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100 Question Challenge...?

I once asked a question that had 78 questions, and was EXTREMELY long... I'm going to try for 100...


Please answer... can I have a star at least?

♥ Which one...

1. East coast or West coast

2. fruit or veggies

3. too loud or too quiet

4. too hot or too cold

5. spiders or butterflies

6. Mint or fruit gum

7. silver or gold

8. first or last

9. even or odd

10. black or white

11. grow older or younger

12. night or morning

13. live forever or live for a day

14. technology or religion

15. beach or mountain

16. love or hook-ups

17. cute or hot

18. stand out or fit in

19. missing an arm or a leg

20. male or female

♥ When was the last time you...

21. ate something you or a family member killed?

22. bought something

23. drank water

24. failed a quiz/test

25. ran a mile

26. used you brain ;P

27. read a book

28. dyed your hair

29. were given a compliment

30. kissed someone

♥ Have you ever...

31. Caught them all (pokemon)

32. learned another language

33. visit another country

34. fail a class

35. wet your pants over the age of 10

36. become a vegan for a period of time

37. ate sushi

38. been on an airplane

39. crashed

40. slept through a whole day (24 straight hours)

♥ Random stuff...

41. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck

42. Do you think you are pretty/handsome

43. How old are you

44. What does your middle name start with

45. Have you ever wanted to own an exotic pet

♥ (more) When was the last time you...

46. ate

47. felt really happy

48. got a new toothbrush

49. watched a cartoon

50. questioned how long it would take to answer all these questions

♥ How many...

51. pencils are in your sight without getting up

52. pillows you see

53. trash laying around

54. different foods/food remains

55. people in your sight

56. times you have went to the bathroom today

57. hours you spent on the computer

58. hours of sleep you got

59. scribbles of writing on your skin

60. Pokemon you caught (lol)

♥ (more) Which one...

61. PC or Apple

62. Dentist or Doctor

63. Tick or Tock

65. Open or Closed

66. Yes or No

67. Star or Heart

68. Right handed or Left handed

69. Chocolate or Ice-Cream

70. Curly or Straight

71. Old or New

72. Too Rich or Too Poor

73. Famous or Infamous

74. girl or boy

75. lucky or no luck at all

♥ Do you believe in...

76. Luck

77. Love at first sight

78. Aliens

79. God

80. Abortion

81. Ghosts/spirits

82. Peter Pan (lol)

83. Magic

84. The tooth fairy

85. Santa clause

♥ (more) Random...

86. What time is it

87. How long have you been taking this

88. How tall are you

89. What color eyes do you have

90. Do you watch the show LOST

91. Where's Waldo

92. are you a twin

93. do you like fast food

94. creative or logical

95. if you could be any element, which one would you be

96. was your birthday either in June, September, or February

97. any food allergies

98. Zoo or Amusement Park

99. Did you notice that it's the 99th question

100. ↑ and how do you feel about that


CONGRATULATIONS! your finally done! Let's see if I can get 100 answers!

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    holy crap

    ♥ Which one...

    1. East coast or West coast ***west. i love california sun, and the rain and clouds of oregon and washington

    2. fruit or veggies ***fruits...specially strawberries :)

    3. too loud or too quiet ***too loud

    4. too hot or too cold ***too cod

    5. spiders or butterflies ***butterflies duh

    6. Mint or fruit gum ***

    7. silver or gold ***silver

    8. first or last ***from first to last :]

    9. even or odd ***um...odd. i thinkl

    10. black or white ***black. not a big fan of white

    11. grow older or younger ***older

    12. night or morning ***definitely night

    13. live forever or live for a day ***idk...they both would suck

    14. technology or religion ***both. religion is just my faith. technology is uber fun

    15. beach or mountain ***hmm...i live by the mountains, so i choose beach :)

    16. love or hook-ups ***love ferreal

    17. cute or hot ***cute

    18. stand out or fit in ***stand way out

    19. missing an arm or a leg ***an arm

    20. male or female ***i am female. i like male

    ♥ When was the last time you...

    21. ate something you or a family member killed? ***...not sure

    22. bought something ***the other night

    23. drank water ***yesterday...that's bad. unless you count the tea that i just made....

    24. failed a quiz/test ***um...i don 't remember.

    25. ran a mile ***ha, yesterday i probably ran at least 2

    26. used you brain ;P ***oh, that never happens

    27. read a book *** i read a few nights ago. not the whole book though.

