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SlRiCr@zy (Knighted by le Queen)

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  • Are there any albums that are similar in sound to IV by Coheed and Cambria?

    I really like the album "Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV Volume I..." by Coheed and Cambria, there isn't a single song on the album I don't consider great, I'm just wondering if there are any similar albums or bands I should check out that come close to matching the sound from this album. My favorite songs from the album are "Welcome Home", "Always and Never", "Ten Speed", and all four "The Willing Well...", so any songs similar to any of those or bands with similar music would be awesome.

    2 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Why are we and everything here?

    Are we just the result of a random event billions of years ago that came to be after evolutionary changes or are we the experiment of some deity? Also why is it so important to people? If we are the work of some deity, why? Is existence, not just of living matter but all matter and energy just pointless? Why is there anything rather than a vast empty void of dark nothing?

    Additionally, why don't people just search for "What is the meaning of life?" rather than ask the same question over and over? I see that question so many times here and although my question is very similar it is different from the average 'meaning of life' question.

    11 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • Is there such a thing as an objective moral?

    It seems to me that morals are merely subjective, ie if person (A) believes wearing black is morally wrong and person (B) believes wearing black is not morally wrong who is right and why?

    Obviously there are general consensuses that almost everyone agrees with ie murder is morally wrong, but is there a why?

    I understand the need for moral opinion for man to function as a society, but what about before any civilization and language, back when man was pretty much just like any other animal? Are moral opinions hardwired into us? It would makes sense considering they seem essential to our survival.

    Oh and for the record, I'm not a sociopath and/or psychopath, just posing a question.

    6 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • Should we consider the evolution of life the evolution of matter?

    I've thought it over and it seems to me that more than just organisms evolving what is actually happening is the evolution of matter. All organisms consist of the basic building blocks of ordinary matter, atoms and now matter has evolved to the point that it's become conscious and can greatly affect other matter ie humans. To me the fact that I am made of individual non-living atoms that separate from me are non-living and not conscious is an incredible thing. What are your thoughts about this?

    8 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • God is omniscient and omnipresent and of course God has a plan, right?

    That's what people always say, "Oh don't worry, God has a plan..." So, God is omniscient and omnipresent and he has a plan, right? So why does his great plan include the murder of children and other such monstrous deeds and atrocities that man commits? Why would anyone want to be a part of that anyway? For your own salvation? That seems kind of screwy to me.

    People have told me before that it's not their job to judge what God does and doesn't do. So he made everything, right? So why'd he make people he knew would murder children? For some fantastic plan!? To Hell with that! Even if a God existed, he doesn't deserve praise, love, and worship. I don't care if he promises me eternal happiness or if he threatens me with an eternity of burning in Hell, I will never worship an idle God. Besides, why's he so pushy, "Love Me!" "Worship Me!" "Go to Hell!" (Ha ha, Bad Humor).

    Anyway, there isn't even any evidence for God's existence, so why believe it? Afraid of dying? Afraid that there's nothing after death, just non-existence, you wouldn't even know.

    Yeah, I know, I'm just some lost sinner and need to find my way to God, yadda yadda yadda, heard that, didn't care then, probably don't care now, Hell for all eternity, check.

    As you can tell, I obviously don't believe in any God.

    Anyway, I know some of you are begging to know, "Why do you care anyway?" Curiosity my friends, it's killed cats, but as always, I elude death.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • God and justification...?

    I don't believe there is a God, of any sort really and I believe that far too many believe in God without question, but that's not really what I want to address, I just thought I'd let you know those things.

    Anyway, say there is a God, and say he is omniscient and omnipresent, that would mean that God is there for and has complete knowledge of the worst things Man has done. Those deeds are pretty horrifying and God just lets this stuff happen? WTF? I know, God has a plan for everything, right? Well I'll take no part in any plan that involves child murder and the likes, be it of God or not. Nor will I ever give praise and worship to any being who lets any such things happen in his prescence. I mean seriously, what an ******. Yet, people follow religions that teach that their God is some all-powerful being and people buy this garbage, they believe that their eternal soul is in jeopardy and that this sky-man is the key to eternal salvation. Where's the evidence? WTF? Am I missing something?

    Who wants to follow a guy who refuses to do anything about mankind's worst deeds? I know I don't, screw any freakin' plan that involves the worst parts of life.

