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i'm in a dilemma with my baby not eating anything and being very very thin.?

My 2.4 years old is so rail thin, all boney. i have tried all tricks one can think of even tonic for increasing appetite. nothing seems to work. doctor always say its ok. BUT ITS NOT OK she doesnt even look healthy even strangers and shopkeepers ask why is she so thin. she apparantly has no health problems and have been very active physically. but now since she isnt eating or drinking much milk. she has started to say im tired, pick me up.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    cut her back on excersize and give her lots and lots of junk food along with her favorite foods for meals.give her a kids vitamin once a day,and check into getting a nutritionist for your child.there is no shame in that.

    it could also be an underlying health condition-seriously! see another doctor,and buy fatty foods.just until she picks up weight.let her eat cake for breakfast if she wants.but make sure she gets a vitamin every

    day.lots of juice and water as well.

    Oh,and i agree with all the posters who said Ensure or Pediasure! we did this also.for 6 months or makes a huge difference,and its yummy!

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you tried a nutrition/calorie supplement? Such as pedia sure or ensure and as my own nutritionist/ dietitian mentioned a less expensive version: carnation instant breakfast? The dietitian mentioned to give it at the end of the day after all meals have been served so that it does not become a meal replacement. (It can be for adults, but you want the little one to at least try to eat the rest of meals first) So just keep offering food, keep healthy snacks readily available to her. And at the end of the day offer her a vitamin and a supplement for your piece of mind. So many times a few doctors ignored my son's problems,go with your gut and see a dietitian yourself or get a second opinion. And please do remember that a kid will not starve themselves at that age. They will eat.

    It was also mentioned to have high calorie snacks available. Such as full fat yogurts, string cheese or just cut up pieces of cheese and lots of peanut butter if your child is not allergic. (My 5 year old is). If you can load up dinners with extra stuff for her, that can help her gain some weight. Think healthy things like wheat germ or a bit of cheese on potatoes.

    Good luck.

    Source(s): My 5 year old is only 32 lbs. He barely gained a lb over a year and it took that to get this problem through the thick pediatrician's skull. Now I am having similar issues with my 2 1/2 year old. (In six months he only gained .6 lb)
  • Me
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like she needs to be looked at by another doctor. Also, get some

    Pediasure or even Ensure and start giving that to her. It's a meal replacement drink. She really needs the calories. Can you take her to McDonalds every so often? Kids like Happy Meals and we all know those are fattening. I would be concerned as well.

    My oldest is almost 5 and he's skinny too. I just cringe when he goes through the house shirtless because you can see his ribs and hip bones. Thankfully, though, he does eat. He just takes after my older brother who can eat 10 gallons of ice cream and still not gain anything.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Try the vitamins for kids that are like gummy bears. I am sure she likes candy, and that's what she will think she's eating. Atleast she will be getting some nutrients until she grows out of the not eating. If the doctor says she's OK but your not sure, get a second opinion. Mothers know best!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If the doctor isn't worried then try not to make an issue of it. At this age food can easily become a battle of wills. Kids won't let themselves starve to death. Step back and relax, don't force the issue, she is getting lots of attention by refusing to eat you need to reverse this so she gets positive attention when she does eat and ignore the food refusal.

    Provide food and put it on her plate but don't stand over her and make her eat it this just adds to the pressure. Try to sit down with her and eat similar foods. Kids learn by copying.

    Don't try to "trick" her into eating healthy foods try to find foods she likes for now and leave it at that. Go back to basics, mashed potatoes, baked beans, yoghurts, bananas? Food she can easily feed herself without having to cut up.

    My 2 hated milk and never drank a drop once they finished bottles at the age of around 16 months. They only have milk now on cereal. They are both fine healthy teenagers so don't worry about that too much at this stage.

  • 1 decade ago

    I kinda know what you're going through. My nephew (who i used to look after alot) used to do the same, have you tried telling her to listen for diff noises when she bites into something, or trying to make meal times more fun. If you eat the same as her she will see you doing it and will want to copy so she will feel all grown up. If she tries a little of something make a big fuss of her and cheer and get all excited and she'll want to do it again. That's what i used to do with him and in the end it started to work because he got to like the food.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think the best thing you can do now is to take your child to a pediatrician or a nutritionist. As a mother, your instincts are usually right so you need to follow up on your concerns.

    Source(s): Early Childhood Educator
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If she's the only child then you could try to visit friends and family who have children at meal times, children tend to eat more when there's competition

  • 1 decade ago

    as lon as he drinks hes ok and just keep an eye on him and if you do wont him to eat get a fresh or tined pineapple and chop it up he should like it as they Very sweet

    and give him fruit juse vitamin c and the rest

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Try vitmains and pedialite. Also you can give her them carnation instant breakfasts. They are chocolate flavored. And you can add yogurt to them to make them more filling.

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