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Will you be my guide? My guardian?

I consider myself as a capable member of society, and a free man. Yet, I don't feel that I know anyone who is the sum intelligent enough, honest enough, and cooperative enough with my agenda to properly carry on my legacy if some ill-fate should befall me. Essentially, I don't feel that I should entirely trust anyone with my future. I want a leader who can preserve my integrity without my close supervision. I am not talking about work here, I am talking about my way of life and my philosophy. Does everyone feel as I feel? Is this the void that many claim that only God can satisfy? How is it that an intelligent and honest person could trust in an entity which hasn't been observed? Why is it that I can't reconcile the fact that even though I believe that not all of the words scripted in God's name are truth that it might be wise to place confidence in the principal of God? I am not claiming that such a God could be untrue, but that such a God would let the words of faith be trampled is discomforting to me. I am searching for confidence in leadership, can you help me?


Some interesting thoughts have been put forth in the answers I have received.

I am neither arrogant beyond what is normal for a human, nor am I a sinner for asking a question(unless of course someone wants to point to the religion and/or item which indicates such a thing). You see, some people will attempt(failed) to belittle the seriousness of my question, but my question remains for those who are intent on satisfying their curiosity. It is not by mistake that I ask why a God would be more passive in the selection of his/her people than a mere mortal such as myself. Because God doesn't require the confirmation of other beings, and I wish for it...not just for myself, but for the continued freedom of all mankind. You waited to see what I would say...that makes me wonder why it is that you wouldn't have such confidence in your point of view if your God is a being to be confident within. I am that kind that I would stand against the heavens and hells if I thought it might...

Update 2:

provoke within you a shred of self-conceived thought. You only respond if you think it will benefit you. I guarantee that my philosophy will not make your life easy, it doesn't have the luxury of numbers nor the reward of closure. Will you continue to say that which is easy; that which will bring materials into your possession, and an early retirement. I want some proof of trust, not an easy way out. You know what I mean, but you will see the profit of twisting it out of context to make a more materialistic way of life. I remain here, as I always have, awaiting a sign of some significance. To those who have read through this rant, I think it is fair that you have your share of ranting too. May the one with the most evidence benefit, and when I say one I mean one and all.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Be your own guru.

    However, if you need help with any specific issues, I'm here.

  • 1 decade ago

    You do a lot of typing for a group of answers who are clearly not taking your question seriously. I can see you're passionate about this, and confused a little, and frustrated a lot. i expect you've been looking for an answer to this larger question for a long time that was convincing, and I can tell you right here right now you won't find it here, however if you ask the right questions you may be led to the answer you're looking for. For example, if you wish to understand fully God's role in your life, so to speak, read the works of some of the "new age" spiritual guides alive today. All the guides I know are trying to convey the same message, descibed in a variety of ways, so I'm not going to give you one specific name to seek out as they may not explain things on the same wavelength as the way you think. I can tell you that you can only find these guides in retail bookstores in the "New Age" and "Spiritual" sections, and the more successful writers/guides will have many books written because people find their language and concepts easier to comprehend.

    I am not a writer, nor a spiritual guide, so I can not begin to compete with their naturally born talent for helping others see the light, I am merely another man touched by their gift and living the peace they've granted me.

    here's a taste of what has been explained to me: "In the absense of what is not, what is could not be." This is the reason God is not, and will never be selective, will never "require the confirmation of other beings" (as you say), regardless of how much people want it.

    As for other religious denominations, many new age writers explain in great depth how similar all religious texts are, even if they use different language, different terms, different emphasis, all religions attempt to create inner calm and peace.

    As for your legacy, don't fret about the possibility of some ill fate, just live every day with gusto and joy, and become the person you wish to see in the world, and if you act by example and people agree with your beliefs, they will be compelled to follow you. The more who follow, the more will carry on your legacy by becoming leader when you stop, voluntarily or otherwise.

  • 1 decade ago

    The concept of god, the proof of something or nothing is merely a distraction. Living in this world as we do it is difficult to stay focused on other world things. This is the human thing.od dwells within us as us and that is where we will find god. Sometimes we go searching and fail to see that which we have. Many say god speaks to us in our dreams but, I believe that the spirit speaks to us every day. Have you ever had a thought or process of thought from out of the blue? You know the type, the times when we declare our genius and dance around? In everything we do the power comes from a higher plane and the Legacy we leave behind can Truly only be passed on by example. God and the spirit within has and always will be your teacher and guide. we just need to listen to what we are hearing

  • 1 decade ago

    I would say you're using sinful concepts to define a holy God. That's where you're going wrong.

    >>How is it that an intelligent and honest person could trust in an entity which hasn't been observed?<<

    I don't think you can. However, God has provided me with more than enough reasons to prove His existence, I can not doubt. It is against everything I know.

    He has saved my life seven times. Miraculously. He also guides me and grants me wisdom to accomplish His will for my life.

    I was an agnostic drug-and sex-addicted shell of a man before He saved my life the first time, but I was so stubborn, He saved my life another few times before I was willing to give up my autonomy--which was a flase thought pattern all along anyway.

    I gave up filthy rags and a life of horrendous sin for the glory and majesty of my Lord and Savior who gave His all for me.


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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Search for the leader that is yourself. You'll find that leader within. Don't be a follower of others. Follow your own knowledge. Listen to your higher self.

  • 1 decade ago

    For a hefty price. I even come with Night Vision Goggles

  • I know- you should probably ask yourself "what makes me so important that I would need someone to carry on my legacy" then you should get off your high horse and join us down here in reality.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Blessed are those who believe, yet have not seen."

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