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How Many Axles Are There In A Motorcycle?

guys i am wondering how many axles are there in a motorcycle?? please help

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Depends upon the motorcycle.

    Some have 4 or 5


    Looks like quite a few folks really DONT know.

    As I said originally,, it depends upon the bike.


    There's a company in Japan called Yamaha,,

    some people may have heard of that name.

    They make Motorcycles.

    Here's a 40 Year Old with More-Than 2 Axles

    1968 Yamaha YR2C 350

    From Yamaha's Website>Parts Book.

    Item# Part # Description

    1 168-15661-00-00 AXLE, KICK

    1 168-17411-00-00 AXLE, MAIN (11T)

    18 168-17421-01-00 AXLE, DRIVE

    I Count 3 Axles in that list.

    Then there's the 2 Road Wheel Axles.

    Though Yamaha does not call them Axles,,but Shafts.

    3 + 2 =5

    So that 40 Year Old YR2 has either 3,or 5,,depending upon how you count them.

    But it has a MINIMUM of 3 Officially Designated AXLES


    But that was in 1968,,,,how about Lately?

    Like 2008,for instance.

    Something more Modern,,,like a YZFR1.

    Some folks have heard of Yamaha R1 model,,,it's a contemporary motorcycle design.

    Again,,FROM YAMAHA,,according to THEM

    8 2C0-25181-00-00 AXLE, WHEEL

    26 4C8-25381-00-00 AXLE, WHEEL

    1 4C8-17411-00-00 AXLE, MAIN (15T)

    17 4C8-17402-00-00 DRIVE AXLE ASSY

    True,,that's Only 4 Axles,,,but they dont have a Kickstarter.

    The little YZ125 MX Bikes still had 5 Axles in 2008

    4 1C3-15660-00-00 KICK AXLE ASSY

    11 5XC-25181-G0-00 AXLE, WHEEL

    25 1C3-25381-90-00 AXLE, WHEEL

    4 1C3-17411-10-00 AXLE, MAIN (13T)

    14 1C3-17421-00-00 AXLE, DRIVE


    Your Question was "...How Many Axles...",,,Right?

    My answer is the same as I originally replied>

    "Depends upon the motorcycle.

    Some have 4 or 5"


    But,,,what about 6,,,,any motorcycles with 6 Axles according to their Manufacturer?

    1969 R3 Yamaha

    1 168-15661-00-00 AXLE, KICK

    35 152-25181-00-00 AXLE, WHEEL

    38 150-25381-00-00 AXLE, WHEEL

    27 152-25387-00-00 AXLE, SPROCKET

    1 168-17411-00-00 AXLE, MAIN

    18 168-17421-01-00 AXLE, DRIVE

    That looks like a total of 6 Axles to Me.


    To be fair,,,in casual terms most people consider "a motorcycle" to have 2 wheels,,,each with their axle.

    But just because that's the extent of a person's consideration or knowledge,,,does NOT Limit the existence of a Variety of other parts,,,Officially Labelled "AXLE" which actually function as genuine axles.

    That's NOT to say that anyone is WRONG for thinking there's 2 Axles.

    But anyone who imagines there's ONLY 2 is Wrong.


    Ya know what another fun question is??

    Ask simply,,"Do 2 Stroke Motorcycles have Cams?"

    It gives the Thumbs Down Faieries a chance to Really celebrate their ignorance.


    Edit ,again

    I realize that you asked ,"How Many Axles...",,,

    do keep in mind that ZERO is a Number

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    That depends on how many wheels the motorcycle has. Technically. Originally, he was supposed to have a child with Erin Everly, but there was a miscarriage.There is often some integral storage space, either under the seat, built into the . Many recent scooters use conventional front forks with the front axle fastened at ......Motorcycle Spares Parts suppliers

    Attachment image
  • 1 decade ago

    most modern motorcycles ahve 2 axles (one for each wheel), but bikes with single-sided swing arms really only have an axle in the front.

    as a rule of thumb, one per wheel.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    A motorcycle by definition is a 2 wheeled device. so how many axles is nec. to spin 2 wheels? Come on get serious dude or dudette.

    Source(s): motorcycle mechanic for 35 years
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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    an effortless timber jig to carry the wheel with axle at the same time as aligning that to the body as you degree the width of the spacer(s) mandatory, in simple terms be confident to align the front wheel parallel/in-line to the rear as you flow. The body must be table sure/mounted and useful to have the engine bumped off. further- at the same time as engine remains contained in the body degree the gap from center of force-sprocket to element of the body you want to apply as a reference factor.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    One per wheel, you do the math.

  • 1 decade ago

    dont listen to janice you have a good inteligent question the answer is two because they are both on different axles

  • 1 decade ago


    ...or 35.

    I forget.

  • strech
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Both of 'em.

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