    28. dyed your hair ***oh geez, like 2 years ago. i wish i could be a redhead

    29. were given a compliment ***last night

    30. kissed someone ***january. it should've been today...

    ♥ Have you ever...

    31. Caught them all (pokemon) ***haha...what?

    32. learned another language ***i am in spanish 1 at school.

    33. visit another country ***never have, except i was born in south korea

    34. fail a class ***never have

    35. wet your pants over the age of 10 ***i don't think i did

    36. become a vegan for a period of time ***i never could

    37. ate sushi ***i have yet to do..

    38. been on an airplane ***yes :) i love airplanes

    39. crashed ***on my bike :)

    40. slept through a whole day (24 straight hours) ***no, almost though

    ♥ Random stuff...

    41. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck ***what's a woodchuck?

    42. Do you think you are pretty/handsome ***sometimes. usually not.

    43. How old are you ***15

    44. What does your middle name start with ***i have two: j, c

    45. Have you ever wanted to own an exotic pet ***yeah! i still want a polar bear

    ♥ (more) When was the last time you...

    46. ate ***a few hours ago

    47. felt really happy ***sometime earlier today

    48. got a new toothbrush ***a couple months

    49. watched a cartoon ***um...not sure

    50. questioned how long it would take to answer all these questions ***20.3 seconds

    ♥ How many...

    51. pencils are in your sight without getting up ***five

    52. pillows you see ***eleven

    53. trash laying around ***a little

    54. different foods/food remains ***i have a bag of candy...

    55. people in your sight ***zero

    56. times you have went to the bathroom today ***idk

    57. hours you spent on the computer ***way too many...snowday

    58. hours of sleep you got ***nine

    59. scribbles of writing on your skin ***none

    60. Pokemon you caught (lol) ***lol wtf

    ♥ (more) Which one...

    61. PC or Apple ***im a pc and think apples are for eating

    62. Dentist or Doctor ***doctor

    63. Tick or Tock ***mmm...tock cause it rhymes with clock

    65. Open or Closed ***open

    66. Yes or No ***yes

    67. Star or Heart ***i like a good mix of both

    68. Right handed or Left handed ***right

    69. Chocolate or Ice-Cream ***ice cream :] makes me scream

    70. Curly or Straight ***i wish it was straight

    71. Old or New ***depends...

    72. Too Rich or Too Poor ***um...neither

    73. Famous or Infamous ***infamous

    74. girl or boy ***i like boys

    75. lucky or no luck at all ***lucky...why not

    ♥ Do you believe in...

    76. Luck ***not really

    77. Love at first sight ***no...

    78. Aliens ***haha little green things?

    79. God ***with my whole <3

    80. Abortion ***nooooo...why don't you ask if i believe in murder?

    81. Ghosts/spirits ***nope

    82. Peter Pan (lol) ***lol..oh yes.

    83. Magic ***nah...there's always a catch

    84. The tooth fairy ***yes, i believe in my mom :)

    85. Santa clause ***sadly, i never did. my parents just ruined it from the beginning.

    ♥ (more) Random...

    86. What time is it ***6:29

    87. How long have you been taking this ***i don't remember when i started

    88. How tall are you ***5'3

    89. What color eyes do you have ***insanely dark brown

    90. Do you watch the show LOST *** confused me too much

    91. Where's Waldo ***in my back pocket

    92. are you a twin ***no

    93. do you like fast food ***yepp. i play high school sports. i have to :) after games, you PRAY for fast food.

    94. creative or logical ***definitely creative

    95. if you could be any element, which one would you be ***water :] rain!

    96. was your birthday either in June, September, or February ***

    97. any food allergies ***nope thank goodness

    98. Zoo or Amusement Park ***amusement parks. zoos are lame. i love roller coasters

    99. Did you notice that it's the 99th question ***i did :)

    100. ↑ and how do you feel about that ***pretty great actually


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ♥ Which one...

    1. East coast or West coast ; East coast

    2. fruit or veggies ; Fruits

    3. too loud or too quiet ; Too loud

    4. too hot or too cold ; Too cold

    5. spiders or butterflies ; Butterflies

    6. Mint or fruit gum ; Fruit gum

    7. silver or gold ; Gold

    8. first or last ; First

    9. even or odd ; Even

    10. black or white ; Black

    11. grow older or younger ; Young [=

    12. night or morning ; Night

    13. live forever or live for a day ; FOREVER

    14. technology or religion ; Idk?

