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Paul C
Lv 6
Paul C asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Why do people believe in god/religion, when allegedly, science proves it all wrong?

We in Britain and other countries are brought up when we are little to believe in Santa and the tooth fairy, and god

We eventually get told that the tooth fairy and santa do not exist, but we go on to believe the "God" story

The bible states that Adam and Eve started us all off, but time and time again science proves that wrong, but a lot of people just say that science is wrong.

But I bet they take pain killers when needed and EVERY other drug that science has created!!

My main question is, do people believe in their religion because they think that we humans are too important to just DIE???

That we go to a "better" place??

Every animal on this planet has a life, we are the "intelligent" life on this planet, and to me that's that, and all we seem to do, is destroy each other, through wars that are, mainly based on religion

Will the whole human race ever get on with each other, or will it lead to annihilation of us all?

All for some fairy tales allegedly!!

You only have to remember that not too long ago, that we all thought the sun went round the earth as that's what the bible says, and people would have died to defend that view, and how wrong they were.

Religion = War

War = Death



I have to agree with you, I have studied biology at A level and can not believe that we are a coincidence of nature, we are and so are ALL animals of this planet amazing, the way we survive

The way our body's work, and to those that no what Homoeostasis is, well, that's just mind blowing how we work!!!!!

Maybe there is something above us, but we have never and will never know (in my opinion)

23 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I definitely see your point. I did not grow up attending church and I think there are a lot of faults with organized religion. I believe in evolution but I also believe we are not alone and that there is "something" out there looking out for us. There have been too many strange coincidences in my life and so many times where I should have died that I have to believe there's *something* looking out for me.

    I think people should believe what they want, so long as their beliefs are not detrimental to the lives of others.

  • 5 years ago

    The Big Bang is ONLY a theory. Plus, humans may birth/seed other humans, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a spiritual side to everything. Some people have seen things in life that prove science wrong without a doubt, such as the supernatural/demons (or whatever you want to call it). That knocks science completely out of the water. Logical people or scientific people like to believe these people are crazy, but I don't at all because I have experienced some very unexplainable things. I don't know if I believe everything in the bible or not, but whether it's true or not it's still a good "book." I DO believe in God though because it's a little difficult for me to believe that the whole world just came to be. I mean if earth and the planets can *possibly* be proven through the Big Bang, what about everything beyond that? I mean what's beyond space and other galaxies? Nothingness? So yeah, I choose to believe in God and I guess one day we will all know. I'd like to think there is a higher being; I mean this can't be it....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Here's what belief does for you....I didn't even read your entire question...all your so-called reasoning and pretzel logic...all i need to know is; from what i've read from the Torah, Talmud, and Quran, God has never been proven wrong. Never.

    In the Quran specifically, God challenges all of mankind to prove Him wrong about anything. Believers of course, have no such doubts; logic and life experience, their own and the examples left behind by others, is more than enough proof of the validity and supreme Omnipotence of God...

    the day they start jumping out of graves, and run down the street screaming " it's all a lie!!" ...that'll be the day I start doubting..

    Unfortunately, and ironically: the day they start jumping out of graves will be the day most of you find out, a little too late, the Truth of God's Promise to mankind.

  • 1 decade ago

    Science has not proved god(s) and religion(s) are all wrong - there is no proof only theories and prognostications - neither has anyone actually proved that they exist - it is all down to what you as an individual believe - you either do believe or you don't and each human being should be allowed to hold his or her own beliefs without interference from anyone else at all. So, no one person can answer your main question about why they believe (or do not believe) in god(s) and religion(s) for each person's answer will be their own individual answer.

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  • 1 decade ago

    what you said is true but only partly. I don't want to take a side of anyone. It is just nothing has been physicaly proven whether religion is right or scienties. As the bible says the jesus gave freedom to people to take responsibility of their actions. It's true that religion is mostly the source of wars but think well, let's imagine that your hobby is collecting weapens and i give you one to your collection and one day u kill someone, will you blame me for that? Or if i give you a power to be invisible just for nothing, i am sure that soon or later u will use it for bad things like spying naked girls or robbering banks. Will you still blame me for that? As you can see it doesn't matter if the god exists or this is all fake, you have the power of your mind and do what you think is right for others. If you like living u will not kill anyone but if you hate the world u wil do it even if u belive in god

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Religious sorts believe in Creationism, the Scientific Sorts Believe in The Theory of Evolution

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Why not?

    Look in the real world.

    Decode this lyrics " Believe "

    "In God we trust"

    Can science prove the advancement of living human kind in time?

    Ever notice how they can only prove what is left over of empty skeleton of skull and bones with two empty eye sockets.

    Could not even differentiates what is skeleton of an ape-man or living human kind of pygmy stature back in the past.

    And science spend so much time at someone else graveyards too.

    Science were busy in digging up graveyards of failures and horrors of the past getting themselves kick on the butts by the dead Mummy from the twilight zone in different time zone with themselves in moving backwards to the twilight zone in time.

    Luke 21.30-36

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Luke 4.4

    Matt 22.17-21,32

    What do you think?

    Source(s): decoded from the missing x-files.
  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, science has never been able to and will never be able to disprove religion - just isn't possible logically.

    Religion = peace and is the only vessel for moral values. No morals = war = death. Not all religions of course and the peacefulness varies depending on politics of the times, but in general, they teach living in peace.

    Maybe someday I may actually join some religion.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are many things yet to prove. Even the scientists have not the answers. Where does the universe start and end. Nobody knows, not even the most eminent scientist.

    Many scientists disagree on certain things, so how do we really know if any of them have it right!

  • 1 decade ago

    Darwin's theory is just that "an unproven theory",and will always remain so, because there is no "missing link" as they would mislead us to believe.Flesh man has been here on Earth for approx. 14,000 yrs.And coincidentally, that is as far back as they can date human remains!

    There was flesh here before that, but it was not human (it was animals). We were however here (on Earth) spiritually before that for millions of years!

    And yes, our flesh bodies die,but our spirit lives on.

    And you would say: why should I believe that?

    And I would say: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,the evidence (proof) of things not seen- Heb.11:1

    A word to the wise is sufficient.....

    Source(s): KJV1611
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