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zapcity29 asked in SportsHockey · 1 decade ago

Coach's corner made me think (read on)?

After playing a Crosby sound-bite where Sid intimated disdain for Ovechkin's goal celebrations, Don Cherry went after Ovechkin for acting like a soccer player and then compared his celebration "act" to Sean Avery-like behavior.

So, here's the two-part question:

1) Is Crosby a hypocrite for making his remarks regarding Ovechkin just ONE DAY AFTER he himself jumped to the glass versus the Flyers in celebration of a goal, a la Ovechkin?

2) Do you agree with Cherry that goal celebration should be contained to a raised stick and that anything beyond that is inappropriate or are these displays of emotion/personality good for fans and good for the game?


Justin, Pierre Turgeon got clocked by Dale Hunter after scoring a goal. He didn't even have a chance to raise his stick before getting steamrolled so, if a guy's gonna hate, he's gonna hate. Does excessive celebration incite more aggressive behavior? Maybe, but if the alternative is to watch a bunch of emotionless robots, I'll gladly take what Cherry defines as "hot dogging".

Update 2:

VIP, I recently watched a 12u girl's hockey match where one of the gals completed a hat trick on the 10th goal, in a 10-1 game. She proceeded to take one glove off to wave 3 fingers at the crowd. That one got a 'wow' from me on SO many levels...

Update 3:

VIP, her coach sat the hot dog's rear on the bench for the rest of the game. She was a gold-medal Olympian and was embarrassed beyond words by the antics of her player. That didn't stop me from greeting the coach with three-finger waves for a week or two, though.

Bob, out-STANDING! Cherry type that himself or did he dictate from the set between wardrobe changes?

Update 4:

Erica, I guess multiple outlets captured the quote out of context. I read those same comments in reference to the celebration and thought Cherry was showing the very clip I had read about earlier in the week.

Might Crosby be using "like it or lump it" in all of his answers? Maybe he has a running bet going with his teammates. You know, like "how many times can you sneak the word "meow" into a conversation?

You're right, though, if he WAS referencing taunting, then screw him. Whining is the stupid person's version of taunting as far as I'm concerned. If you don't have the wit or imagination to be a smart-***, you cry...

I hope you realize that I was pulling your chain right there. Yes, I like to taunt but, at this point, I'm just deeply saddened that I have asked a question that has upset you. No, that wasn't a continuation of the grand taunt. That was me doing sincere.

I'm just glad we can both agree that Don Cherry is a complete blowhard. The SC87 dispute begs further debate...

18 Answers

  • Erica
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I really wish this question didn't exist.

    Why? Because now the people who have read it will go around thinking or calling Crosby a hypocrite when that is not the case. (So far in this situation, at least.)

    1) First of all, I'm not a fan of Don Cherry. I decided to watch the Ottawa/Toronto game on a whim, not even knowing it was going to be on CBC's Hockey Night in Canada. Coach's Corner tonight frustrated me instantly because of how that sound-bite was used. It was conveniently put into Coach's Corner where (Sour) Grapes was ranting about Ovechkin's goal celebrations... BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT CROSBY WAS REFERRING TO.

    He was referring to Ovechkin running around hitting people. Go to 1:15 to see the interview:

    2) I like Ovechkin. I like his enthusiasm for the game, and I don't mind his goal celebrations. Some say he should act like he's scored before. I think there is something special about the way he's excited like every goal is his first. He loves to score, and the NHL has been all about finding ways to increase scoring in order to promote the game and make it more exciting.

    However... it's not those theatrics, goal celebrations, that Crosby was asking about (specifically referring to Ovechkin) in the same interview as the sound-bite from Coach's Corner. It was the taunting:

    I don't like the taunting. Yeah, I'm sure someone's rebuttal to that would be that they don't like "the whining". To that I ask, without getting into a discussion about Crosby's whining, why is it okay for Ovechkin to taunt, but Crosby should be blasted for "whining"? Didn't your mothers teach you that "two wrongs don't make a right"?? :b

    ADD: Aww, naw, I'm not upset. By you, at least. It's all Don Cherry's fault. He should stick to blasting Crosby, too. Actually, ironically, he's called Crosby a hotdog before. Haha.