    15. beach or mountain ; Mountain

    16. love or hook-ups ; Love

    17. cute or hot ; Cute

    18. stand out or fit in ; Fit in

    19. missing an arm or a leg ; Arm?

    20. male or female ; Im a female [=

    ♥ When was the last time you...

    21. ate something you or a family member killed? ; idk

    22. bought something ; today

    23. drank water ; today

    24. failed a quiz/test ; friday

    25. ran a mile ; tuesday

    26. used you brain ;P ; hahaha right now

    27. read a book ; today

    28. dyed your hair ; last year

    29. were given a compliment ; today [=

    30. kissed someone ; idr

    ♥ Have you ever...

    31. Caught them all (pokemon) ; no

    32. learned another language ; idk

    33. visit another country ; never

    34. fail a class ; mhm

    35. wet your pants over the age of 10 ; nope

    36. become a vegan for a period of time ; kinda

    37. ate sushi ; yes

    38. been on an airplane ; not yet

    39. crashed ; never

    40. slept through a whole day (24 straight hours) ; never [=

    ♥ Random stuff...

    41. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck ; dk

    42. Do you think you are pretty/handsome ; ehh, naah.

    43. How old are you ;4teen

    44. What does your middle name start with ; d

    45. Have you ever wanted to own an exotic pet ; nuh.

    ♥ (more) When was the last time you...

    46. ate ; now

    47. felt really happy ; today?

    48. got a new toothbrush ; last year

    49. watched a cartoon ; family guy

    50. questioned how long it would take to answer all these questions ; probly 2 days? Im just contuning mine now. [x

    ♥ How many...

    51. pencils are in your sight without getting up ; none

    52. pillows you see ; none

    53. trash laying around ; none

    54. different foods/food remains ; cereal

    55. people in your sight ; mom =/

    56. times you have went to the bathroom today ; alot

    57. hours you spent on the computer ; few

    58. hours of sleep you got ; 8

    59. scribbles of writing on your skin ; none

    60. Pokemon you caught (lol) ; pikachu !

    ♥ (more) Which one...

    61. PC or Apple ; PC

    62. Dentist or Doctor ; eww neither!!!!!!!

    63. Tick or Tock ; tock

    65. Open or Closed ; open

    66. Yes or No ; no

    67. Star or Heart ; heart

    68. Right handed or Left handed ; right

    69. Chocolate or Ice-Cream ; chocolate ice cream

    70. Curly or Straight ; straight

    71. Old or New ; new

    72. Too Rich or Too Poor ; too rich

    73. Famous or Infamous ; famous

    74. girl or boy ; ima girl

    75. lucky or no luck at all ; lucky

    ♥ Do you believe in...

    76. Luck ; sure

    77. Love at first sight ; mhm

    78. Aliens ; maybe

    79. God ; not sure anymore

    80. Abortion ; no

    81. Ghosts/spirits ; maybe

    82. Peter Pan (lol) ; nope

    83. Magic ; nope

    84. The tooth fairy ; no

    85. Santa clause ; no

    ♥ (more) Random...

    86. What time is it ; 2:17 pm

    87. How long have you been taking this ; few minutes

    88. How tall are you ; 5'5

    89. What color eyes do you have ; brown

    90. Do you watch the show LOST ; no

    91. Where's Waldo ; up your ***

    92. are you a twin ; neeh

    93. do you like fast food ; not really

    94. creative or logical ; creative

    95. if you could be any element, which one would you be ; asf

    96. was your birthday either in [[September]]

    97. any food allergies ; crab

    98. Zoo or Amusement Park ; amusement park

    99. Did you notice that it's the 99th question ; mhm

    100. ↑ and how do you feel about that ; ughh..

    Source(s): YES! Im finished ! =DD
  • kiwi
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    1. East coast or West coast; west :]

    2. fruit or veggies; fruits

    3. too loud or too quiet; too quiet

    4. too hot or too cold; too hot

    5. spiders or butterflies; butterflies, lolz

    6. Mint or fruit gum; both

    7. silver or gold; gold

    8. first or last; last

    9. even or odd; even

    10. black or white; black

    11. grow older or younger; younger

    12. night or morning; night

    13. live forever or live for a day; forever

    14. technology or religion; i dont knowwww

    15. beach or mountain; beach :]

    16. love or hook-ups; love

    17. cute or hot; cute

    18. stand out or fit in; fit in

    19. missing an arm or a leg; arm

    20. male or female; im a female

    ♥ When was the last time you...

