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This question is for you Christians out there?

I'm no theologist, but I'm pretty sure the bible says that premarital sex is a no-no, right?

Well what do you Christians out there think of other unmarried Christians who go to church, do works of faith etc. and claim to follow that doctrine, but will still engage in oral/manual sex with their partners?

I met a guy once and he was kind of into me. As in he really wanted to touch my assets. He was all up into this Jesus business and was like "premarital sex is bad!" but openly admitted to doing oral and other things with previous girls.

So where does the line exist between sex and non-sex?

(By the way, I'm NOT Christian, I'm just curious)


I really don't feel like hearing the whole "blabla Jesus is life accept him" rigamarole. I'm happy with my spiritual beliefs. I'm glad you're happy with yours, let's keep em separate!

And no, I am not from that To Catch A Predator Show XD

also this is not a moral question on whether or not I should have sex. I've already had a lot of it.

Update 2:

Also not interested in people parroting bible verses. I've read it, I pretty much know what it says, thanks. I'm asking for opinions and independent thoughts, people.

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He's got the system figured out as do most xians. He cherry-picks amongst the things he likes and those he ignores. Where I come from this is called hypocrisy. Isn't "faith" grand?

  • 1 decade ago

    Honesty there is NO line. If you're Supposedly a Christian any form of premarital sex is considered wrong. This includes oral sex and manual stimulation of any sort. The Mistake Many people make is thinking that Christians are perfect. They are not perfect. They make mistakes over and over again just like anyone else. The difference is they are forgiven. They accept the fact that they are sinners that have been saved by Gods Grace. Grace is gods forgiveness and mercy even though we don't deserve it. We receive it simply by asking and accepting the fact that we are sinners, then asking for forgiveness and by surrendering our lives to him. True Christians put God first in every decision they make and don't try to control their own lives. They realize their destiny is not in their hands but Gods hands. They are just people striving to be like Christ. Unfortunately many people fall very short in their attempts. By the way I grew up going to church regularly and I am far from perfect. Ive had premarital sex also. But to answer your question. There really is no line. All forms of premarital sex is wrong. Your friend just has not yet matured to the point of realizing this or is not strong enough to resist yet or has just fallen prey to one temptation that many men have fallen prey to. This includes preachers, deacons, etc. (myself included)

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a Christian and I do not agree with the stuff against premarital sex. I used to go to conservative churches that teach that abstinence crap, and I learned that the leaders of these churches actually crack jokes about 30 and 40 year-old virgins behind their backs. Now I just send my Christian friends to the site below which debunks the whole thing against premarital sex in the Bible. It covers same-sex lifestyles too. I hope it helps you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't listen to the people saying he will burn in hell.

    I am a Christian and yes it is an awful sin to have pre-marrital sex, but if he go's to church and is very faithful, he still has a chnace.

    He just needs to admit he has sinned and be forgiven.

    Some people even become born again Christians when they have pre-marrital sex, which means they a basicaly a virgin again. But not many people do that.

    He is fine as long as he understands he has sinned and wants help.

    Hope this helps =)

    God bless

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  • 1 decade ago

    There is no line, it's wrong period. You can go and help the homeless right now, even sing praise God if you want. You can even believe you are saved. This is what's going on with them, they think that because they do these things that God will save them. But the bible says you must accept that Christ died on the cross and rose again for your sins so that you wouldn't be held accountable for them. But you must live your life for God, if you don't you have not really accepted Christ at all.

    Those people are only doing actions that God may approve of, but if they were Christian, really saved by Christ, they would live their lives for God. They would not sin, they would wait until they were married. And if they didn't it would only be because they failed in a moment of weakness, and they would not keep failing, they would do what was necessary not to fail, even if that means staying in public places together until they are married, or even, if needed, separating completely.

    Any sexual sin is sinful, there are not if, and's, but's about it, they are are sinful. The bible says that if a person continues to sin, then the Spirit is not with them. So you can remind that guy of that, and that he's going to hell if he doesn't stop sinning and start following God in truth, in his heart, not just by going to church or participating in outings. Remind him that we are not saved by our works, we are saved by grace yes, but if he sins, he is not accepting that grace, he is throwing it away, and he will go to hell when he dies which can be any time anywhere, God does not promise tomorrow for anyone He does not even promise us we'll make it out of the womb.

    Tell him because your friend has no hope if he does not change his ways. He might as well just forsake God because he will not make it to heaven if he does not stop sinning.

    I hope I answered your question.

    Okay, I'm reading this over, maybe I didn't spell it out very clear up there.

    Yes they are all sinning when they do any sexual thing.

    Kissing is not a sin per say, but people can turn it into one when they excite their passions to the point of lusting for each other. If they don't do that, they only kiss out of love, but don't let it get to the point of lust, then kissing, caressing, holding, laying down with each other such as under the stars at night would not be sinful. You see we are to do everything as though God is there, and in fact He is. If God would approve, then it's not sinful.

  • 1 decade ago

    Are sexual relations before marriage wrong?

    1 Thess. 4:3-8: “This is what God wills . . . that you abstain from fornication; that each one of you should know how to get possession of his own vessel in sanctification and honor, not in covetous sexual appetite such as also those nations have which do not know God; that no one go to the point of harming and encroach upon the rights of his brother in this matter, because Jehovah is one who exacts punishment for all these things, just as we told you beforehand and also gave you a thorough witness. For God called us, not with allowance for uncleanness, but in connection with sanctification. So, then, the man that shows disregard is disregarding, not man, but God, who puts his holy spirit in you.” (The Greek word por·nei′a, translated “fornication,” refers to sexual intercourse between unmarried persons, also to extramarital relations on the part of married persons.)

    Eph. 5:5: “No fornicator or unclean person or greedy person—which means being an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of the Christ and of God.” (This does not mean that anyone who in the past was a fornicator cannot enjoy the blessings of God’s Kingdom, but he must cease that way of life in order to have God’s approval. See 1 Corinthians 6:9-11.)

    As you can see the bibles view of the matter is very clear. Engaging in oral/Anal sex/mutual masturbation is fornication although nowadays alot of youths do not consider to be the case.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey - nothing unusual about your experience with that "Christian guy." There is always a gap between what people say they believe and how they live. sometimes people are outright hypocritics; sometimes people really want to live a godly life and fail; sometimes people hide their sins, sometimes not.

    There is a constant struggle in people's lives to "do right". That struggle does not diminish when one becomes a Christian.

    Sex outside of marriage is certainly wrong and sinful. But so is "evil speaking", covetousness, pride, and a huge long list of other things.

    Maybe this guy you knew was a real Christian and was simply failing in that area of lust; maybe he wasn't a real Christian and only pretending. I don't know.

    We are made by God and our lives are meant to be used in service to God. We fail along many lines but that doesn't mean we don't try.

    God bless

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Bible says, a tree is known by its fruits. When a person does against the teachings of Jesus, even if he may be labeled as a Christian, he does not belong to Christ. There are many preachers who preach the word of God, but do not follow it. When you meet such Christians, please do understand that they are just namely Christians who live far away from Jesus.

  • There are Christians and then there are "extreme" thing you as well as others must remember is that we have a strong belief in Jesus but that does not make us perfect.

  • 1 decade ago

    lol u seem funny..but all i can really say about this is i dont want to have premarital sex because im to scared of getting some kind of killer std..there's like 20 of em out there..and condoms only reduce the risk of you getting an std but doest guarantee that your safe.

    answer mine?;_ylt=Am...

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