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Creationists, is evolution impossible?

Assuming that God created life on our planet, is it impossible for God to have intended to cause diversity in living organisms through the process of evolution?

If so, wouldn't that mean that God is not omnipotent?

After all, as many creationists are so eager to point out, nobody was around in the early stages of Earth's history to witness how life developed, so we don't actually know first-hand what happened. So why would anyone flatly reject a theory as to how God went about how He conducts His own business?

As an atheist, maybe I'm too out of touch with modern religious ideology, but isn't there a rule or something against making bold assertions about what God isn't capable of?


Here's an example of one such person who makes this claim:;_ylt=AkNfb...

I've seen many others on this forum, so I know he's not the only one who feels this way. So what gives?

Update 2:

@ Symplee - You have obviously misunderstood the question. I'm not asking if this is the method that God actually used. Nor am I asking if evolution is a legitimate theory (it is). I'm asking if there is any possibility that God could have used evolution as a vehicle to cause diversity of life. If there is no possibility, then God could not be omnipotent, because evolution would be something that God could not accomplish.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You'll either get no answer from the fundies or a la la la la la finger in the ears type response that has nothing to do with the question. You ask a question in which you are quite correct--yet if you are correct that would mean the bible is allegorical and not literal--and this is something so terrifying that a fundie will not think about it--lest he lose his way.

  • 1 decade ago

    Evolution is a scientific theory, not a religious doctrine (unless of course you happen to be an atheist). Get a grip. It didn't happen.

    How would God's omnipotence be questionable for His choice of methods when those methods would first have had to be created? You can't do that and neither can I. God can, but did He use that method?

    Darwinism is a philosophy and you swallowed it. Evolution is merely a poorly fashioned tool of Darwinism that has been repeatedly revised.

    Throw away the oral tradition that was eventually recorded and there is no witness account. It would be most convenient for your argument to do so.

    You seem to be pushing to the conclusion that if God did not use evolution as His method then He must be lacking in the omnipotent department. Are you sure you have read my answer? I already stated He is capable and He is in fact the Author of all laws that govern us. We are in no position to comprehend, let alone judge the extent of, God's abilities.

    The bold assertions that are being made are not those of believers. The boldest assertion of all lies within the title atheist. Why waste time trying to make the messenger look like a fool when the message has already been delivered and the Author of that message has not changed His mind?

    By the evidence I have seen I would have to conclude evolution is impossible. Mutation can not result in information being added to genes. That means all of the information would have had to be present in the very first organism. There is no reason for all of that information to be there except by design. Too bad your favorite premature conclusion

    excludes the possibilty of God.

  • I actually think that evolution is likely the method God used to create the diversity in life we see today. Does this disprove omnipotence? No, why would it? Perhaps that is just the way he decided to do it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Creationist believe that over a time a species can change. What they balk at is that over a much longer time and a lot of changes a species changes into a different creature.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Not if you believe the Bible to be literally true, which I do. The earth is about 6000 years old give or take a 100 years. The Bible states that there was no death before sin. Since Eve committed the first sin there wasn't enough time for evolution to be true.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not only is it possible, it has happened and will continue to do so in the future.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes! You undermind God's Sovereignty!!

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