    So how do you justify it, the worst things man has ever done and your God is no where, how does that make you feel?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Convince me that abortion is morally right...?

    First, let me announce to all those ready to spout any sort of religious something or another: I am an atheist and am not here to discuss religion, but rather the morality of abortion.

    Second, I do not believe that abortion should be made illegal, for the simple reason that people would resolve to gruesome home abortions and other such activities.

    Note: I refer to the fetus as "it" so as to not assign it a gender.

    Here is why I believe that abortion is morally wrong. One, whether you believe a fetus is human or not, it will eventually become human when allowed to live, it will become a human capable of loving, laughing, learning, and all the great things I've been alive 23 years to experience. It may grow into a beautiful woman or handsome man, it may live to do great things, it still has it's future ahead of it. It may never be anything extraordinary, just some person like you or me.

    Two, a fetus is not a thing. A thing is like a pencil, a cup, a plate, you know? Things. Do people believe that a human fetus is like a cup? Some ordinary everyday thing? WTF?

    Three, look at babies, they're so cute. Little hands, little feet, at this point in their lives they are completely innocent. Next time you see a baby, think to yourself, that could have been just another abortion, back when it was just a thing, but look at it now, a cute little baby.

    I know, I know, what if a girl was raped? What if giving birth could possibly kill the mother? And all the other what if situations out there, I'm not addressing those concerns, I'm just going to the core, Is abortion morally right?

    Anyway, those are just a couple thoughts I have about abortion. BTW, this is in religion and spirituality category because I know people here feel strongly on both sides of the debate. Please share your thoughts.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Sick joke or complete accident? Creating the Human....?

    Are we humans the depraved comedic outcome of some greater beings sick joke? Or are we just some freak accident just waiting to be cleaned up? We people believe we are by some means a great species here on Earth when in fact we are just an intelligent parasite, how was it then, you believe, that such a despicable creature has come to live and prosper so well on this planet? The work of your deity or does science explain it all?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Urgent, please help me...?

    Doesn't that sound important?

    Anyway, look behind you...


    Look again...

    3 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Christians, serious questions...?

    If God is so powerful, all-powerful in fact, how come he had to send his only son to die for our sins? Can't I alone atone for my sins considering God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving? Why couldn't all-loving, all-knowing, and all-powerful God just forgive us without the suffering of anyone, especially his only son?

    Do you believe in free will and that God has a plan? Then how is it that all-knowing God created you to fit his plan, doesn't this negate free will?

    Why do some Christians push the old "You're going to Hell," thing so much? Is it a Christian's place to judge, discriminate, and be intolerant toward others?

    These are just some questions on my mind and I mean absolutely no offense to anyone, and obviously not everyone's guilty of intolerance and what not.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists, are you still arguing about intelligent design?

    Here is a short, easy to understand story for you. The story is fictional, but that does not change the message nor does it negate the point, as some people would have you believe.

    A scientist presented a scale model of the universe to his peers, it was immense, larger than a football field. It was nearly perfect but still had flaws that weren't easily noticed even by his scrutinizing audience of well educated men of the scientific community. All the laws of the Universe were demonstrated and the crowd was amazed by the sight. Now, of course, questions followed.

    Many of the scientists immediately asked: "Why was this made?"

    The scientist replied: "No reason as far as I can tell, it seems to serve absolutely no purpose."

    The audience, puzzled, asked: "Who made it?"

    The scientist replied: "No one, it just sort of made itself, exactly as it is."

    Of course his audience laughed but soon became quiet, waiting for his real reply.

    The scientist, seeing their disappointment, said: "I'm not kidding."

    The gathering grew impatient and angry, obviously their intelligence was being mocked, they questioned more: "How was it made?" they demanded.

    The scientist calmly replied: "I do not know, yesterday nothing was here except a small, particularly heavy looking mass."

    The audience immediately came to the conclusion that this lone man was crazy and merely wanted to rudely mock their intelligence, quickly they dispersed.

    Now, my question, along with the initial question, is: Are you the scientist from my story or just in the crowd asking all the questions.

    NOTE: You do not know what I believe, don't make assumptions and I won't assume you're a moron. "Lol," and/or "Fail" comments don't mean or prove anything, though they do make me smile. Furthermore I do not believe any of you to be less intelligent than I, I do not know you, but I probably will form an opinion regarding your intelligence pending your answer or lack there of.

