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Pro Life Or Pro Choice?

I personally advocate pro life but I also advocate responsible freedom of choice under certain conditions and circumstances.

Obama Takes Next Step to Scrap Protections for Pro-Life Doctors

on Abortion

Washington, DC -- President Barack Obama has taken the next step

to remove the new protections the Bush administration put in

place to protect pro-life medical centers and staff who do not

want to do abortions. The protections provided better enforcement

for existing conscience laws for medical professionals.

The Bush administration put the protections in place after

learning that medical centers and staff were facing increasing

pressure to be involved in abortions despite three federal laws

prohibiting such discrimination.

Obama officials had told media outlets that the president wanted

to merely clarify the existing rules, but the administration

published in the Federal Register a proposal to rescind the

pro-life protections entirely.

You can submit comments against the proposal via email at


Full story at http://www.lifenews/ .com/nat4893. html


President Barack Obama to Force Funding of Embryonic Stem Cell


Washington, DC -- President Barack Obama will sign an executive

order on Monday that will force taxpayers to fund destructive

embryonic stem cell research. Obama had been expected to sign

such an order soon after taking over the White House even though

the research involves the destruction of human life.

See http://www.lifenews/ .com/bio2775. html

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Already called my Congressman, and both Senators. Went on record as opposing, forbidding the government using my tax dollar to fund murdering unborn humans, to fund organizations that promote it, or using murdered infants for medical research. You know, judgment day and all.

  • mety
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    First of all, this is NOT something the Federal Government has ANY business in. PERIOD.


    This is a private, medical issue between a woman and her doctor, who has NEVER been forced to perform ANY procedure they don't want to, EVER. No doctor, has EVER been required to do anything but save the life, after that, it's their option whether or not to perform ANY procedure. This is so of ANY DR., a plastic surgeon, for example can refuse to perform a "nose job" on a child if they think the procedure is not in the best interest of the child.

    This was Bush, pandering to his Christian Conservative (NOT) base. Same for the "partial birth" abortions, they were NEVER available "on demand", they are ONLY performed to save the life of the mother, so by banning them, he was NOT giving life to a baby, he was giving the death sentence to the mother. Abortion "on demand" if you will, has only been available BEFORE the fetus is considered "viable" in other words, before it could survive outside the womb if it were born early, usually before 24 wks, after that, the ONLY reason a Dr. would be able to perform one would be to save the life of the mother, and this was the case before Bush blew smoke at the issue. If a Dr. doesn't want to perform an abortion, THEY DON'T HAVE TO, never did. This is a "straw man" issue.

    The issue that DID come up was pharmacists deciding NOT to give the "morning after" pill to women, and also refusing to return her prescription so she could get it filled elsewhere. They did the same with birth control pills - NOT their call. If they don't want to dispense the prescription the Dr. wrote, then they need to find another job. The morning after pill is NOT an abortion pill, its a PREVENT pregnancy pill, designed especially to PREVENT pregnancy and lessen the need for an abortion.

    Abortion should be safe, legal and RARE.

    As for the stem cell research, the embryos not implanted are always destroyed anyway. When someone goes for artificial insemination, many eggs are harvested and fertilized, then implanted, the rest are either frozen for future use, (and ultimately used later) or destroyed. "Octo-mom" is a good example of WHY you don't implant ALL the embryos that are fertilized. Stem cells grow into whatever body part they are implanted in and could, potentially help cure people of terminal illness or enable them to walk again.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Partial birth abortions should be the 1st thing to go.

    I'm pro-life.....I understand outlawing abortions completely is unrealistic at this point but we should at least take steps like outlawing partial birth abortion. It's ridiculous for an abortion to take place past the first tri-mester.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Pro Choose life.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am Pro - Life and Anti Abortion! I believe Abortion is Murder! How many Ladies want to have a baby and Can't - then others have more than they can afford! So Sad to see this question.

    Peace to All and God Bless! Jane.

    Source(s): Living My Life - Blessed of God!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Pro Life Or Pro death

  • Edg1
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I still find it odd that all this "Women's right to choose" stuff comes AFTER she made her choice. If you do a crime-expect to do the time. If you have sex-expect to have a child.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Pro-choice. In the "land of the free" why are we trying to legislate what women can do with their bodies? Moreover, why are the MEN of the RELIGIOUS right trying to legislate what women do with their bodies? The idea is to separate faith based beliefs from government and the purported "pro-life" argument is entirely faith based.

    Further, with regard to the part about "protections for pro-life clinics who don't want to perform abortions"...the idea behind pro-choice is the CHOICE. Just because abortion is legal and accessible, it doesn't mean that every doctor has to perform an abortion every time a woman gets pregnant. These doctors that don't want to perform them...just don't perform them. The protection should be afforded to the doctors who respect a woman's right to choose and are persecuted, sometimes murdered, for it. Don't force your beliefs about what you think a woman should do with her body onto her, that's un-American. That's fascism.

    As an aside, many pro-lifers are hypocrites as they also advocate executions. Go figure, a barely developed ball of cells deserves more rights than actual human beings, most of whom are wrongly accused based on flawed evidence, but that's a whole 'nother argument.

  • 1 decade ago

    My moral view is that abortion should not be a means of retro-active birth control, however I am not sure if government has a right to impose mine, or anyone else's, sense of morality on this issue and a number of other issues such as gay marriage and euthanasia.

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