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Can anyone name the bill or piece of legislation that makes paying income tax obligatory in the US?

I heard recently that there is none. This would make it illegal for the Federal government to force people to pay income tax.

14 Answers

  • Serena
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The US Constitution:

    Sixteenth Amendment - Income Tax

    Amendment Text | Annotations

    "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."

    EDIT: someone misinterpreted this section for you, so I will correct it. "Without apportionment" means without basing the tax on a state's population. -- the "without regard to any census or enumeration" is a clarification of that comment.

    No laws or bills are required because it is an actual amendment to the Constitution. Just like freedom of speech is protected, so is the power of the federal government to collect income taxes.

    Source(s): Degree in US History, concentration Constitutional Law.
  • Mutt
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution authorizes Congress to tax income, from whatever source derived. Congress did just that when it passed the IRS Tax Code.

    A lot of people have said there are no laws saying they have to pay income taxes. The courts have told them they were wrong.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The federal income tax was founded to finance World War 1 and was supposed to stop after the war. But as usual, once the government gets in your pocket they don't ever leave. I don't believe there is any legislation regarding this but don't hold me to that. But legal or no, they have become so powerful that they can cause you real problems if you fight them.

    What I do understand is that you cannot be compelled to sign your returns as that takes away your protection under the fifth ammendment. But that will also raise red flags with them.

    It is a true case of government overstepping their grounds to me. There are many ways to raise money to run the country without it. It is just the easy way for the politicos to get their hands on our money and control us.

  • 1 decade ago

    The federal income tax is competely voluntary on paper. There is no law saying you have to pay it, however the IRS will bully you into paying it, and they will always get a judge that will side with them when it goes to trial. There is no law, anywhere on the books that says you have to pay it, and the supreme court has ruled twice that you don't have to pay it. However the guys with the guns and power are the ones robbing you, Its hard to fight them, but people have and won.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know the exact portion of the Constitution that allows for the levying of taxes, but I can tell you from empirical evidence that not paying them will cause you the pains of Hell after the IRS comes in and seizes all your assets and sells them off for pennies on the dollar to pay said taxes. I cannot tell you the amount of times in my life that someone I knew got wangled into all those tax evasion schemes and then lived to utterly regret becoming involved with them when Uncle Sam showed up at their doors with his hand out. Don't get bamboozled into believing these self delusional groups. You gotta pay em, so just pay em.

  • 1 decade ago

    Title 26 section 1: Tax imposed

    Title 26 section 7203: Penalties for willful failure to pay tax

    Both sections were originally enacted as part of Public Law 83-591, the Internal Revenue Act of 1954.

    Yes, it's constitutional.

    Yes, it applies to you.

    Yes, the people who answered otherwise are wrong.

    Nobody said you had to like the tax laws. If you want to change them, do it through the political system.

    More information here:

    and here:

    and much more here:

    The courts have said that income tax is the law. They have the final say, not Joe Blow on the internet.

  • John G
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I've heard that before but why don't you ask a tax attorney. If we didn't pay taxes, how would we get public services that we all need so badly? Who would pave roads? Who would provide health care to the needy, schools for kids to grow and learn, the list goes on and on?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The IRS came to be during prohibition. And to answer your question, income tax was never ratified by the states.

  • 1 decade ago

    Heard that before too and I believe it is True. There is no law that requires us to pay income tax. Write to your congressman and ask them to research it for you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    there is no law, if you go to court for not paying , and ask to see the law , your case will be thrown out.

    second, its an illegal apportioned tax. the constitution, syas the irs is illegal and so is the federal reserve,

    sadly this country was almost ready for a revolution, and they went and put a black face on the government, now people "think" "change" is coming... oh things are changing alright, for the worse...

    Source(s): go to youtube and search " obama deception", a very good documentary. and to the morons saying it is legal, cause of the constitution, maybe you should reread it, taxes are legal, unapportioned taxes on the wages of us citizens is ILLEGAL. and it does succeed in the court all the time, thats why they started giving stimulus money, cause people quit filing. not to mention the 5 th amendment which the irs completely ignores, its ILLEGAL FOLKS stop lying to your selfs and rise up. and to the dip chit saying pay for roads , thats what gas tax is for. the income tax goes DIRECTLY to the pockets of teh bankers. period, stop Lying.
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