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What is better, bass or electric guitar?
I don't know how to play either, but I was thinking about getting one and learning how to play. Any sugestions on which one is better, and so, mabe a specific brand or model you recommand.
3 Answers
- Ken CLv 71 decade agoFavorite Answer
Two different instruments...there's no "better" one than the other.
I play both. I started out on guitar, and I used to joke after I took up bass that it was just as cool with fewer strings!
Another poster was correct in that there seem to be few bass players than guitarists (because, everyone here in Austin wants to be Stevie Ray Vaughn I guess). I'll tell you this...when I was growing up between playing bass and owning a PA system, I could pretty much be in any band I wanted to!
I suppose if I was going to steer you towards one to start out with, I would say guitar. A lot of what you learn will translate to bass (you just need to learn how to lock in with a drummer at that point). Learn your chords, and understand their structure. What I mean by that is don't just learn how to finger them, but know the notes of the scale for the chord...that's the kind of knowledge you would need for bass.
Good luck.
Greetings from Austin, TX
Source(s): 40 years of playing guitar and bass 35 years of live performance - 1 decade ago
Bass and electric guitars are like apples and oranges. Or more accurately, cereal and milk. They're both instruments with distinct niches. Both are often necessary to get the desired feel in a song. It's impossible to say whether one is "better."
- Anonymous1 decade ago
If your looking to join a band I would say because its slightly easier and there are less bass players out there.
Depending on how much you want to spend on your guitar my top 3 suggestions would be an Ibanez, Fender, or if you want to big money a gibson.