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Convince me that abortion is morally right...?

First, let me announce to all those ready to spout any sort of religious something or another: I am an atheist and am not here to discuss religion, but rather the morality of abortion.

Second, I do not believe that abortion should be made illegal, for the simple reason that people would resolve to gruesome home abortions and other such activities.

Note: I refer to the fetus as "it" so as to not assign it a gender.

Here is why I believe that abortion is morally wrong. One, whether you believe a fetus is human or not, it will eventually become human when allowed to live, it will become a human capable of loving, laughing, learning, and all the great things I've been alive 23 years to experience. It may grow into a beautiful woman or handsome man, it may live to do great things, it still has it's future ahead of it. It may never be anything extraordinary, just some person like you or me.

Two, a fetus is not a thing. A thing is like a pencil, a cup, a plate, you know? Things. Do people believe that a human fetus is like a cup? Some ordinary everyday thing? WTF?

Three, look at babies, they're so cute. Little hands, little feet, at this point in their lives they are completely innocent. Next time you see a baby, think to yourself, that could have been just another abortion, back when it was just a thing, but look at it now, a cute little baby.

I know, I know, what if a girl was raped? What if giving birth could possibly kill the mother? And all the other what if situations out there, I'm not addressing those concerns, I'm just going to the core, Is abortion morally right?

Anyway, those are just a couple thoughts I have about abortion. BTW, this is in religion and spirituality category because I know people here feel strongly on both sides of the debate. Please share your thoughts.

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ectopic pregnancy where the fetus endangers the life of the mother, with no chance of survival itself.

  • 5 years ago

    My gawd. I'm guffawing so rough I can slightly breathe... How superficial the needs for abortion as beginning manage end up whilst a person dare attempt to persuade a girl to have an abortion for a detailed, however vapid purpose is considered in such disfavor by way of folks that often aid abortion as though it have been a sacrament. From studying the solutions, a person short of a girl to have an abortion for a flimsy purpose is evil however a girl making a choice on to have one since it's inconvenient, is sacred. On others, it looks since there's a purpose, regardless how flimsy, short of an abortion is dangerous since it looks the one purpose to enable abortion is to avert the girl from accepting the accountability she morally authorized whilst she participated in an act that's famous to rationale being pregnant and no different excuse will do. I consider a few are angry that the daddy concerned within the being pregnant is supposing he has any enter within the topic rather then financing her alternative. Without a doubt, that is the satisfactory paridocal query I have ever visible handling abortion. You rather introduced the cockroaches out with this one. Well performed.

  • 1 decade ago

    Point one: Some feti (Is that the correct term?) are discovered to be damaged whilst in the womb. If the case is that the child is deemed unable to survive the birth or have a difficult if not painful life isn't it worth putting it and it's mother out of their misery. (By aborting it)

    Point two: Some parents are just not ready or incapable of taking care of a child. Reasons include mental illness, being too young or just not being ready. You can understand that if a teen is pregnant having the baby can change their life dramatically, and potentially for the worst. In various cases they would be taken into care from birth which is distressing for parent and child.

    People need to consider the circumstances. If the parents are physically capable of taking care of a child and bringing it up safely and in reletively good health then there is no excuse for terminating a pregnancy. However if for any reason the parents cannot do this then sometimes abortion is the only humane option.

    This is just my two pence worth.

  • 1 decade ago

    A thought for taste we people try to decide what is morally right and wrong which there is a right and wrong but there is a difference in how we are all raised what you think is right for you me from new orleans 7th ward project might not be the same actually for sure its not the same Im now a soldier did 3 years in infantry is killing right or not it was a job had to do it or be killed morally is at the person's own view honestly if it dont put them behind bars then they should have that opinion to do that. if the law says its legeal how can we say its not

    Then everyone points to the bible we all have fallen short and keep falling short of the glory you forgive these and move on to go after them is to bring up your own sins and be tried for them

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  • 1 decade ago

    It's morally right on whether you'll think of the baby ever again or not...people who are pro-choice would generally not. I'm pro-choice because I think that if the baby isn't wanted, then what good is going to come out of it if its parents don't want him/her. You could put it up for adoption, at the cost of going through the pains and limitations of pregnancy and childbirth (maybe a c-section), the medical bills from the hospital, and the legal headache of putting your child up for adoption. Then you've added 1 to the millions of legitimate orphans whose parents never intended to leave them just to add competition to the adoption game.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is right for people to have as many rights as possible

    The rights that people shouldn't have are the rights that hurts others such as rape, theft, murder, etc

    Since abortion doesn't hurt anybody directly people should have the right

    And a brick will eventually be a house. If somebody broke the brick is that breaking and entering?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    You're a married man with 5 children living in a Twenty First Century Third World country that has a maternal mortality rate of 10-12%

    Your 28 y.o. wife who has history of difficult and dangerous pregnancies is pregnant again

    If you don't do the smart thing and terminate her pregnancy ASAP then you run a 10-12% chance of losing your wife, your lover , your domestic servant and the mother of your 5 children .

    Seems like a no-brainer to to me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey that's great but that child is also likely to die of cancer, die of something besides cancer, have to be alive (you apparently think it's some bowl of cherries but I think it's the pits) and yeah, I'm glad you don't automatically bet that that child would solve a big problem (like overpopulation). Yeah, babies are cute. Sorry but kneejerk appeals to emotion don't sway me. People have to make the hard decisions for their kids. And the 2nd one is to decide whether or not to keep the baby. The first is whether or not to conceive the baby. Is it morally right ? I think so.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Overpopulation kills many more people than abortions ever will. If we can't get birth control to be practiced adequately, we can either let abortion or the problems of overpopulation take care of it.

    Abortion is not moral, but neither is continuing to have children in an overpopulated world.

  • Joe N
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Whatever happens within a persons body is their business and their business alone.

    Can you possibly conceive a more basic human right than the right to say what happens inside your own body?

    If you are against abortion, then don't have one.

    Otherwise, is is absolutely none of your business.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It isn't.

    My logic is that people shouldn't be denied the ability to do so. I'm foolish for thinking that not everyone in the world is a whore and would use it as an alternative to contraceptives.

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