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If you believe in God, why? (What motivates you?)?

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, my God has been quite kind to me, I never bothered him for 43 years and He to never bothered me. But one day suddenly everything went wrong, floods, losses, litigation's, notice from banks and debtors, penniless I had the feeling 'of course hell would be a better place'. And than I started bothering God, just praying, and gradually things started changing all these people were still around but I had the guts to face them, I felt that God was always around. Today time has changed not goodat-leastt better.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Here are three quick easy ways to prove it to yourself.

    I. First: You exist.

    If matter-energy can NOT be created, how did we all get here in the first place? But here we all are 'existing'. This implies the very hand of God leaving every atheist staring in the mirror asking themselves, "But how?"

    II. Second: ‘Big Bang’ and other cosmological evidence.

    If you truly understand quantum mechanics then you will know that the Big Bang theory requires a creator by fiat. Think of the universe in reverse until it's small enough to be completely described by quantum mechanics alone. In order for the universe to start unfolding into what we see now, our universe's specific wave function had to be brought into existence as a certain possibility out of an infinite number of other possible wave functions that had to collapse or at least decohere. At this fuzzy nanoscopic beginning, this required a 'Prime Observer' to enable this and set the expansion of the universe into motion and those initial conditions became the very facets of physical law. What we refer to as this finely tuned 'reality'. This need for an 'observer' comes from the basic quantum mechanical concept known as Shrodinger's Cat. Also, we must remember that the universe is being said to have come from nowhere which implies an act of 'creation'.

    This ever increasing expansion of our universe is alluded to 11 times in the Bible:

    Job 9:8 ; Psalm 104:2 ; Isaiah 40:22 ; Isaiah 42:5 ; Isaiah 44:24 ; Isaiah 45:12 ; Isaiah 48:13 ; Isaiah 51:13 ; Jeremiah 10:12 ; Jeremiah 51:15 ; Zechariah 12:1

    The Bible also alludes to the ‘Big Rip’:

    Revelation 6:14 ; Isaiah 34:4 ; 2 Peter 3:10

    III. Third: The fulfillment of hundreds of Biblical prophecies.

    For instance here is just one that was prophesied almost 2 millennia ago, yet has manifested itself now. Revelation 13:16-18

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi, I believed in God from a young age because my grandad told me about him, but he didn't tell me the truth. He made God out to be some kind of behaviour police who would put a black mark next to my name if I did something wrong, and I was scared to misbehave after that!

    My parents certainly didn't teach me about God and we were not church goers, I was not christened, and I rejected the beliefs of all the christians I did know.

    However, 7 years ago I was invited to the baptism of a friend and I went out of respect for her. We were on the beach and I was very embarrassed to be there. But whilst I listened to the testimonies of those being baptised, I was stirred inside and thought 'they really think they know Jesus and that he has changed their lives.' I didn't know it but that was the holy spirit leading me. During the teaching of the pastor, it was like I was being spoken to directly by God, everything was relevant and I was starting to cry! Quietly, as I don't do public displays of emotion. The the pastor said, 'If anyone wants to be blessed by Jesus, raise your hand,' and I did, despite feeling like an idiot. As the guy said, 'bless you,' , the most amazing thing happened, which was that God made himself known to me, in a way I cannot deny. I was filled with the Spirit, which was like being filled up with love and peace and all good feelings, and a certain knowledge that I was loved by God and always had been. I was instantly healed of my mild depression at that moment too, and was able to come off medication.

    I then did an alpha course, to be sure that my feelings were normal and because I like to seek truth, I won't just be told anything.

    Hope that answers your question. I continue to believe because God speaks to me and answers my prayers, and is awesome.

  • J.
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    God motivates and it is by God grace we believe.

    Source(s): Bible
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My faith in God is a gift from God. Nothing (other than God Himself) "motivates" me to believe, I just do. To me it is obvious that He exists. I can't imagine living life without Him.

  • 1 decade ago

    People are often driven toward God when they come to realize that life is purposeless, meaningless and pointless unless there is a Creator who created the universe to be a certain way. In other words, love, compassion, mercy, forgiveness, etc. are universal truths and not just something we imagine.

  • minou
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Believe it or not, I was born with a desire to kiss every crosses I saw. When I started walking, my parents were so embarrassed. There was a cross at the end of each pew in Church(a huge Church) and I would stop to kiss each one of them. I always loved to go to Church, it always made me happy. I was born that way and nobody has ever been able to stop me. I love God with all my heart and my soul. God Bless!

  • 1 decade ago

    My belief is not based on emotion. To me, belief in God {or let's say a supreme intelligent being} is the only logical explanation for the way things are, i.e the existence of the Universe, Earth and life on it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    His existence motivates me to believe. you can close your ears, shut your eyes and refuse to believe in Him, but it doesnt change anything. God was and is and is to come.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Man invents god in his own insane image in order to cope with the insanity of it all.

    Life is not sane, and neither is man.

    Man constantly strives to to make sense out of the insanity of it all.

    Man attempts to, and in some cases has to justifies his actions as a result of having to succeed at the demise of the next man.

    ” It all very parasites like really”

    There is no such thing as race or religion, that’s just man categorizing in order to recognize.

    Homa sapians wiped out other intelligent bipeds many thousands of years ago.

    What we have right now are culture clashes as a result of many mind sets being colloquial, uneducated and indoctrinated. I.E. “Living in our own little world”

    It's all still very insane as long as primitive mans ego needs to invent where he came from in order to know where he is going. never mind know what he is doing.

    Maybe this will always be so.

    We are a perpetually, accentuating product of environmental circumstance that has no choice other than to do onto others as was done onto us without incurring some damage and knowledge upon ourselves.

    We learn and then perpetuate our behavior whilst exhibiting our hierarchical status, this is what we know as culture.

    There is no escape and anyone at any time can become the victim, that’s if we are not all victims in the first place. Good luck!

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