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Why do lots of people think that President Obama will be lost without a teleprompter?


Well let's make a deal without any kind of warning just instantly giving 10 hard difficult suprise tests to your last President G. W. Bush and to any 10 of you so called "smooth talkers" that's always doing all of this complaining along with President Obama and let's see who comes out on top !!!!

Update 2:

There is one thing that I 'll bet my life on and that is >>> That he won't get into that Oval Office and screw up EVERYTHING like your last President just did !!!!

And that's what really counts !!!!!

Update 3:

tuna tal >>> why don't you challenge him to a few one on one suprise pop quiz tests and let's see who really don't

have nothing from the nose up !!

Update 4:

jay >>> To prevent anymore handicaps troops from coming away from Iraq he's also trying to get the remainding troops out of there instead of letting them remain there for the next 100 years constantly getting blown away or becoming seriously wounded like John McCain wanted to do . And he's not going around trying to create anymore unnecessary worthless wars with countries that he thinks the US can defeat which means even more deaths , injuries and handicaps !!!!!!


Update 5:

To:::APBT >> If teleprompter speaking and not able to speak on his own was such an big issue why did so many people of all races to flock to vote for him ???

and I was at his inaurgaration and I saw people of every race there and it broke records and made new history big time !!! I was a volunteer rescue worker at the world trade center the first 2 days after the 9/11 attack and I know what in the hell are going on when it comes to us being fully safe or not !!! Because what's stopping certians attacks right now if those people really want to attack?? So please don't even go there with that crap !!! At least PRESIDENT OBAMA won the presidency fair and honest , and that's a lot more than I can say for Bush who was dishonestly given the job and he still didn't have sense enough to know what to do with it !!!! THAT'S WHO GOT YOU IN THIS JAM NOT PRESIDENT OBAMA !! >>AND LOOK AT WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO A LOT OF THOSES SMART, GREAT SPEAKING PEOPLE ON WALL STREET !!!

Update 6:

Since great speaking without a teleprompter are such a big deal why the hell are they crumbling to pieces at WALL STREET ??? There's something wrong with that picture !!!!!!

12 Answers

  • Tom S
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Proud - Thank you for your strong words, take care of your fallen warrior and peace.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It is just an implication that he has nothing from the nose up.

    Without a teleprompter, he will have to memorize the script. Then he wouldn't be able to deliver sensational speeches, which were the main reason he got elected.

    Most politicians need teleprompters to help them read the speeches, but Obama beats the others in style. So far, Slick Willie is just about the only person who can nail a killer speech without a teleprompter.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama has used the teleprompter more than ANY other President in history. That is a fact, even in the shortest of speaking he has to use it. The democrats saw it as a problem during his campaigning and tried to get him to wean off of it last summer. It didn't work, they couldn't get him to function without it. He couldn't' hold an audience without it. His campaign adviser's have even said he can't speak well without it. We are talking about people who were trying to get him elected that were disturbed at his inability to reach people without the teleprompter. Do you get that?

    It has become a huge problem for him. He can't function without it. Even when speaking to world leaders in conferences that the press was present he needed it. The White House Historian has said it's a problem, it's the elephant in the room. Why? Because if he speaks without it he says things like say Jessica Simpson is gaining weight. Or inappropriate jokes about The Special Olympics. That is not very Presidential.

    When it malfunctions he does things like look side to side and says ugh... ugh... Or he does things like introduce himself! Last week was a classic "I'd like to thank... I'd like to thank President Obama"....

    Obviously he isn't even reading what he is saying. If he did read and comprehend what he says on the teleprompter he would have realized he was reading his own introduction by the last speaker. Didn't he even have a clue when he read his own name? You would think wouldn't you? Even actors know what to read on a teleprompter or even cue cards and know what not to read. Regardless of what you think it IS a huge embarrassment. Remember the world is watching here, our credibility is on the line. What about that don't you understand?

    We have a new President, regardless of what party you are in we need him to be able to think and speak on his own. Which his own party has declared he isn't able to do.

    Why don't you stop living in the past? President Bush is gone, so Obama needs to step up. Stop defending him by attacking Bush, it's juvenile to defend yourself by saying well look what so and so did.... Kids do that to defend themselves.... Don't point the finger at me and what I'm doing... look at what so and so is doing. Why can you only defend him by attacking someone else? The campaign is over, you can't defend yourself by pointing fingers at someone who isn't in the picture anymore.

    You didn't see George Bush constantly blaming Clinton for his policies which left us open to the 9-11 attacks. Do you really want to start the finger pointing game?

    I wouldn't bet anything on what Obama is doing because he has only begun this term of office and already he is showing his weaknesses. The teleprompter is the least of our problems with his agenda.

    Personally, I take issue with throwing expensive cocktail parties EVERY Wednesday night during the worst recession since the depression! It is not appropriate. People are losing their jobs, their homes, they are becoming desperate. It's like Marie Antoinette telling the people who were starving in France 'Let them eat cake'.

    Or what about trying to make wounded warriors pay for some of their own medical care through privatization? How outrageous is that? He wants to say money there but throws trillions into projects that will bankrupt us. Yes, let's spend trillions and then save a little off the back of the people who keep our country safe. If the American Legion and Disabled American Veterans association had not alerted the public to that idea it would have gone through. So much for honoring his commitment to better care for our servicemen and wounded warriors. Or don't you have a problem with that? Remember these are the people who have sacrificed for you. Or don't you care?

    You mention the troops but don't have the real facts. My husband is a wounded warrior, he is 100% permanent and totally disabled. So don't even question what I know about wounded warriors!

    John McCain didn't mean they would really be there for 100 years it was taken out of context. He meant we would stay there until it was safe. He wants the people of Iraq to know we are committed to helping them keep the peace. Which is something the government of Iraq wants us to do. Even Obama understand this now. Obama now realizes which is why he finally decided that leaving 50,000 troops there even after the so called 'withdrawl' is needed to keep the peace. Do you not get Iraq just held an election without incident? You don't see Obama thanking the troops for that do you? Why? Because he would have to admit the surge Pres. Bush did before leaving office actually worked. That the Iraqi people are safer since the surge. Something he opposed, he originally wanted to just pull out and leave these radical insurgents to continue the violence in Iraq. These aren't the Iraqi people fighting with themselves these are terrorists from Syria and Iran.

    We've been safe from incident since 9-11 perhaps you don't get that? There are radical groups want to kill us, do you understand that? Do you want these terrorists on the loose in America?

    The teleprompter is only a fraction of the bigger problem.


  • Jay
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Without a prompter, he laughs on 60 minutes when discussing the economy and bashes the mentally handicapped on Leno. That's just 2 this week. If I felt like it, I could name many more.

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  • Diana
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    watch the video at the City Hall meeting, he said he couldn't hear himself talk. Now when I've had a lack of sleep I stutter or slur my words. He depends on that thing to say easy stuff, we're not talking brain surgery here folks.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because he has absolutely no ability to speak without it. Or with it, actually. See his "breathalizer" speech. Pathetic.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    LOL it's a bit obvious to most people

  • 1 decade ago

    Did your teleprompter tell you to ask that?

  • 1 decade ago

    wasn't this question posted like a 100 times this week? you sore losers

    are hilarious.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think this is Fox news views..They started this rumor about telepromtors.. He does very well speaking to the american people.. and we listened. and voted him in office... Republicans just need to pick pick pick his every move.. When will it STOP!!!

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