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Why do the Dems scream and yell?

Why are the dems screaming and yelling about the AIG bonuses when Dodd (a dem) just admitted that they 'inserted' the language themselves?

Dodd just admitted on CNN that he inserted a loophole in the stimulus legislation that allowed million-dollar bonuses to insurance giant AIG to go forward – after previously denying any involvement in writing the controversial provision. .

“We wrote the language in the bill, the deal with bonuses, golden parachutes, excessive executive compensation that was adopted unanimously by the United States Senate in the stimulus bill,” Dodd told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer this afternoon.

“But for that language, there would have been no language to deal with this at all.”

Link to the story.


Donovan, are you seriously trying to tell me that Obama signed it without a hint of knowledge?

At a congressional forum on Jan. 7, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi explained the urgency this way: "Nothing could be clearer than the fact that we need action and we need action now. A failure to act quickly can only lead to more job losses and more economic pain for Americans. If we act boldly and rapidly, we can begin to create new jobs and opportunities today and strengthen our economy, as you said, for the long run."

Maybe, just maybe if the administration, including Pelosi, and Obama (the two you mention) had not been pushing so hard to get it through, we would have had tiem to review it carefully, and make changes taht would have avoided the AIG bonus issue.

Update 2:

Sugara Bear.

Good point, and to top it off, it is CNN, which tends to lean to the left as much as Fox leans to the right.

Update 3:


"They" did make an attempt. They at LEAST attempted to slow the process down, see my response to Donovan.

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The diversionary propaganda machine is in overdrive as the deflection from the big picture continues. AIG is a relative "drop in the bucket." Unfortunately, most Americans are sheep and are following the Dem lead. Very sad indeed.

    How about the trillions in new debt and the inflation and significantly higher interest rates (and taxes) to come?

    The Dems will destroy the fabric of this nation. The WWII generation must be sick over what they are seeing (at least those in the know).

    It is a shame to see the slide of this country occur so fast with so much more to come. Dems want control and they are using the "crisis" as an opportunity to seize it. Maybe the young (and women) will finally see the light (although I doubt it) and vote these radicals out of office after one term, although it will be too late to reverse the damage. We will be paying for the Dems "Great Society II" for many years to come, just as we continue to pay for Johnson's debacle of the 60's.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Chris Dodd has BSed his way around Washington for years. People are finally seeing through his crap. Yesterday he told the same network CNN, that he didn't know how that wording got in there but that he knew he had nothing to do with it. Last night, the others involved would not take the heat alone so today he was forced to admit what he did. Creep

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it's populism. the price caps mean nothing, and the bonuses of these executives constitute a very small amount of money when compared to the billions of dollars in massive spending obama has passed over the past few months.

  • buvens
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    It took us just about 4 years to climb out of the hollow the republicans left us in and start up filling it lower back in. we're not approximately to enable them to return lower back with their shovels and dig the country in so deeply that no you will have the flexibility to get us out of it. (and that they shop telling us they decide on greater government money for drills...)

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  • 1 decade ago

    Looks like Senator Dodd is in with big business, he and another senator (Can`t remember his name) also went to bat for the auto companies. He must be representing these big businesses in his district with possible kick backs. Thank god he didin`t become president!

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm amazed that Barney Frank has the gall to demand names of employees who received AIG bonuses, after his own failure. He is such a waste of taxpayer money.

  • 1 decade ago

    All I got is.... I'm happy someone in the press is finally doing their job by reporting this crap. Finally, some news that sheds light on real issues and forces action!

  • ak6702
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Good thing you put up the link.They have their heads so buried in the sand.Sorry it's all on Barry's shoulders now.Bush is long gone.Did you ever thing a Second American Revolution could happen.Well its coming down.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Why are the dems screaming and yelling about the AIG bonuses when Dodd (a dem) just admitted that they 'inserted' the language themselves?"

    Because Dodd doesn't represent EVERY SINGLE DEMOCRAT IN THE COUNTRY.

    Obama, Pelosi, and all the other democrats, had nothing to do with this "loophole." They voted for it because of their knowledge of the bailout. Why don't you even bother to read the article you posted? It proves my point. Yes, the article YOU POSTED, proves MY POINT. Weird eh?

  • Interesting how the Liberals say Dodd does not represent every Democrat, but attacked all Republicans when some of them were involved in corruption.

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