws prevent him from doing that? For the love of Pete cant people see its not about the criminals its about the law biding public being denied the RIGHT to have certain guns!

    Source(s): I agree 100% with you randy.
  • Coasty
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    When did civilian non-automatic military knockoffs become Assault weapons. I was in the ROTC program at NMSU when the M16 controversy was going on. They defined an assault weapon as a weapons that has a selector switch allowing it to fire full automatic for the final 100 yard rush of the assault. The weapon had bo be light and the ammo had to also be small light weight rounds to allow the infantry to carry sufficient rounds to allow for full automatic weapons.

    Now as I understand the current laws those weapons are currently banned and have not been legal to sell with out a FFL Class III and paying a heavy tax with a background check that can take as much as five years.

    When did that change? If it has not what the fu@k is Obama talking about assault weapons. are we talking the AR-15 clones, Mini 14/30s, etc, IF so then the man is directly violating the second amendment.

    The SECOND AMENDMENT IS NOT ABOUT HUNTING. It is about the civil population being allowed to be as well armed as the Federal Government. It is time to remind the hired help that the We The People is not them but those who hired them.

  • 1 decade ago

    I honestly feel that the second amendment was put into the constitution so that if the government every got out of control, the people would have a way to bring the government back into control again. Our founders understood that a citizen is armed a slave is not.

    And they wanted us to be able to stand up to a government if it should ever try to make slaves out of the people.

    The second amendment was not put there for hunters, nor was it put in place for self defense purposes, although guns are great for both of those things. The second amendment was put there for protection from the government.

    And since obama seems to fancy himself a dictator, and socialism is the first step before communism, and comminism is just sociliasm enforsed at gunpoint, It makes sense that Obama would want to take away america's guns as a step to being able to enforse communism on the good people of America.

    My thought is that some day it may require the Good responsible citizens of America to raise up and stop this unrestrained march to socialism and communisim. Assult weapons are the tool nessarry to winning back our freedom if that should ever become nessarry.

    Obama knows it.

    He's also trying to silence talk radio which is one of the biggest impeadiments to him trying to take away america's freedom.

    Once he gets rid of guns, and talk raido, there will be nothing stopping him from gaining complete control of everyone.

    These are dark times we live in, And I dont look forward to the uprising that may be comming down the pike someday, but I do know this,

    I will give up everything that I have and everything that I am If I think that it will save this country, and keep us from loosing all our freedoms.

    I'm prepared to Live free or Die.

  • 1 decade ago

    2A says NOTHING about sporting use of firearms. It was not written for squirrel or duck hunting. The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America was SPECIFICALLY written in there as a form of protection from tyranny.

    I say let him push. Check this out...

    I know, it's long, so you can scan ahead to the end of the document.

    Basically they are saying that if there are ANY further restrictions to the 2nd Amendment, they are done with the federal government. So, push away Obama, Pelosi, Kennedy, Kerry, Feinstein, Biden et al. Push away. We very well could be looking at Civil War V.2 and the Great Depression V.2 all rolled into one decade.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thank you for this question Randy. It's nice to know that im not alone. I am very worried about whats coming around the corner and to be quite honest I feel quite powerless against it. Everyone says "They will get my guns when they pry them out of my cold dead hands." How many people do you know who say this, that wont crap themselves and throw all their guns in the back of the gov. truck, when a team of armed men show up at their house to collect? I'd like to think that we are a government of the people by the people and for the people but it's not looking quite so much like that these days. If that were the case than wouldn't our liberties be more and our tax burden be less?

    I live in rural Maine. I still have many liberties that many in our country do not. They don't pay allot of attention to us up here in the sticks and that's the way I like it. But if this is going to be a nation wide ban on certain guns which is bad enough, but ammo also??? That is going to effect everyone that has anything to do with hunting and shooting. My question for you is. What Can I Do To Help???

  • 1 decade ago

    I can't understand the reasoning of the people who have spent the past few months buying up all the guns and ammo that they believe are going to be banned, thinking they're making some kind of "investment". Knowing what we know about Obama and the far left's view of armed citizens, there can be no market for them. They're destined to be confiscated and destroyed, period.

    There will be a short window of opportunity between the time that it becomes painfully obvious to everyone what the new administration means to do to this country and the time when we no longer have the means to prevent it. I have little confidence that enough of us have the will to resist, and in any event I dread the outcome. I'm afraid I may live to see the end of freedom in America.

  • 1 decade ago

    Keep in mind that not everyone can afford to spend $1200 on an ar-15.

    I never voted for "change". Therefore that part doesn't apply to me.

    This is what I have been trying to say for a while now. Guns will eventually be outlawed and people won't be able to access them legally. That's an obvious trend.

    What is not obvious to me is why people can't work up the guts to get illicit arms. Whenever someone asks a question about supressors, I tell them that they can get them through the ATF or they can ask a machinist to do it for them "under the table". I usually end up getting 5-6 thumbs down and a few snotty comments from some of you. The day may very well come when the illicit economy will be one of your lifelines. It's better to realize, accept, and practice that now than later.

    Source(s): My opinion
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    NICS reported 1.4 MILLION checks in the month of November.

    Dig in. Grab your wallet now. Who cares if you don't agree with 100% of what certain pro 2nd amendment groups do. We can worry about all that other crap later. Now we need to GET SH!T DONE.

    Like we said about the war 'Fight them over there so we don't have to fight them here.'

    Fight now, with money and time and votes, so we don't have to fight them the other way.

    Too many people like to chant 'from my cold dead hands' but can't be bothered to call or write their senators and reps.

    Hell, this is the time for real action too. No, you don't have to send thousands, but you damn well better give hard consideration to sending $100. Get involved too. You might not be able to afford to take a week off of work and fly to DC to attend the march, but if you think the RKBA is important, you better damn well be willing to spend 8 hours in a car and march on your local capitol.

    All these things are needed, and considering how may true patriots shed blood and lost their lives securing or liberty, a few days and a few hundred dollars are CHEAP.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey Randy,

    This is an issue that I feel strongest about. It gives me chills & makes me sick to know that our basic rights as Americans can just be stripped from us so easy.

    I applaud all who went out and demonstrated those rights in buying AR and handguns.

    Although I could not. Because I am under 21 (20 to be exact) there is a law in NY(and many other states) that do not allow a great citizen such as myself to get a pistol permit. I can go over to Afghanistan or Iraq and die for my country (the country I actually love and care about unlike many liberals), BUT I cannot PROTECT myself and my loved ones?

    I would have never voted for Obama's "change". Because I knew, just like you did Randy, that it would come down to this.

    Makes me sick to my stomach...

    I encourage all of you who read this post, to go to NRA's website (, look at the current pending bills along the bottom, in red, AND make a difference my calling your local gov't.

  • I think everyone that cares about the issue knew this was coming. So yes, these weapons were bought up, I fear that by 2010 guns sales in california will be non existent or much more limited as the governator placed a bill to require pins to be microstamped to reflect gun serial numbers. The main reason for CA gun restrictions is due to all the gangbangers, and will not slow them down getting their hands on banned weapons and using them. I fear as a costal state we will be left defensless should the worst arise.

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