    21. ate something you or a family member killed? i dont know lolz

    22. bought something; monday, i think

    23. drank water; an hour ago

    24. failed a quiz/test; a week ago

    25. ran a mile; 9th grade, lolz

    26. used you brain ;P; right now, lolz

    27. read a book; a few hours ago

    28. dyed your hair; a few months ago

    29. were given a compliment; yesterday

    30. kissed someone; about 2 weekends ago :/

    ♥ Have you ever...

    31. Caught them all (pokemon); haha no

    32. learned another language; yea

    33. visit another country; yea

    34. fail a class; no, but i think im gonna this year :[

    35. wet your pants over the age of 10; yes, lolz

    36. become a vegan for a period of time; nope

    37. ate sushi; yea

    38. been on an airplane; of course

    39. crashed; yea

    40. slept through a whole day (24 straight hours); no

    ♥ Random stuff...

    41. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck; too many, lolz

    42. Do you think you are pretty/handsome; average

    43. How old are you; 16

    44. What does your middle name start with; t

    45. Have you ever wanted to own an exotic pet; no

    ♥ (more) When was the last time you...

    46. ate; like 10 mins ago

    47. felt really happy; not too long ago

    48. got a new toothbrush; december

    49. watched a cartoon; a few days ago

    50. questioned how long it would take to answer all these questions; haha, i dont remember when i started

    ♥ How many...

    51. pencils are in your sight without getting up; 4

    52. pillows you see none

    53. trash laying around alot, lolz

    54. different foods/food remains too many, the kitchen is behind me. haha

    55. people in your sight; none

    56. times you have went to the bathroom today; i dont count, but probably 5

    57. hours you spent on the computer; so far today, it hasnt been an hour yet

    58. hours of sleep you got; probably 8

    59. scribbles of writing on your skin; none

    60. Pokemon you caught (lol); none haha

    ♥ (more) Which one...

    61. PC or Apple; pc

    62. Dentist or Doctor; doctor

    63. Tick or Tock; tick

    65. Open or Closed; open

    66. Yes or No; yes

    67. Star or Heart; bothhh

    68. Right handed or Left handed; right

    69. Chocolate or Ice-Cream; eeekkkk, both! lolz

    70. Curly or Straight; straight

    71. Old or New; new

    72. Too Rich or Too Poor; average, but id like to be too rich. haha

    73. Famous or Infamous; infamous

    74. girl or boy; im a girl

    75. lucky or no luck at all; i have no luck :[

    ♥ Do you believe in...

    76. Luck; yea

    77. Love at first sight; not yet...

    78. Aliens; kinda

    79. God; yea

    80. Abortion; yea

    81. Ghosts/spirits; no :/

    82. Peter Pan (lol); haha, sure.

    83. Magic; yea

    84. The tooth fairy; no

    85. Santa clause; st nick, yes

    ♥ (more) Random...

    86. What time is it; 5:23 pm

    87. How long have you been taking this; i have no idea. lolz

    88. How tall are you; 5'2

    89. What color eyes do you have; brown...

    90. Do you watch the show LOST; no

    91. Where's Waldo; in the book. lolz

    92. are you a twin; no

    93. do you like fast food; depends on my mood or where or what

    94. creative or logical; creative

    95. if you could be any element, which one would you be; Na, i dont know why. lolz

    96. was your birthday either in June, September, or February; nope

    97. any food allergies; i get ichy during the winter

    98. Zoo or Amusement Park amusement park

    99. Did you notice that it's the 99th question; yea, ive been counting down. haha

    100. ↑ and how do you feel about that; that was great :]

  • 1 decade ago

    ♥ Which one...

    1. East coast or West coast: WEST COAST

    2. fruit or veggies: FRUITS

    3. too loud or too quiet: TOO LOUD

    4. too hot or too cold: TOO HOT!!!