    Hmm, Crosby has gotten a little outspoken (still PC in his word choice, but it's a step in the right direction--- that is, not sounding like some of kind of boring robot). Crosby further called Ovechkin out, which is also further proof of him having disdain for the taunting and especially the "running around":

    Ovechkin found Malkin after the game though and apparently insisted that he wasn't trying to injure Malkin, that he was just playing his game. I believe it, that Ovechkin just loves big goals and big hits. However, that doesn't mean the way he does it can't hurt someone. (But this is hockey and there's always a risk of that...) Anyone remember the Briere incident though? It's at the beginning of this:

    Anyway, Crosby said, in that article, "That's a strength of his... He's a physical presence out there, and you can't take that away from him. But there's a way to do it, I think." So I don't think he expects Ovechkin to STOP hitting him... rather, he just doesn't like the way Ovechkin does it.

    ...But Ovechkin said to the media after the game, "That's my game. It's not cheap shots, it's a game moment. But he doesn't like it, it's his problem." It's a great big NHL soap opera in itself.

    Meanwhile, Gary Bettman is touching himself to the thought that everyone is talking about Crosby & Ovechkin again. For awhile there, people had started talking about Toews, Kane, the Sharks, the Wings, the Devils, etc... and that's no good!

    AWESOME BILL - Crosby knows that goal was handed to him, that it was a break. He was excited to get a bounce go his way with only around 2 minutes left because it broke the tie and it looked like the Pens could win. He actually said after the game, “It was really a good break... You can’t really blame the goalie.” Here's the recap with the quote:

    Source(s): Penguins fan. Pittsburgh native & resident. Crosby fan. Ovie fan. Famous words: Why can't we all just get along? (We can all be united in our disdain for Don Cherry, right??)
  • 1 decade ago

    1: I think that no matter what Crosby says everyone will jump on him. He would serve himself well to keep opinions much more to himself, especially thoughts he shares with Cherry because Cherry might as well put on a Crosby cheerleading outfit (not a bad idea, he cant look much worse in a skirt than in some of those clownsuits).

    2: I am all for celebrating goals to a degree but anymore it seems like some guys take things just a bit too far. I was always coached to act like you've scored before, dont run around like you just scored the Stanley Cup winner. The ones that bother me are when a team is blowing out the other yet when they score their 5th or 6th goal they act like they scored an overtime winner. The players need to understand the situation and celebrate accordingly before Bettman comes up with the boneheaded idea of a penalty for celebrating ala the NFL. Most fighters respect their opponent after an asswhipping and dont act like they won a world fighting championship, the goal scorers should be able to enjoy a goal without taking things too far and disrespecting an opponent. If a guy (like Ovie) wants to bump the glass I have no problem with that as long as that ends the celebrating but too often we see the guy "riding the stick" half way down the ice or jump on the glass 2 or 3 times and then go celebrate with the team on the ice before the glove tap at the bench. Or the guy who scores then does the knee slide to center ice then turns back toward the opponents net to celebrate with the guys.

    Source(s): Zap...I hear you. That kind of stuff is sad at every level yet I would bet most coaches and parents say nothing anymore. Any of my coaches would have benched me for the next game for an act like that. But times are different, my playing days were in the late 60's, 70's and early 80's and now just pickup hockey and a short over 45 league (I am oh so close to to my AARP card and over 50 leagues). It really bothers me to see that kind of stuff happening far too often now at nearly every level. Like my coaches always preached...enjoy your accomplishments but respect your opponent and the game itself at all times or risk having it taken away from you.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1) Crosby is turning into a whiner, so he should shut his mouth. He's not Gretzky, he should just be worrying about his own game instead of everyone else's. When he's been in the league ten years and has set some scoring records, then he'll have room to talk. I sense a little bit of jealousy on his part.

