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Is this the type of discussion anti Christians want?

A member of Yahoo Answers made an unsubstantiated claim that Christianity has caused more death and destruction than anything else in history. I asked them for documentation and received more unsubstantiated claims. I try to answer their accusations and am told I am wrong because I do not agree with them. Then they send me one final message and basically say that I am too closed minded to agree with them and block off contact. Should I assume that this is typical of the people who disapprove of Christianity here, they do not have to prove their statements and if I do not agree with them, no matter what the arguments I use are, I am wrong and intolerant as well as not being open minded enough to understand them so I should be blocked from further conversation. That just seems to be a little to close to what Christians are sometimes accused of doing to not smack of hypocrisy. I would like to know now if this will be typical responses to criticism of views, because if it is maybe I should rethink how I use my time.


I tried to keep your name out of this discussion but if you wish to accept it then go ahead.

Also sources usually mean something a great deal more substantial than 'my professor who I trust told me' I do not know this man from Adam and is not a verifiable source. You gave me no sources to work with or independently check to determine the validity for. I am still open to talk about it, all I ask are sources that I can check to verify.

Update 2:

Cassie, would you like me to quote the sources you gave me?

Jared, that was the point I was trying to make.

mighty, I do not care in the slightest if someone was mean to me on the internet, I am asking if it is worth continuing if we will not get anywhere.

Update 3:

Cassie, I am asking your permission to do so, if it is granted then I will.

imagine, I do not agree with that statement either, it is people not institutions.

jeff, true, but we are also called to be in the world to provide explanation.

aaron, I am asking if this will be a general trend.

cal, I have no intention of engaging in war.

Lady, if I had been given sources to check I would not have a problem.

Blessed, the problem is my study of history and my degree in the field show me differently.

Update 4:

I was told, without citation that

"So the Catholics aren't real Christians either? Since they murder people down in South America?

And the Evangelicals aren't real Christians, since their missionaries rape young girls?

So every Christian sect that does something evil and disgusting isn't really Christian?

I was looking for citation for the claims against Catholic and Evangelicals here.

So what? Fundamentalists in AMERICA are politically motivated when they gun down doctors who perform abortions, but that doesn't mean their reasons weren't religious. If they weren't fundamentalist nutjobs to start with they wouldn't have done it.

Deny it all you like, but the body count that your religion creates speaks for itself. The history pages speak for themselves. The idiots on YA who threaten people with "hellfire" and even personal harm speak for themselves.

Update 5:

Your religion has a higher death toll than any other single organization that has ever existed. The Nazi's, the USSR, the Muslims, whatever you care to name - Christians have killed more. A LOT more.

With such an impressive body count, how can you claim it's just "a few bad seeds?" History shows that the "bad seed" is actually Christianity itself.

I asked for verification on the numbers.

There you go again, claiming that every Christian sect that does something bad "isn't Christian." How can that be true when EVERY SINGLE SECT has done something bad?

The USSR, Communist China and the Nazi regime COMBINED have a death toll of about 100 million if you take the moderate estimate, which is still less than the death toll for Christianity pre-1900 alone.

But you can't actually include all of those figures, since at Romanian Christians were actually fervently involved in the Holocaust genocide, and Hitler himself was a Christian, and so was Stalin.

Update 6:

The Christian death toll ranks in the hundreds of millions. No other organization even comes close to that.

And how do you add that up, when less calculable causes of death like exile are also a huge contributing factor? You also have to account for population size differences. Christians have destroyed entire races, even if their total head count was only a few million.

I wanted to know the exact number myself, so I asked a history teacher and former professor I knew. This man was a devout Catholic, by the way.

I asked him how many deaths are attributes to Christianity. He looked at me incredulously and said "How many stars are in the sky? That's about the same number."

Christians have killed so many people that it's actually impossible for us to count them all.

I'd have a lot more respect for you if you could just admit it and say you don't care and you'll believe anyway. But I have no respect for liars.

So far the only source I have seen is an unnamed professor.

Update 7:

Hitler was a Christian, and was a Christian until the day he died begging for admission into Heaven. But he was also a very shrewd man. The reason that communism/fascism and theocracy never co-exist is because they cancel each other out. You can't have someone following two different cults.

So, Hitler decided (correctly) that he would have a better chance of getting away with a secular cult than a religious one because everyone is aware of how much damage religious cults have done. Secular cults were not suspect back then. If he was such an atheist, why did SO MANY Christian cults follow him, and assist in his genocides?

If the majority of people in a given religion practice at the very least intolerance, and the worst straight-out crimes against humanity, then yes, I CAN blame the entire organization. By your definition, there ARE no real Christians. The Bible itself condones acts of violence and exclusion. I've read it twice. I know what your book says.

