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Why does CNN have a big breaking news about Obama's plan for small Business but Fox news has a tiny comment?

50 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    how do you know? were you watching them both at the same time? maybe you missed some news alert on Fox.

    Fox is balanced and will tell both sides. CNN picks and chooses what stories they want to tell.

    Obama is a pinhead!

    Source(s): no pinheads!
  • 1 decade ago

    Because CNN loves Obama and all democrats and are trying to pretend Obama has a clue. Fox News has a business channel that can cover the "small business" plan and cover the real news of the day.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because CNN is Ted 'the liberal' Turner. And FOX is Rupert ' the conservative business man' Murdock. And the aid to small businesses is only about $25 billion dollars.

    This is chump change when you consider that small businesses have contributed to more jobs being created in the past twenty years than all the Fortune 500 companies combined.

    Obama has bragged about creating 3 million jobs. And who knows maybe he will. But considering recently or government authorized $700 billion for TARP, $787 billion for Stimulus, and $410 billion for Omnibus. That's (you can check my math) $1.897 billion dollars.

    90% of all small businesses employ less than 20 people. But they employ well over 50% of the work force. And the create 90% of all new jobs. They create 40% of all new high tech, well paying jobs. And there are 25 million small businesses nation wide. Put the money wasted on tarp, stimulus, and omnibus into small businesses and how many jobs would be created?

    But small businesses don't contribute much to political campaigns like unions or huge companies do. They are too busy working to stay afloat to think much about the BS that goes on in Washington. But when the get hit too hard they don't just downsize usually. They close their door completely. And just so you know there are a lot of those small business owner that make over $250K now. But for many years they were the last ones to get paid.

    OBTW Last week on Glenn Beck he devoted an entire segement to small businesses. I wrote down the facts he gave. And did my research. And you know what? He was right! Not a single lie or exaggeration to be found.

    I guess that's why FOX didn't pay much attention to Obama wanting $25 billion for small business investment. Not because small business isn't important. But after all they have given away to BIG business and SPECIAL projects, $25 billion just doesn't seem like much when you consider the lack of ROI on about $1.897 trillion.

    Does that answer your question Bunky? Or was it to long for you to digest?

  • 1 decade ago

    Because CNN is trying to build up Obama's reputation and Fox tells the truth.

    Obama's small business plan is ridiculous. He's offering loans. Loans? Do any of us need more borrowing? Why not offer small businesses start up grants and tax breaks so they can make it.

    Loans? Give me a break.

    But, to answer your question. I watch FOX and they did show it, and all the speeches. So, why would you say that didn't show it? Seems like someone is trying a bit too hard to make them look like the bad guys.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because Fox news is fake news; it puts a red-hot conservative slant on every single news item. If the breaking news was an earthquake killing hundreds of people in LA, CNN would report it as "An earthquake killed hundreds of people in Los Angeles." Fox would report it as, "An earthquake killed hundreds of people in Los Angeles and President Obama did absolutely nothing to prevent the earthquake from happening in the first place. This just merely proves that Obama is a godless communist who hates white people."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Every time Obama takes a dump it's breaking news to CNN.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Fox did, however Fox reports the real news. CNN doesn't report the news but fawns and slobbers the news on Obama. It is quite sickening.

  • JoeBob
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    fox is the best. cnn in so far up obamas a&& they have brown noses. to them obama can do no wrong. why are they not talking about obamas boy knowing about those bonus payouts to aig. he knew and congress put it in the pork spending bill that was passed with 8000 pork projects. if you must watch cnn at least watch lou dobbs, he is the only one on cnn with any kind of brain

  • Power
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I have a split screen & while inforation was being given on the one side on shows like CNN & MSNBC I could see the Fox new station had a story on about Anna Nicole Smith. Fox is so against anything good for it's viewers but how to you tell self-destructive people they are being used when they protect their abusers.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    CNN will do whatever it takes to make BO look like the savior of the US, much less the world.

    Uncle Pork also said he was going to help the poor. Which CEO are you claiming to be poor? So, how much longer must we wait to see CNN, MSNBC, etc. to actually show poor people being given the money instead?

  • kiest
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    this is a large deal on Fox information because of the fact Fox visitors are people who vote off of their Bibles and their weapons. and that they like feeling self-righteous. merely yet another rural Pennsylvanian who's of an identical opinion with Obama, right here.

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