    5. spiders or butterflies: BUTTERFLIES

    6. Mint or fruit gum: MINT

    7. silver or gold: GOLD

    8. first or last: FIRST

    9. even or odd: ODD (I LIKE TO BE DIFFERENT)

    10. black or white: BLACK

    11. grow older or younger: GROW OLDER

    12. night or morning: MORNING

    13. live forever or live for a day: LIVE FOREVER

    14. technology or religion: TECHNOLOGY

    15. beach or mountain: BEACH

    16. love or hook-ups: LOVE

    17. cute or hot: HOT

    18. stand out or fit in: STAND OUT

    19. missing an arm or a leg: ARM

    20. male or female: FEMALE (DUH!!!)

    ♥ When was the last time you...

    21. ate something you or a family member killed? I JUST ATE... AND IDK

    22. bought something: LIKE YESTERDAY

    23. drank water: 2 MINUTES AGO

    24. failed a quiz/test: LIKE 5TH GRADE... LOL

    25. ran a mile: SUMMER

    26. used you brain ;P: TODAY

    27. read a book: TODAY

    28. dyed your hair: NEVER

    29. were given a compliment: TODAY

    30. kissed someone: TODAY

    ♥ Have you ever...

    31. Caught them all (pokemon): NOOOO

    32. learned another language: NO

    33. visit another country: I WISH =)

    34. fail a class: NO

    35. wet your pants over the age of 10: NO

    36. become a vegan for a period of time: NO

    37. ate sushi: NO

    38. been on an airplane: YES.. IT WAS FUN!

    39. crashed: NO

    40. slept through a whole day (24 straight hours): ALMOST

    ♥ Random stuff...

    41. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck: A BUNCH!!!

    42. Do you think you are pretty/handsome: YES

    43. How old are you: 13

    44. What does your middle name start with: M

    45. Have you ever wanted to own an exotic pet: NOT REALLY

    ♥ (more) When was the last time you...

    46. ate: A LITTLE AGO

    47. felt really happy: THIS MORNING

    48. got a new toothbrush: 6 MONTHS AGO!

    49. watched a cartoon: YESTERDAY

    50. questioned how long it would take to answer all these questions: WHEN I STARTED THE SURVEY

    ♥ How many...

    51. pencils are in your sight without getting up: A LOT OF COLORED PENCILS, NONE REGULAR

    52. pillows you see: 0

    53. trash laying around: 0

    54. different foods/food remains:0

    55. people in your sight: 0

    56. times you have went to the bathroom today: 2?

    57. hours you spent on the computer: 2

    58. hours of sleep you got: 8

    59. scribbles of writing on your skin: NONE

    60. Pokemon you caught (lol): NONE

    ♥ (more) Which one...

    61. PC or Apple: PC!!

    62. Dentist or Doctor: DOCTOR

    63. Tick or Tock: TICK

    65. Open or Closed: OPEN

    66. Yes or No: YES

    67. Star or Heart: STAR

    68. Right handed or Left handed: LEFT HANDED

    69. Chocolate or Ice-Cream: CHOCOLATE

    70. Curly or Straight: STRAIGHT

    71. Old or New: NEW

    72. Too Rich or Too Poor: TOO RICH

    73. Famous or Infamous: FAMOUS

    74. girl or boy: GIRL

    75. lucky or no luck at all: LUCKY =)

    ♥ Do you believe in...

    76. Luck: YES

    77. Love at first sight: NO

    78. Aliens: NO

    79. God: YES

    80. Abortion: NO

    81. Ghosts/spirits: SPIRITS YES, GHOSTS NO

    82. Peter Pan (lol): UMMM NOOOO

    83. Magic: OF COURSE

    84. The tooth fairy: LIKE TOTALLY!!!! LOL

    85. Santa clause: LIKE TOTALLY!!!!! LOL

    ♥ (more) Random...

    86. What time is it: 8:23 PM

    87. How long have you been taking this: 5 MIN.

    88. How tall are you: 5'3"

    89. What color eyes do you have: GREEN

    90. Do you watch the show LOST: NO

    91. Where's Waldo: IDK

    92. are you a twin: NO

    93. do you like fast food: YES AT TIMES

    94. creative or logical: CREATIVE

    95. if you could be any element, which one would you be: OXYGEN!!

    96. was your birthday either in June, September, or February: NO, DECEMBER

    97. any food allergies: NO

    98. Zoo or Amusement Park: AMUSEMENT PARK

    99. Did you notice that it's the 99th question: YES I DID!!1

    100. ↑ and how do you feel about that: I FEEL PRETTY OK WITH IT AND NOW I AM DONE!!! SO PLEASE GIVE ME BEST ANSWER!!!!

