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What grade would you give Obama so far any why?

I give him a "B". He acted on the economy quickly and is going to get us health care. Those are great things. He's finally taxing the rich their fair share to help the rest of us. That's a great thing. I am concerned about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. I thought since he closed Gitmo and banned torture he would stop the war. He's even giving the detainees a fair trial. That's all great too. But he promised to stop the war and now he's sending 50,000 troops to Afghanistan. Plus he said he would withdraw troops from Iraq in 19 months but now says he'll leave 35000-50000 troops there to train the Iraqis. I wish he would take all the troops out. He's gonna cause another 9/11 if he doesn't leave the Muslims alone! Haven't we learned our lesson from 9/11 and Bush? So over all, I give him a "C" plus an extra letter for affirmative action. Total grade = B

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I for incomplete. He's only been in office for 5 weeks.

  • 1 decade ago

    Economy = D His speeches perpetuate the sense of panic or uneasiness instead of reassurance. Massive spending. He may very well be a part of the problem at this point in time.

    Leadership = A People follow him blindly at this point.

    War in Iraq/Afghanistan = B The realities of the office have been thrust upon him. He is privy to more information than the American people need to know, or would have patience enough to listen to. I think he could have gotten an A, had he remained in Iraq just a little longer.

    The media = A He handles the media better than the Clintons ever did. He can do or say just about anything with 90% media agreement and support. In this regard, the media gets an F for failure to act.

    Character = B I believe he will represent our country to the best of his ability and to the levels expected of the office. Compaired to the Clintons (again) I thing he will far exceed their example. Although he looses some for questionable appointees.

    Accountability = F There is no excuse for appointing a tax evader Geithner to the position of the 75th Secretary of the Treasury. He should have been removed immediately.

  • I give a B-. I like that he is taking action and is definitely hands-on. However I just can't seem to be able to wrap my arms around the idea of a 3.6 trillion budget while at the same time cutting the deficit in half. Seems impossible to me and I think he gets a free pass because people like him and he's not Bush. Then again I'm not an expert on budgetary matters so maybe someone can enlighten me on that.

    The stimulus is what it is. The economy needs it but it's obviously flawed with too many sweeteners that inflated that total cost. But I absolutely HATE the upcoming foreclosure bailout to the crooked lenders and the degenerate deadbeats. I know some say that it affects all of us but I have principles and strongly believe in personal responsibility and that trumps whatever value my home may lose. My home is worth less than half what it was just a few years ago, losing a few more thousand is worth it to me in the name of fairness.

    Source(s): independent
  • 1 decade ago

    At this point the empty suit is headed for a big fat F for fraud but could just end up with an I for Incomplete as he keeps breaking promises and changing his mind daily and it just seems as if Bush is still there with just a better speech giver and every one has to agree that actions speak louder than words so lets face it with unemployment,job loses,bankruptcies,foreclosures,repossessions, and troop levels abroad and crime all on the rise and rapidly increasing daily the empty suit is just living up to a little less than half the people that didn't vote for this fool expectations,that's right sports fans MORE OF THE SAME//man he's a phony////

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  • 4 years ago

    D. All he has executed is spend money, and the economic gadget has not gotten lots greater perfect. it would have more advantageous as much because it has(it quite is minimally) without government intervention in any respect. the only reason he does not get an F is with the help of the fact he did precisely what he pronounced he replaced into going to, so he a minimum of accompanied up on his plans. He gets a D because of the fact his plans have been idiotic.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    F. The man is so far off base that it seems like he is in the wrong class or something. I see one disaster after another coming down the pipe as a result. He is spending the country into bankruptcy. His security and foreign policy is ridiculously bad and puts all Americans at risk. It would be hard for me to imagine a worse performance if I tried.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    F. Why does the government need to tax wealthy people more for you to call it "fair" why does the the government need to provide you with health care? Are you a veteran wounded in combat? if not you should go get a job remember another one of your liberal heroes said ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. Seems to me you are not heeding the call, You are sitting on your half moon waiting for a check.

  • 1 decade ago

    D minus

    Obama is Not going to get "get us healthcare". It will never happen.

    Gitmo is not yet closed, Gitmo may NEVER close....they have find Somewhere to put all those prisoners BEFORE they close Gitmo, which may take 10 years.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    F minus. He's destroying the country, And I don't mean that figuratively speaking, He truly is doing irreversible damage. I can not believe how ignorant the American people were to elect this immoral man . God bless.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    I think he's done pretty well so far except for the cheating tax people he keeps trying to get elected into office. He's decisive and smart, after the past 8 years, I had no idea how much we missed this.

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