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists: You see a painting...?

    When you see a painting, do you believe it is the creation of a painter?

    How come the Universe, in all it's vast complexity and size, can simply create itself, but a painting, so small and simple, was obviously the work of an intelligent being?

    57 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Basic Training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina...?

    What will it be like?

    I've heard it be called "Relaxin' Jackson."

    Will I have my own room or be in a barracks with beds and all the other recruits?

    Do you know of a website with photos of the military installation at Fort Jackson, especially of the living quarters?

    What about Fort Huachuca, Arizona? Is it a nice place?

    7 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Getting ready to join the U.S. Military...?

    I am getting ready to sign up for the United States Military, U.S. Army, what should I expect?

    Boot Camp, what will it be like?

    Sleep and wake times?

    Physical Training?

    Educational Training?

    What belongings can I have with me?

    When will I be assigned a job?

    What is daily life like for people in the Army, not in Iraq?

    Where can I take a practice ASVAB test? ( practice test will not work.)

    2 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Spiritually speaking: Know any good movies?

    Anyone know any good movies?

    Here are my favorite movies:

    In Bruges, Oldboy, Luck Number Slevin, V for Vendetta, Silent Hill, Smokin' Aces, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Minority Report, Resident Evil, The Departed, The Dark Knight, Memoirs of a Geisha, Gran Torino, and Fight Club.

    I have but haven't watched these movies yet:

    Requiem for a Dream and Pulp Fiction

    I don't care if they are foreign, as long as they have good acting, they look good visually, and don't have ridiculously lousy plots. NO UWE BOLL, no offense I just strongly dislike his movies.

    P.S. Movies I hated: 300, Juno, Transformers, Meet the Spartans, and the Epic and Date Movie

    Any websites where I can get movie recommendations based on my preferences?

    I know that this is in the wrong category but this is always a busy section on Yahoo! Answers so I decided to try my luck.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Anyone know any good movies?

    Anyone know any good movies?

    Here are my favorite movies:

    In Bruges, Oldboy, Luck Number Slevin, V for Vendetta, Silent Hill, Smokin' Aces, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Minority Report, Resident Evil, The Departed, The Dark Knight, Memoirs of a Geisha, Gran Torino, and Fight Club.

    I have but haven't watched these movies yet:

    Requiem for a Dream and Pulp Fiction

    I don't care if they are foreign, as long as they have good acting, they look good visually, and don't have ridiculously lousy plots. NO UWE BOLL, no offense I just strongly dislike his movies.

    P.S. Movies I hated: 300, Juno, Transformers, Meet the Spartans, and the Epic and Date Movie

    Any websites where I can get movie recommendations based on my preferences?

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Atheists, Christians, Agnostics and other religious groups, religion is bad...?

    Wait, do you blame religion for the wrongdoings of people?

    If a Christian man kills his family did he do it or did Christianity?

    If an atheist man kills his family did he do it or did atheism?

    Stop granting people amnesty for the atrocities, crimes and other harmful acts they commit just so you can attack and blame their religion.

    Christianity, Muslims and other religions haven't killed anyone, people have, it's moronic to blame the group.

    Here is an example for the ignorant morons out there:

    If I begin killing in your name, for you and your beliefs, does that make you bad?

    If I kill for kittens, are kittens bad?

    Come on now, where is your logic?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • After everything bad religion has caused...?

    Wait, do you blame religion for the wrongdoings of people?

    If a Christian man kills his family did he do it or did Christianity?

    If an atheist man kills his family did he do it or did atheism?

    Stop granting people amnesty for the atrocities, crimes and other harmful acts they commit just so you can attack and blame their religion.

    Christianity, Muslims and other religions haven't killed anyone, people have, it's moronic to blame the group.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Life was created, interestingly enough it was done intelligently...?

    Life was intelligently designed, this cannot be denied. Life was created with the ability to reproduce and evolve. Random cosmic event or the work of something else?

    4 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Life was created, interestingly enough it was done intelligently...?

    Life was intelligently designed, this cannot be denied. Life was created with the ability to reproduce and evolve. Random cosmic event or the work of something else?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago