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Do you ever think you're God?

Does this ever happen to you?

Do you ever find yourself having this kind of epiphany where you're wondering why, out of all the people in the world, you're looking at the world through YOUR eyes and nobody elses? And does this ever make you wonder if you're God?

I don't know if this makes me weird, but sometimes living life as me, seeing it through my eyes, I think I'm God and that I am filled with infinite power and wisdom that I could connect with instantly if I just tried.


I actually have read Conversations with God, and it was absolutely life changing. The book totally clicked with me because even before reading it, I always had this feeling that there was more to me than what people made me feel there was.

Update 2:

And wow, big response, I'm super appreciative of every answer. It's gonna be tough choosing a best one.

Update 3:

I'm shocked at how pessimistic some of the people who answered are and it saddens me to see how some of you perceive humans as so insignificant.

I'm glad I'm not like that. I think we're special.

28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well first off, let me say it does not make you weird, but it does make you one of a few. Not many people see it this way, as you can tell by the people telling you that you are either blasphemous or high. However you are not alone. In a study I read online, it is about 1% of the population that holds this belief, and given how many people there are on the planet, it should be a comforting thought to you.

    I've had that epiphany myself shortly after pulling away from religion altogether. Something just didnt ring true to me in any religion, yet somehow the idea that we are all pieces of the same pie kind of stuck to me. I think what you are tapping into, is something we can all tap into, which is the collection of who we are and what we have become through our choices. It is infinite, as are we. I also think it is important to not only view yourself as having this ability because it can lead down an arrogant road if you're not careful. We all have the ability to connect to our higher selves, as we have the right to free will and choose not to, for whatever reason. Also, as long as you don't see yourself as the only/ultimate God, it is a healthy belief system. I recommend, if ur interested, to start looking up Abraham Hicks, Story Waters and read Conversations with God by Neal Donald Walsh and see if you click with what they say as I think you're on the same page as they are. Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A God is a being that creates and rules. Let me give it to you straight, in the history of all mankind, there has not been one thing that a man created. You could say, "Sure we did, cars, gummi bears, space crafts". You're looking at this the wrong way. We cannot create truth, we can illusively create reality and be too smart for our own good. There are no human creations, there are only human discoveries, we cannot create, we can only find, evaluate, and theorize. Our ability to imagine and put together pieces of a puzzle is not something we control, we can control the level of acceptance of ideas, but not in the order of which we want them to come to us, our thoughts are not our own, if that were the case, you and I we couldn't share the same exact thought. 1 + 1 = 2, if you didn't know the answer to that question, that wouldn't 2 an incorrect answer. Therefore whether we are aware of it or not, science has already justified itself, it's already complete, but as far we are concerned, science is directly proportional to how much we excel within that field of study. Therefore human wisdom is knowing how irgnorant we were, how ignorant we are, how ignorant we will always be. Our brains are receivers BEFORE being transmitters, therefore we own NOTHING. Our reality is the measurment of our surroundings, and even that isn't our creation, but only an evaluation. In conclusion, truth and reality are 2 completely different things, you saying you are "your own god" is nothing more than ego talking, because you are not eternal, you are not all knowing, you created nothing, you own nothing, you are as strong as a photon, you are part of something, which is the rest of the earth, and that makes you a servant, not a God.

  • Sara
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    What a beautiful question! Only a person who is on the brink of spiritual power would feel that way.

    God is so close, heart of your heart, life of your life, soul of your soul.

    While you are in the body, you have to think of Him as a separate being, but the truth of Him is closer than that.

    You should study a religion like Vedanta, which addresses this same question, particularly the books written by Swami Vivekananda, a Hindu sannyasin who came to the United States at the turn of the century.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, but I do think that God has given me the ability to look at the world in my own unique and wonderful way. It is God which I seek knowledge and the courage to live my life to its fullest potential. Understanding that I am not alone in this Universe of man made fabrication in which life can trick us into believing we are greater than anyone else. We are in balance with all living beings no less no more.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Indulging in a different internal perspective, sometimes a bit more superior; yes just as much as it is reasonable to indulge in an extreme external perspective. If youre interested more in the topic, read Nagel on Absurdism.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In an awkward way.. yes. You are not alone.

    I know Religious people would consider it a blasphemy but you just can't help but wonder if your perception of the world is different from everybody else.

  • 1 decade ago

    You may "feel" this way until the appropriate measuring sticks

    arrive, or until you are unable to suppress them. But yes,

    your spirit is vast.

    "I saw a soul in the state of grace and it was of such beauty

    that i would have worshiped it had i not known that such a thing

    would be idolatrous" . . . . . . St Catherine

  • Yogi
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago


    We are all God, having an infinite number of experiences in an infinite level of forms.

    Try reading the book. "Conversations with God" by Neal Donald Walsh.

  • 5 years ago

    Its a remember of religion and you in basic terms ought to locate that suited time on your existence once you go with it. despite in case you sell off it later or not is an argument of total determination yet i think in case you chosen to have confidence in something you ought to remeber the way it felt and not rationalize it later as interior the previous and stuff. maximum folk can on no account determine they're suited yet its not a remember of supply and take, like a good purchase. such as you place your existence on the line and stay this non secular existence and in step with possibility he will advantages you interior the subsequent existence. that is like a private assembly with God and that i understand that sounds rather like a self-satisfying prophecy wherein you experience particular and so which you proceed. yet those like me who can say theyve felt they have met with God will (hopefully) inform you it truly is unlike a good purchase which you on no account get something back for in this existence. i'm able to declare individually he's blessed me with many presents or maybe self wisdom I wouldnt have had in any different case. Jesus exchange into additionally meant to die, that is actual between the pillars of Christianity, without it it could'nt artwork and a brilliant style of persons declare he didnt die yet Roman archives teach that he exchange into certainly crucified. interior the Bible the whole of the scriptures build as much as this sacrifice, even interior the previous testomony. maximum folk attempt against with a predicament of exchange into he in basic terms a human guy or exchange into he somebody the Jewish God had promised could flow to earth in some unspecified time interior the destiny and die to reconcile everybody which includes gentiles (non Jews) to their suited dating with God.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. God does not have to think he/she is God to be God.

    Do you follow me?

    Thinking is a process that implies a screen, a critical screen or filters of interpretation. God does not use that.

    If you are in love, you do not need to think: I am in love.

    You just are in love.

    So, whether we are divine or not, whether we have one spark or many sparks of divinity within ourselves, the process of thinking about it is not only unnecessary but also denying the fact, if any.

    Source(s): Me
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