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Would the WWE ever screw Taker? Texas screwjob maybe?

I really don't think that the WWE and Vince are that low. I don't think they would screw one of their greatest WWE Superstars. Although, they did screw Bret. So I found it an interesting topic to ask about.

Would the WWE EVER screw Taker?

BQ: If they did, which they won't...what would your reaction be?


There are no right or wrong answers. I'm just curious what everyone thought about the possibility of it...if it happened. I didn't mean to piss people off. It's just a question.

21 Answers

  • Nick
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Doubt it because really the reason for the screwjob was money.And at that time Vince could not pay Bret the amount of money he promised to pay him.And Bret also refused to drop the title in Montreal because after all he is Canadian and McMahon did really turn the american audience against Bret Hart.So the screwjob really occurred because of all that.

    But The Undertaker is currently one of the biggest names on the roster as Bret was in 1997.But Taker is not treating to go anywhere and Vince can well pay Taker.And I would honestly like to believe Vince would not go through with another screwjob especially with The Undertaker because he is such a loyal employee.But to put Shawn Micheals through the screwjob where obviously he could come off as nothing but the bad guy once again is just plain cruel.And honestly Montreal nearly rioted the arena they did go crazy outside the arena however but the worse they did inside was throw things at Shawn,Vince,Brisco and Trips.

    Honestly the odds of that happening are just about none.Vince would not be able to live it down.And that being the second time the media would tear him apart and give him very bad publuicity which McMahon does not need.And I don't think Shawn would go through with another screwjob personally.And The Undertaker is not close to threating to leave for TNA anyways and Vince can pay him.

    BQ: I would be quite surprised and very pissed off.The Montreal Screwjob was such a big topic in professional wrestling.Another one would be very shocking.Especailly Shawn Micheals doing it again.And with someone he has worked with for almost two decades.I don't think it will ever happen but the wwe would be ripped apart by the media.

  • Sas
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Boy, Maddie, you sure know how to put a cat amongst the pigeons huh? LOL...Good Question though!

    It wouldn't happen, like everyone else has said. Mainly because WWE is a solo star these days, and Taker isn't looking to jump ship.

    Bret was advised by Vince that going to WWE would be a good thing, as Vince couldn't stick to the financial agreement of Bret's contract. (Dumb move, signing a guy to a 20 year multi million $ contract when your in a slump!)

    The other reason it won't happen is because the paying fans are much more aware of what happens behind the scenes these days. We wouldn't let Vinnie get away with it.

    Imagine the loss of money WWE would suffer in doing such a dumb move?

    Having said all that though, I'm reminded of the time the Rock came back to WWE and had to decide between joining the Alliance or the WWE. Even then Vince admitted that if it was good for business, he would screw Rock again....

    It doesn't matter if Taker has a good relationship with Vince - Bret did too - Vince just can't be trusted...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Would never happen. Taker has been a loyal employee of WWE for almost 20 years now. In fact, its been reported numerous times Taker has went to Vince wanting to end the streak to put a new talent over, but Vince is a big fan of it and wants to let it ride. They would never screw over Taker legitly.

    BQ: I wouldnt stop watching like other users have said, but Id be pretty disappointed in the WWE for doing such a thing to a loyal employee

  • 1 decade ago

    There are a lot of factors for the Montreal Screw job that aren't in play today.

    For one there is no competition for WWE. TNA and ROH are so far away from where WCW was at that time.

    There would have to be some bad blood between him and Vince.

    I would go on, but there is 0% chance of it happening for real, now for an angle anything can happen.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Anything is possible, especially if he were to piss of Vince McMahon, however it is unlikely, because the Undertaker isn't going to another company. There is no reason to screw over 'Taker, unless, as I said, he pissed someone off.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why would a screwjob be involved with Undertaker's WrestleMania win streak ending? If he was so adamant that he didn't want it to end I'm sure something would be worked out between he and the WWE. And what incentive would WWE have to screw him anyway? It wouldn't make sense

    BQ: "If they did, which they won't"- why ask the question then? Seems like you are trying to stir up something that isn't there.

  • 5 years ago

    I don't think the streak will ever end. But if it were to end, I think it would be a young future star that would end it because it would really help build their career and guarantee them a bright future. Someone like HBK is already a legend and an established superstar so ending the streak would not do as much for his career than it would for a a younger star.

  • 1 decade ago

    The WWE might screw The Undertaker at Wrestlemania, thanks to HBK. But, that's not gonna happen because the WWE has plans to have Undertaker retire after Wrestlemania *26* and hopefully he goes 18-0!

  • Of course not. For one, Taker doesn't need to put over HBK. Second, Taker isn't leaving the WWE so why piss off someone who will still be an employee? Hart was on his way out the door so they didn't give a crap anyway.

  • no chance in hell because i know they did it to bret but that was different because the wwe was the bigger of the two and im not saying that the undertaker is bigger then the wwe but if they ever did they would lose a heck lot of fans. one reason they would never do it because bret would pass the torch to shawn but undertaker always sets a good example and is willing to push young stars and stay out of th elimelight for the most and only keeps glory for wrestlemania

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