Update 8:

I've provided you with sources. You've chosen to ignore them. Because you can't keep your faith when you know that your religion is responsible for the most despicable acts of man kind. So you have chosen to ignore the facts rather than give up your faith.

So what is there left for me to say? You've made your choice. I won't waste any more time on this when I could be talking to someone more open-minded who may actually help put a stop to the grief your religion has brought into the world.

I have not seen one verifiable source, if I am wrong will someone point it out for me so that I can apologize. All I wanted was an open discussion, but to have that I needed details and then was denied them.

Update 9:

And by the way Cassie, please do not insult the friendships I have, I have not personally attacked or insulted you at all. You know next to nothing about me, aside from the fact that I disagree with you on somethings, that does not give you leave to insult my friends nor myself. I have tried to be civil and polite and have tried to keep you out of this in a personal way and have gone out of my way to ask permission to use what you have written, I do not deserve your ire for this, please do not needlessly insult me or my beliefs without verifiable truth from cited sources.

Update 10:

Joe, I thought I was trying to understand a perspective.

Leader, I know that but I am seeking to see how I can do what I need to do more effectively

MEdn, I am sorry you feel life is hopeless, I can assure you that it is not.

Dan, politics is still a tool of people, that is my point, it is individuals who caused the suffering.

4bz, Thank you for the insight, I appreciate it.

shorty, Google does not tell why people find the arguments compelling, that was what I was trying to understand.

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are a lot of people out there just waiting to tear down Christian (and other religious) beliefs.

    One thing that should be remembered is that you cannot argue against one who makes illogical claims because most of the time they are just trying to piss you off. The anonymity of the internet gives them the power say things that they would be too scared to say in real life. So here is some advice. Pick your battles. Most online arguments about religion will not end well for either party, and both will probably end up looking like idiots.

    Take your arguments to people who are willing to listen, and you yourself also need to be willing to listen. That doesn't mean that you need to give up your beliefs however.

  • Dante
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    True, religion is responsible for millions of deaths. But the despots of the last hundred years have done well to remind us that the perpetration of political violence is the number one all time favorite source of organized death. I would go so far as to make an unsubstantiated claim that the toll is even more than from Fox's Book of Martyrs.

  • 1 decade ago

    My experience, having only been in here a week, is if you're looking to ask atheists a question, maybe half will give you ok answers, and one will give you a good answer. Being that you have a degree and are looking forward to educating people about Christ, you will probably be able to get through to some, even if you don't hear about it.

    Most posts seem to get about 80% non-Christian, and about half of those seem moderately to extremely hostile.

  • 1 decade ago

    That was me, and I was right. I provided you with sources, which you ignored.

    I blocked you because I would rather save my energy for people who are willing to listen to the facts, rather than dismissing proven facts. You could have said "I don't care." But you didn't. You said "that's not true." Well, it is.

    I don't care if you believe in God - but belonging to a religion is tantamount to supporting oppression and genocide.

    EDIT: I provided you with a plethora of sources, studies, and historical facts as well. You are choosing not to say that because you know it will make you look like the idiot you are.

    EDIT: I don't care what you do. Honestly, it was a waste of my time to even deal with you. Are you so desperate for approval on the internet that you want to post an entire 20-email discussion?

    Sad. Find some real-life friends.

    Source(s): Atheist.
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  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    it's just bunch of ppl. who answer here. if u are looking for documentation ur better off with google.

    they do not have to provide u with anything, and when they do, it's up to their discretion. if u get blocked then something just didnt sit right with that person the way u may have come across to them.

    i know that each of us, one form or another, craves the knowledge. but it is really up to us where we get our answers.

    edit: i thought it might be a start for a little research for u. getting info right from a source itself, not the personalized version that we pass on.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I can't provide any resources to back me up, however through my ten years of research, that claim is accurate. Many wars throughout history were blessed by churchs or fought in the name of Christianity.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This site is full of jerks who come here to blow off steam and just want to make people mad, but there are some genuinely intriguing questions to be asked, and those are the ones that tend to have some good answers. Just stay away from ridiculous statements

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I don't know, but as it's a massive generalisation, my guess is no.

    I particularly like the "you're too closed minded to agree with me"... that one involves some logical tumbling.

    Anyway, people have the right to be mean and disagree with you, even to make claims they can't necessarily support and ultimately to block you.

    If people didn't, R&S wouldn't have much going on most days.

  • 1 decade ago

    You just had an unfortunate encounter. Most who are serious about their claims will take the time to research it a bit and have references ready to show to to back up their claim.

    After reading Cassie's post... did you ignore her sources, Mrglass?

  • 1 decade ago

    Christianity doesn't cause death. A religion by itself can do no harm. It takes people, with their inherently idiotic minds, to twist it to their own agenda and use it to their evil advantages, whatever they may be.

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