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STAT asked in SportsOutdoor RecreationCamping · 1 decade ago

Cost of Food on camping trip?

A group of friends and I, about 6 of us all together are planning on going camping for three days. I am going to go to the store and pick up all the food for the trip, how much do you think it will cost per person, or total for the three days?


6 Answers

  • chris
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    more like $50 unless you want weenies and beans, figure 5 dollars per person per meal 3x3x6x5=270/6=$45 bucks a head and don't forget plates napkins sporks and cups ice snacks n drinks throughout the day. people like to eat well when camping so do right by them and get the good stuff.

    Source(s): been ther done that BSA Scoutmaster
  • 5 years ago

    That is $30 per night x 4 is $120 for camping fees Food figure $10 per person per day at the minimum double that for good food. The best things to do camping are free, hiking, biking playing games etc. so approximate cost would be $500 to $900 not including transportation.

  • 5 years ago

    cost food camping trip

  • 1 decade ago

    first thing you all need to get together and make a menu. will there be snacks soda beer ETC.. that all will effect the cost. if you all get a menu together you can just split the bill. keep in mind the cost of ice and that you will probably need to replenish the ice. also need to keep in mind the storage and cooking of the items you want to eat. don't forget the paper goods plates napkins utensils ETC.. all of witch effects the total cost

    Source(s): camping for 30+ years
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  • 4 years ago

    Average Food Cost Per Person

  • 1 decade ago

    It really depends on if you plan on hunting or fishing for your food and how big of eaters you all are. If you aren't hunting or fishing, I would say about $20 per person is plenty.

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