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Should we give every American $1 million?

From my point-of-view, our tax dollars are being given to bail out incompetent corporations.

Recent news sheds light on the fact that some of those businesses even paid Christmas bonuses to their CEO's with our tax dollars.

And still, these companies are struggling and asking for ever more government help.

So...why not give every American man, woman and child each one million dollars?

This way, we all have an equal shot at paying off the home mortgage, starting that new business, getting that college degree, setting up our retirement fund and otherwise, stimulate the economy.

The added bonus?

It would be a lot less expensive than the billions of dollars we've already spent on some of those companies.

It is, after all, OUR money.

Shouldn't WE have an equal chance to bail ourselves out?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A million isn't what it used to be, why not 10 trillion each? The printing presses wouldn't get any hotter than printing a million each.

    Imagine the next morning when you are thinking you can buy the company you work for or quit your job or buy a house. Suddenly the thing you want is worth 1,000,000X times what it was yesterday. So your money wouldn't buy you a flat screen tv let alone a business and that money in your 401K is now worth less than a tube of toothpaste.

  • 1 decade ago

    Greetings; Yes I am with you on that, seeing that I myself am an evangelist. I see the needs of all humans and animals everyday of my life. God just recently instructed me to build a web site I would appreciate it if you would, visit it. It is a christian nonprofit organization I would like for you to visit. The only money I have to live on is combined with my wife's and we canhardly get by. Yet somehow God has provided me with the funds to do as he told me to do I am in Madison's who's who magizaine and i certainly wish they would give me any monies so that I could help any and all americansand yes in other countries. However I really do agree with you. I would like the goverment to do just as you said. Rev Ronald Stinson

    Source(s): Personal experence with helping adicts,poor, the homeless, abused children, wives, and families, ect.
  • 1 decade ago

    When are you going to run for President? You certainly have my vote!

    Why didn't you already run for President?


    Are you the President? (Lets hope)

    I'm with you!!!!! Why shouldn't WE be able to use OUR money to bail ourselves out?

    There should be a cut off though, so the rich don't keep getting richer, and the poor keep getting poorer.

    Even if they only gave the million to every, "head of household", person and not every American, what a difference it would make in American lives!

    I would, people like us would, at least appreciate a bail out!

    So to answer your question.......YES!!! We should!!!

    Source(s): LIFE and TAXES
  • 1 decade ago

    The money they are blowing is nowhere near the amount necessary to give every citizen one million dollars. Not even close.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think a pack of dogs could make better money decisions then the American Government.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Inflation would be awful...

    AND if everyone had 1 million dollars cost of living would go way up.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would take 1 million dollars haha...

  • Danny
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Makes sense to me

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    thats a horrible idea....theres a thing called inflation you know

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