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Kristen asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 1 decade ago

Could I maybe pregnant?!?

Ok first off, I know I am going to hear why don't you take a test? I plan on it tomorrow morning, but just wondering if anyone else had these same kind of symptoms.

My husband and I are trying for baby #1 since September, I came off the pill the same time, and October, November and December I had my period on time. Last month, I started spotting on the day I was supposed to get my period (which never happens) and I took a test three days later and it came out negative. About an hour later I got my period but it was only for like 3 days, usually I bleed for 5. Well this month I started spotting the day I would get my period and then three days later I started bleeding. I only bled for a little bit the first day, a little heavier the second and VERY little the third with it ending in the middle of the day. Well the last few days, I have been have lower back pain and my stomach just doesn't feel right. There's no cramping but I do have sharp pains in my right side, like where my ribs are and my stomach sounds like it's growling like I am hungry ALL day but I am not hungry at all. I also have a hard time zipping up my pants, but I don't know if it's from me being bloated or what.

Did anyone else have these same problems and found out they were pregnant?

Thanks in advance!

6 Answers

  • J.A.
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I had the bloating before I found out I was pregnant, and thought it was just because of my period about to start. You don't have to necessarily wait until tomorrow morning to test, I did mine in the afternoon and it gave me a positive right away. The morning pee just has a little bit higher concentration of hormones. So if you get a two-pack test, I say test right now and in the morning.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its possible. I had the sharp pains in my side as well. If your test comes out negative I suggest seeing a doctor, just to be on the safe side, considering you have been having abnormal periods. Though spotting can be a sign of pregnancy. Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I didn't have that when I got pregnant. I DID have that for the 1st 3 months after stopping my pills (on birth control for 10 years). My OBGYN told me that it takes an average of 3 months of weird periods before your body regulates normally. I stopped in June and was pregnant by October :-) It doesn't sound like your pregnant it sounds more like your body is getting ready to get pregnant if that makes sense...uh...getting rid of the last of your birth control.

    Source(s): Due July 21st!
  • 1 decade ago

    Your proly just bloated. When you get prego you will only gain like 2-3 pounds in the first month n a half so you will f it in all your clothes just fine. Do you have nasea ? or sore breasts? those are pregnancy symptoms that most people get when they become pregnant. The iragular thing with your period. . . maybe thats from the pill ?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sorry, it honestly just sounds like it's in your head. When you want something bad enough, you can trick yourself into believing it. Still a possibility, but it really doesnt sound like you arent. It can take awhile to get pregnant. Good luck, LOTS of baby dust to you.

    Source(s): 22 weeks with #2
  • I'm 13 and have never had a baby but it sounds like you are.

    Congrats if you are pregnant! =D

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