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Why are creationists less evolved than the rest of us ?

33 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The theory of evolution is a scientific theory that presents no value judgements to processes of evolution. To that extent, species are not more evolved or less evolved than other species; they may be better adapted for particular environments, but that is only relative to other species in particular conditions. To place value on particular traits, particularly to human beings, is to enter a morally dangerous and pseudo-scientific discourse that has been used to justify racism, eugenics and sexism. Simply replace "creationist" with the words "blacks", "Jews", "women" or "disabled people" to see what I'm getting at.

  • Guest
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Because they represent the survival of the spiritually fittest .Not through intellect or indoctrination or different genetics but because Faith is a Gift of God. How can anyone boast of a gift ?

    But to retain the gift one has to be spiritually fit enough to defend it .

    Take a peak at Ephesians 6 which portrays the Christian Creationist as someone involved in an ongong battle against " The Ruler of this World", about spiritual powers in high places. Take a look around your world today and explain perhaps the wonders of evolutionary intelligence. By rights if natural selection favours the best and the best are evolutionists why is the world such a socially bankrupt place?

    Aleady $400,000 trillion dollars in the red, 75% subsistence level or less for most of the population, uncontrolable desease, corruption and worse? Constant fighting and war and you call that Evolutionary advance ? Turn to Creationists for the true prognosis and projected outcome. Turn to Evolutionists and see a wonderful future with the quick fix of genetic engineering to put right what evolution failed to do in our present scenario

    Wake up !

    Source(s): Daily Newspapers on the Evolutionary -perfect intellect of Man! In contrast closely examine the clear projections of creationist media 2.5 K years ago, but accurately updated to 2009 plus in Revelation of New Testament. Any more foolish questions ?
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Use of terms such as "less evolved" just undermines the position of those who support evolution as the only factual explanation of the origin of species.

    As evolution implies that we all ultimately share a common ancestor (which is borne out by the DNA analysis of every living thing so far examined) then it follows that all organisms that are alive today have been evolving for an equal period of time. There is therefore no such thing as "less evolved".

    The fact that creationists insist of believing an explanation of the origin of species based on Bronze Age mythology which goes contrary to all observed facts and evidence is nothing to do with evolution and everything to do with brainwashing, willful ignorance and an inability to grasp simple facts.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, just because one does or doesn't believe in something doesn't change the facts.

    I may or may not believe in God but if he actually does exist, then my belief in him doesn't change the fact that he would exist.

    So, based on that, whether creationists are right or evolutionists are correct, we've both been here the same amount of time.

    P.S. I get what you're trying to say, and it's actually pretty funny. I just thought I'd actually try and answer your question without being silly.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Evolution is not a "more or less" sort of thing. Its a "survivable given the circumstances" type of situation- their lack of intelligence has more to do with their denial of reality than a lack of evolutionary pressure for the brain to evolve.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Super Kitteh - When you find someone who thinks that "the universe created itself", or that it's possible for "something to come into being from absolute nothing with absolutely no cause", let us know.

    Only Creationists spew such absurd notions.

  • 1 decade ago

    Here is a South Park video that explains the evolution process. It's only about 1 minute long;

  • 1 decade ago

    They are the same species.

    If you find a nice creationist girl you can mate with her.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think as a species our evolutionary progress is pretty much the same across humanity. Intelligence however is not.

    Super Kitteh: you can't apply the physical laws of our universe before it even existed. That's just stupid. Open your mind a little.

  • 1 decade ago

    Can we stop the insults please.

    Just because Creationists hold a view which is so laughable and transparently wrong, it does not mean that they are lesser beings. The way to win the argument with them (which I am passionate to do) is to just keep tackling their obvious errors.

    I know this is hard because they say the darnedest things, however, it will be worth it in the end.

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