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Anyone else mad that ABC cancelled "life on mars"?

I think it was very educational and very very very well made, not to mention the great acting, and of course the 'gasp' general hotness of Jason O'Mara??

And instead they run a generic, predictable show like Castle??


11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am upset that ABC is braindead and canceling Life on Mars. It had an interesting premise. "Lost" is MORE convulted but people love the show like me,and crime dramas tend to be popular. Go figure Even though I like Castle,it is a straight-generic like show. I love Gretchen Mol and will watch anything she is in. Jason is a very good actor and ABC owed them better---the whole cast in fact! The stupid dumb cop show that will replace it...well...I will not watch the junky show that premieres in April. Time travel is cool!!!! LOST is stuck in 77,so...?

  • 1 decade ago

    I know! I can't believe this! The people at ABC are just all idiots... And while I'm bashing ABC, can I bash CBS too? CBS goes and cancels Jericho and ABC cancels Life on Mars. These were both great shows that kept people on their feet and thinking and had very deep plots... Oh well.

    Maybe I just shouldn't get too involved in a series again... It seems every show I like gets cancelled... At least Fox hasn't cancelled House! Then again, I guess ABC is all-right if they keep Lost going...

  • 1 decade ago

    I do not have time to watch a lot of TV but recently got into the series and really enjoyed it. Became a weekly watch. Bad thing with shows lately is that they start them out, get you interested and they cancel them before they give them a chance - I never HEARD of it before 4 episodes back!!!!! OR, they become a real hit like LOST so they drop the episodes down to half a season (15-16 episodes), and ruin it that way.

    This is personally the final straw with ABC, only a few episodes left with Life on Mars and I block both ABC channels on my TV - no chance of them doing it again because I won't even accidentally be able to tune in...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The people at ABC are idiots, but it may have been OK to cancel "Life on Mars." I watched the pilot episode and didn't like it at all, so I stopped. Then I gave it another chance ~episode 5, and found it much, much better! It finally got funny, for one thing, and I liked Annie (No Nuts) a lot, too.

    I don't know if I'd be a loyal viewer, though. I did like the music a lot!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Guess the mindless hacks think that Dancing with Brett Michaels and Americas next top Idol and the stinking retated Bachelor are better. Then again that just gos to show the intellegence of todays TV viewers. Sad that a show like this cannot make it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not mad but kind of disappointed, I liked the Donnie Darko meets Starsky and Hutch vibe the show had, it was different and original, and I liked the performances of Harvey Keitel, and James Imperioli. I'm gonna have to find and watch the BBC Series.

  • 1 decade ago

    go watch the original uk version and it's spin off Ashes to Ashes-

    apparently the usa version never got good enough ratings-

    a show has to make a Profit for the network or it gets cancelled- that is the way TV is it's all about the Money

  • Rose D
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I didn't even bother watching it since it had 'Cancellation' written all over it. If it had survived I would have bought the DVD and picked up season 2 when it aired, but I figured it was hopeless and not worth investing my time in. I'm surprised it got a full season.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am mad!! It was an incredibly well made show. I think that ABC are idiots and that they couldn't tell a quality show from a bad one even if it hit them in their stupid face!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Wait what it's getting cancelled? Why it has a deep plot and all. keeps a person thinking.

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