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Atheists, Christians, Agnostics and other religious groups, religion is bad...?

Wait, do you blame religion for the wrongdoings of people?

If a Christian man kills his family did he do it or did Christianity?

If an atheist man kills his family did he do it or did atheism?

Stop granting people amnesty for the atrocities, crimes and other harmful acts they commit just so you can attack and blame their religion.

Christianity, Muslims and other religions haven't killed anyone, people have, it's moronic to blame the group.

Here is an example for the ignorant morons out there:

If I begin killing in your name, for you and your beliefs, does that make you bad?

If I kill for kittens, are kittens bad?

Come on now, where is your logic?


"i am scott w"

You sir, have no logic and think irrationally...

Update 2:

"The Doctor; Who's your Papi?"

I never said they were religions, smart one.

Update 3:


Sorry, I accidentally gave your answer a low rating, which cannot be undone. You make some good points.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't blame religion for all wrongdoings, just a lot of them.

    If a person kills another, I primarily blame that person for doing the killing. However, there's usually more than enough blame to go around.

    If a Christian man kills his family because his church made him fear that Satan was somehow turning them against him, I think the church has some blame. Even if the man was borderline and might have killed his family anyway, the church's emotional prodding can push him over the top.

    As for atheists killing in the name of atheism, I'm sure it happens, but I don't think it happens much. Atheism is just a lack of a belief. It's not egged on by leaders using indoctrination tactics to keep the "flock" together. Atheists tend to be more grounded in reason, logic and evidence.

    Religion, on the other hand, relies almost solely on emotional tactics to make the person more needy and dependent on the church. It starts its harsh indoctrination on children at an early age and uses various carrots and sticks to force people to become dependent on the religion.

    As they say, good people tend to do good things. Bad people tend to do bad things. But to get good people to do bad things takes religion.

  • 5 years ago

    I try not to let my temper get the best of me and I make sure they know what they are talking about, some people don't actually know what each means and just judge based on what they think it means. I guess after that, I try to show them how religion is not the source of morals and how I am a good person without any threats needed to keep me in line. I guess you could almost say that I teach them about myself and other people who are atheist, agnostic, or any other religions they have misconceptions about; I don't care, I'll stick up and defend any religion if someone has the wrong idea about it. Everyone deserves to be understood before they are judged for what they do and/or believe in.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You're right, sort of.

    But I believe that religion is something that people can be used as justification for a person's evil deeds.

    Sure, people only hurt others and commit wrongdoings because they themselves are simply jerks, but do you think perhaps that if they didn't have religion to hide behind, they'd think twice before causing harm?

  • 1 decade ago

    Atheism and agnosticism is not a religion, smart one. We have no written codex on how to act.

    As quoted by Dawkins; "Trying to gather atheists, and for that case, agnostics, together is like trying to herd a bunch of cats"

    No-one can kill in the name of atheism. It's like trying to kill in the name of an aerosol can.

    Source(s): Who's your Papi?
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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't blame the religion unless the religion teaches the hatred behind the act.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is possible that a person may kill because of the influence of the beliefs they have adopted religious or non religious. It is also possible that they killed for unrelated reasons.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If your holy book says "do not suffer a kitten to live", yes, your religion is bad.

    So yes, I can blame Christianity for, say, burning witches and condoning slavery.

    If it's in the book, it's in the book, dude.

  • 1 decade ago

    So, after 9/11, why didn't the U.S. begin a war against all radical religious groups, instead of just muslims?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Religion isn't the root of all human evil, but it does exacerbate it. Would you give a gun to a violent maniac?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    THANK YOU FOR MAKING SENSE! finally, someone who has a brain! another example to add "I killed a pitbull by lethal injection for biting me, thus all pitbulls are bad" its just stupid. come on people! they just cant accept their actions, can they? dumb*sses

    people, i agree, the bible says "women are sex slaves," "gays go to hell for eternity" "you can rape women and children at your desire" but the authors were brainless, sexist, homophobic and paedophiles! thats no excuse for raping your kid or wife/girlfriend!

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