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How can lots of people say that they don't feel safe with Obama as prez but lived with Bush for 8 yrs as Prez?

And they didn't say not one word against him ??


As dangerous as he was ??

Update 2:

To::bailie28 >> if Bush had such balls why didn't he volunteer for Vietnam instead of just joining the National Guards where he knew 9 times out of 10 that he was going to be safe when it comes to going anywhere near a battlefield and the same thing goes for Cheney !!! But at the same time they're creating an unnecessary oil war sending someone else babys into a dangerous war zone into harms way and that's a bunch of crap Ok !!!!

Update 3:

To :: april c >>> I was one of the First to arrive at the world trade center to volunteer help to the trapped victims on 9/11 -9/12- and 9/13 of 2001 because I was working only about 1/2 mile away from that attack and Bush haven't made me safe no damn where because by him attacking Iraq for no reason made it worse for us !!!! Trust me because I know . Where are we protected at ?? Maybe you don't know the real deal but I'll be damn if I don't know what time it is !!!

But I know that you and a lot of these people are just as lost as a blind bat about this situation so why waste my time because it just like pouring water over a duck's back expecting for it to sink in talking to a hardcore Bush or McCain supporter anyway

Update 4:

Bush didn't serve in no military !!! All he did was ran some where and hide in the national guards which wasn't **** son !! Now let's tit for tat that son !!!!!!

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because if they criticized Bush or acknowledged all his blunders their party would be nothing. Not that its much now with all the power they lost.

    They are also childish and very immature thinking like they do about President Obama. The man hasn't even been in office 2 months and they're already throwing tantrum's.

    No one even really wants to listen to them!!!!!!!!! They post endlessly with multiple accounts in violation of the rules on here and the only responses they get are from a select few who are just as childish and delusional as them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    President Obama's compassion is a weakness our enemies do not share. He must have the strength to do what is necessary or he cannot effectively lead our men. Bush had the strength to do what is necessary. You speak of balls to volunteer for Vietnam, but that is irrelevant. You asked a question about people feeling safe. Bush has served in the military, which Obama has not served one day. So if you want to go tit for tat let's do this, son!

  • 1 decade ago

    how do even know that you are safe with president who is only in office a few months not even? how dare you say you were not safe under bush! you are here sitting infront of your computer safely typing away, arent you? bush didnt take s**t and thank god for that? if we didnt go in after 9/11 what would have the people in the u.s. said? "oh bush is to soft" but he went in and did the best he could to protect us and"oh look whats happening? we are winnning the war" hmm how did that happen? war is horrible but its a fact it will never go away and its a neccesary evil! obama! we will see when other countries test him and if he does decide to protect this nation then what will you say? that you support him right?

  • 1 decade ago

    Go ask North Korea. They are threatening war because they know obama is weak, an empty suit, and is for working with enemies instead of carrying the "big stick". You can't be a threat to enemies when you are worried about your "image" just like in everyday business. Weak companies get gobbled up by strong companies every day.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It was not President Bush who was rubbing elbows with the terrorist, it's Obama that wants to.

  • geri
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The way you feel about Bush or Obama is not the way everyone else feels. Everyone has different opinions on things.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because Obama has no credibility. Obama is a gelding a true representative of his party

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe you could actually look at history as it happened, rather than as MSNBC chose to tell it?

    Let's see...did we get attacked again after 9/11? Nope. Were many terrorists rooted out and captured around the world? Yep. Were there secret ops missions to take care of this, many of which we're just now learning about (hence the name "secret" ops)? Yes.

    Whether you like the man or not, he did more than you'll probably ever know to keep us safe. Barry, on the other hand, is already pandering to our enemies and pissing off our allies. Yep, I feel real safe...not.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am not afraid of other countries. I am afraid of BO.

    I do not want to be Socialist Communist Country. This is against everything that America is founded on. We will lose all our freedoms. That is not what America stands for.

    It gets worse. Have you heard about the "Re-education Camps"?

    Lets call them what they really are "Detainment Camps". They are for Americans. Look into this. It is important.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bush wasn't dangerous, Michael Moore would love for you to believe that. This is an extreme over generalization

    Bush put policies in place to try to protect us from's not that hard to realize. Have you ever looked into all of the plots that were thwarted due to some of the things in place? Most of the public probably never looks into that.

    Source(s): Obama would rather use diplomacy against those who have no interest in being diplomatic & would just as soon behead you as look at you, and that is why I do not feel safe with him at the helm.
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