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Have you ever had a relationship where you got along better with the family than him/her?

I have. They didn't last.


What great answers. I can't pick one. I'll let this one go to the community vote.

Grin & barrett-you were very lucky although I don't think I want any relatives living next door.

15 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, never. I would like to see how it works.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sort of. Never met the whole family, just a cousin. The relationship didn't last more then 6 months but after 20 years I'm still in touch with the cousin. Always liked the cousin a lot better, we got along really well, could joke and play, it just always was so easy hanging with the cousin.

  • 5 years ago

    here's the thing, The reason people cheat is because the relationship they are in is not fulfilling the needs they have. Either sexual for men or emotional for women. If a person cheats it is time for both parties to move on. The percentages for a relationship lasting through infidelity are slim. Most people have a hard time forgiving and/or forgetting.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not really but I loved my in-laws as much as my own parents but I love their son more. Awwwwwwwwwwww ;-) I was so very lucky, the in-laws lived next door to us until they passed away this past year. I only wish everyone could experience the love I felt from these wonderful people. In-laws, next door , it wouldn't work for everyone.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Actually yes, but not the whole family. My first marriage I got along better with my little brother in law then I did with my husband, and no, it didnt last very long. My second marriage I got along better with my father in law, and my husband didnt appreciate his father telling him to shape up and that it wouldnt kill him to push a broom around the floor once in awhile. That marriage didnt last either.

    I can say I have had nothing but rotten luck with mothers in law, both were harpies from hell !

  • sutra
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    OMG. On my third date with my husband he took me to visit and ex-girlfriends parents that he had remained friends with. He told me that he really didn't hit it off with their daughter but he really liked them and stopped by to visit every once in a while. I thought it was weird at the time but he was very honest about it and they were really nice people. Two months later we were married ( that was 38 years ago) and we have remained good friends with them.

  • 1 decade ago

    The mother of my first husband hosted my wedding to my second husband at her home. My ex brother-in-law gave me away. Second husband died. I am still considered part of the family of my first husband. They always treated me like a daughter and it stuck. See the family quite often. Go figure.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I have and it ended up in divorce court. But I am still friends with the family. In fact the step mother in law went with me to see my youngest graduate from basic training in the military and I drove to Alabama and picked her up. Talked to her Sunday. so I have to agree with you on that one.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If I understand your question, you ask if your inlaws got along better

    with you, rather than your spouse? In my case, this was true in the

    very beginning. My MIL tended to nit pick on things he'd do. Just as

    if he were a little boy. She didn't dare do that with me. If she did, it was

    behind my back. Which is how she dealt with her grievances in later

    life. She would talk behind others' backs all the time, and be very crit-

    ical of them. Especially, her sisters.

    My inlaws welcomed me with open arms. My MIL would buy me

    clothes, and knew what sizes to buy. She really impressed me at

    first, with her generosity. She even told me, she'd wanted to have a

    daughter, and now she had one. I made the mistake of telling her she

    was kind, unlike my own mother, and that I cared for her more due to

    her kindness. I later heard from my mother, that she had repeated

    my words to her. I suppose to intentionally hurt her. And she didn't

    know my mother at that time. I don't think my MIL was ever in her

    right mind. Family excused her rants and criticisms. Saying she had

    Scarlet Fever as a child. And had lost all of her pretty red hair. And

    she was never the same after her mom died with her in a car wreck.

    Someone was always there to excuse her bold comments.

    Her attitude changed considerably toward me, after a day of con-

    frontation. I don't remember what caused the outburst, but I told my

    husband, he had to choose between her or me and the kids. And if

    he chose her, we were leaving as soon as I could pack our bags. He

    made the right choice. And my MIL lost her little obedient son forever.

    Since he was her only child, she didn't think much of me, after that.

    We were polite, and that was it. She seemed careful not to overstep

    her boundaries. It wasn't until her mentality got very bad and she had

    more of a split personality, that I learned she referred to me, as "that

    woman". And she made calls about me to whom she had numbers for.

    She cost my husband,his child hood friend, due to her rantings about my husband and myself. He couldn't handle that my MIL called his mom and spread lies to her, and swearing like a truck driver, we were told.

    We had no control over her, and she did as she pleased. She took an

    overdose of pills to get our attention, when a neighbor called us to

    check on her. As she'd just gotten off the phone to a babbling woman,

    my MIL. We found her slumped over and we called the paramedics.

    At the hospital they pumped her stomach after finding the empty

    bottle of pills. She was madder than a wet hen, after three days of

    drying out and getting her mind back. And she theatened to shoot

    whoever put her inside that detox unit and ruptured her hiatal hernia.

    She returned home, and continued with her threats, according to my

    FIL who met us privately away from his home. We never saw either of

    them after that day. Two years later he died of a massive heart

    attack. And she went into a nursing home for awhile. And came home

    and died of mysterious causes. Close relatives felt she was murdered.

    That was one family, I had continuous frama and trauma with. Even extending to the cousins, of which there were many. I was a northerner and an outsider. And that was the distance, in which they held me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes I have and it went over like a lead balloon.

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