    2) Yes and no. Depending on the game and the goal. A goal that puts your team ahead by two goals in a December game should not be celebrated the same way a double overtime goal in the Stanley Cup Final should be.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Crosby does his fair share of celebrations, it's not on a level with Ovie but he's not a CCCP player back in the day. Pitts lost the game and #87 does what he has been doing a lot which is run his mouth.

    2. I think it depends, it's not like the whole league is doing it's mostly the Capitals, I think next year things will start to tone down. I don't think it's getting to a soccer level, the glass jump has been around for a while, I don't like when player dive on the ice or fall down now that is pretty silly. I perfer low key cellys, I think the NHL would step in if it got to a soccer level but a little color isn't so bad

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  • Comments:

    Cherry wasn't just announcing that it inappropriate but that it was dangerous as well. He mentioned that some day some rough defense man was going to knock there block off. I don't think that will ever happen though maybe back in his day it might happen but it's a different game today. If anyone were to get hurt it would be while they're jumping around and celebrating.

    1) Yes, Crosby was hypocritical when he said it.

    2) Yes, I like watching Ovechkin add excitement to the game

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Oh my gosh, that's so nice. Everyone's always focused on winning by a lot and frankly, I don't think most teams would have the courage to do that. If I knew that and I was the coach or a player, I would do the same. That act of kindness was so nice there's not even an exact word to describe it. I was just awed when I read that, no one has any sportsmanship anymore. Most teams are mean and play dirty, but that was just nice to read:)

  • 1 decade ago

    Absolutely, Crybaby's a hypocrite. He just needs to run his mouth to make himself feel better. I think he feels like Ovie's starting to get more attention like he's gotten since he's become the "Face of the NHL." Now he's getting frustrated not only with his team's performance, but with the fact that people are starting to really love Ovechkin and his style of play, and they're giving him more attention.

    No, I don't agree with him. Those kinds of emotions remind you that there are still athletes out there that are playing because they truly love the game and not just because they're getting a fat contract. I'm a Caps fan, and I love him AND his celebrations. I know that I'd love to be behind the glass when he celebrated. Unless he's going up to the other team and getting in their face and taunting them, than I think people should stop thinking about how he should or shouldn't celebrate and focus on the game.

  • thelau
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I only heard bits and pieces of that myself, so I'll take your word on what was said.

    1) Yeah, but a penguins fan mentioned to me that Crosby meant that he didn't like Ovechkin "running around hitting people." I thought it WAS about the celebrations myself, but either way, he's a hypocrite: he's a freaking hockey player, of course someone's going to run around and hit people.

    2) No, I don't agree with that. A goal scored is just as exciting as a spectacular save and deserves the emotions (although, it would be stupid and a little harder for a goalie to celebrate a great save). As long as there's some kind of sportsmanship involved, where's the harm?

  • 1 decade ago

    1) I think players should not complain about other players off the ice. Not smart just giving motivation to the other guys. Crosby is a great kid but sometimes he should just keep his mouth shut, there is nothing to be gained by criticizing a fellow player.

    2) Different guys celebrate in different ways, i like seeing the emotion. I don't like the big celebrations if you just scored the goal that makes it 6-1 though. Ovechkin's are a bit over the top but not in an "in your face" sort of way. You can tell he truly loves the game.

    Don is the biggest hypocrite, complains about Ovechkin then he shows a goal by an Edmonton fighter where he celebrates a bit excessively.

  • SAGE
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I hate a showoff.It's much better after a goal to act like is was totally what you expected to happen and you could do it at any given time. As for Crosby ,this season has been a slap in the face for a guy who has had things always go his way.Maybe he's growing and maturing?

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't like the showboat crap some of these guys do. Yeah, celebrate when it an overtime winner, or the goalie is pulled and you tie it up with 3 seconds left. But a couple minutes into the second period, get real, its just a goal. Cherry will criticize any guy that not Canadian, we all know that. All I know is, if a guy is gonna be a hot dog when he scores, it gives me more motivation to want to head hunt the guy when he is out there.

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