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Christians, how is introducing God knowing the "truth"?

When the question is raised of how our reality came to exist, does it make sense to introduce God? As in, our reality composing of our subjective truths, being introduced to a being that lives outside that reality of existance and it's laws.

You're answering a mystery with an even bigger mystery, don't you see? If God exists outside our reality, isn't that just making us farther away from an actual solution?



"If "truth" can be told so as to be understood, it will be believed." - Terence McKenna

11 Answers

  • Rene
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    God is truth.

    John 8:32

    Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Truth is bigger than understanding. As there are few people who can study both rocket science and micro biology in the same life time, so is God so huge that the human mind can not fit Him all in. Our minds are so small compared to the understanding of God that it would be easier to fit the ocean into a thimble than to fit God into our minds. God exists, our yearning for Him is written on our heart, and proof for His existence can be found in His miracles (acts that don't follow the order of the rest of our universe)... Here's a good book

    When you find the truth that is God it will have the same order as His creation but it will be bigger than you. You will be able to dig deeper and deeper and deeper and never get enough of the miracle that is God.

    If God was small enough to fit into the human mind, He would not be God.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We believe in faith Hebrews11:1&6. And everytime Jesus Christ my risen savior answers another prayer, my faith grows even stronger. I praise Him for in July 8th 2009 5 years of no alcohol, illegal drugs, mothers day this year 3 years no smoknig nor dip, tobacco products period, I haven't even had sex this year. My walk with King of kings and Lord of lords grows stronger everyday. I praise Him in the good times and even in the bad, since Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow He never changes. Hallejulah praise God the anointing flows even stronger now as I draw closer to Him in everyway! Plus John 14:6 I will not put my eternal soul in such jeperdy I will go to heaven as Jesus promises. Plus all the miricle healings I have experienced.

    Source(s): The stories of my life, the Holy Bible, and prayer and fastings
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you need to leave the subjective side and come over to the objective side of things

    man is and always will be fallible, his ways are humanistic and self serving

    the Bible offers a standard that never changes unlike a mans mind which is easily blown off course with each passing wind or poll.

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  • 1 decade ago

    God made us with finite minds - there are things that we will never know/understand. That doesn't mean that we can't pursue knowledge (we should), but part of the mystery (and beauty) of faith is accepting that there are forces larger than ourselves "out there".

  • 1 decade ago

    The Bible is the most powerful instrument in promoting atheism.

    Joshua 10:12-13

    Then spake Joshua to the lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, "Sun stand thou still upon Gibeon and thou, Moon in the valley of Ajalon."

    And the sun stood still and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down the whole day.

    We live in a heliocentric universe. The Sun does not move. Joshua should have said, "Earth stop rotating!", or something to that affect. Stopping the moon is another matter altogether.

    Everyone KNOWS this is wrong. It defies scientific fact and common knowledge.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i do no longer understand if He allowed it to take place or no longer. If He did, then it unquestionably does no longer be something that turns my abdomen or makes me doubt. God has one concern, it quite is your immortal soul. by utilising "your" I mean you, as somebody, repeated 6 billion cases over. He cares for each individual, as somebody. If He could take your existence to save your soul, he will, and you/we could consistently thank Him for it. consistent with possibility He knew that by utilising allowing it to take place, He does no longer lose from now on souls to Hell, yet could benefit souls to Heaven. consistent with possibility lots of the folk who died that day have been stored while they reached out to Him. consistent with possibility, if someones soul went to Hell that day, it replaced into as a results of fact He knew they could in no way substitute. as a results of fact, consistent with possibility He did do it to top off the pews and save some greater in the technique. guy enable evil into the international by way of loose will. Now God could artwork with the international as we made it. For and Atheist, that is going to possibly no longer "turn their abdomen" if human beings have self assurance this form, regardless of in the event that they think of that is unquestionably silly. in the event that they could be objective and say "IF" there replaced right into a God, and "IF" Heaven existed, as excellent as all and sundry reported it replaced into, and "IF" God quite acted in the way as defined above, "THEN" it could make sense. they might say, "i do no longer think it, yet while/THEN that is not monsterous in any respect".

  • Karl P
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    He IS Truth!! (John 14:6.)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God IS the reality PERIOD !!

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't try to reason with the believers, they'll figure it out sooner or later.

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