    Source(s): MY BRAIN
  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ♥ Which one...

    1. East coast or West coast- What?

    2. fruit or veggies- Fruit!

    3. too loud or too quiet- Too loud. :]

    4. too hot or too cold- Cold.

    5. spiders or butterflies-Buttyflies.

    6. Mint or fruit gum-Mint.

    7. silver or gold-Silver.

    8. first or last-First.

    9. even or odd-Even.

    10. black or white-Black.

    11. grow older or younger- Younger. :]

    12. night or morning- night!

    13. live forever or live for a day- Forever

    14. technology or religion- Technology?

    15. beach or mountain- Beach.

    16. love or hook-ups- Love.

    17. cute or hot- Cute.

    18. stand out or fit in- STAND OUT.

    19. missing an arm or a leg- None.?

    20. male or female- Male. :)

    ♥ When was the last time you...

    21. ate something you or a family member killed?- I'm a vegitarian.

    22. bought something- Last week at the mall. :)

    23. drank water- Just now.

    24. failed a quiz/test- Last month.

    25. ran a mile- On Tuesday.

    26. used you brain ;P- Today in History!

    27. read a book- Erm. :3.

    28. dyed your hair- Last month.

    29. were given a compliment- Today. :)

    30. kissed someone- Today. :)

    ♥ Have you ever...

    31. Caught them all (pokemon)- No. ):

    32. learned another language- Yes. :)

    33. visit another country- Yes. :)

    34. fail a class- No. :)

    35. wet your pants over the age of 10- No. xD

    36. become a vegan for a period of time- Vegitarian. :)

    37. ate sushi- A long time ago. :/

    38. been on an airplane- Yes.

    39. crashed- No.

    40. slept through a whole day (24 straight hours)- No.

    ♥ Random stuff...

    41. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck- 2.

    42. Do you think you are pretty/handsome- Sure. :)

    43. How old are you- 17.

    44. What does your middle name start with- A.

    45. Have you ever wanted to own an exotic pet- I already do. It's my baby brother. :0

    ♥ (more) When was the last time you...

    46. ate- 2 hours ago.

    47. felt really happy- When I talked to Devon. :)

    48. got a new toothbrush- Last week.

    49. watched a cartoon


  • Juan
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    1. i dont know, cause i love both

    2. fuits

    3. i like it loud when im with other people, but quiet when alone

    4. i like hot water, but cold weather

    5. butterflies

    6. mint

    7. silver

    8. the day i first met you was the last i ever felt alone

    9. its an odd thing for me to get even with people

    10. black

    11. older

    12. night

    13. live for a day

    14. n/a

    15. mountain

    16. love

    17. cute

    18. stand out

    19. leg

    20. i am a male who loves females

    21. a while ago

    22. today a DVD of my band's performance

    23. a few hours ago

    24. a few months ago

    25. ages ago

    26. today in school

    27. last year

    28. never

    29. today

    30. never have...

    31. no i was missing a few

    32. yes

    33. yes

    34. no

    35. no

    36. no

    37. yes

    38. yes

    39. yes

    40. no

    41. what?

    42. idk maybe

    43. 17

    44. r

    45. i have owned one, a brazilian fish

    46. today after school

    47. a while ago...=[

    48. a month ago

    49. yesterday - family guy

    50. nah

    51. two

    52. two

    53. lol

    54. none

    55. none

    56. a few

    57. so many

    58. usually around 4

    59. a few

    60. like 140? idk

    61. i have a PC but i like Mac

    62. neither

    63. tock

    64. where the hell is 64????

    65. closed

    66. no

    67. heart

    68. right

    69. chocolate

    70. straight

    71. old

    72. rich, you some away and you wont be too rich anymore

    73. famous

    74. im a guy, but girls are cooler

    75. i have no luck at all

    76. maybe

    77. yes

    78. yes

    79. yes

    80. when ultimately necessary

    81. yes

    82. no hes just like santa claus

    83. yes

    84. no

    85. mispelled

    86. 8:30

    87. i dont know

    88. no clue last time i knew i was 5'7

    89. brown

    90. nope

    91. on a boat

    92. no

    93. yes

    94. creative

    95. air

    96. no

    97. no

    98. depends

    99. yes

    100. was cool

  • Joyce
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I ask the same question last week and some dip turned me in for a violation. So good luck and Good night. Its only 1:00 in the afternoon here.

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