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Do you know how God does not like to be mocked?

There surely is a lot of it on on the Rand S section.

God IS real. And He does NOT like to be mocked.

If you don't know my God, please leave Him alone with your putting Him down.

45 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "God IS real. And He does NOT like to be mocked.

    If you don't know my God, please leave Him alone with your putting Him down."

    BooHoo; next you'll be wanting to defend 'him' with weapons as if 'he' couldn't just smite me down IF 'he' existed.

    I have been thumbing my nose at that fantasy for over fifty years.

    What happened?


    There are NO invisible space monsters - it's time you grew up, don't you think?

    NHB: Religious faith is not based in any reality.

    It is simply a FEAR-soothing fantasy.

    Faith represents a security blanket at its best and a tool of subjugation at its worst.


  • 1 decade ago

    No true God can be put down you know, if they were put down they would not be a God...

    Also no God needs a human to tell others to leave them alone.

    I do believe in a God (I think) btw and I don't believe my God really cares if people mock him from time to time since there is no real evidence of his existence!

  • 1 decade ago

    There are many ways God does not want to be mocked. For instance, when you ask something from Him like winning the lottery but you didn't, then you sneer at Him and say, "thanks a lot!." What you're doing is testing his powers which he does not like. Remember one of the commandments, "thou shall not put thy power to the test."

    Another would be forsaking or betraying him. For instance, if an Atheist were to walk up to you and ask who is God to you, you'd reply that He is nothing and you do not know Him. Imagine you were to reply like this to a person who has pr oven the Christian faith is all blasphemy, God will certainly be enrage for you have betrayed Him.

    Don't declare false allegations against God. If you were to see a miracle happening and neglect that God any part of it, you are mocking Him. It is as if you are preferring luck over God in which you are denying his presence. When you learn about things such as miracles, you must pray because God chooses the person who is the most miserable to survive. Who knows, when you truly need Him, he might help you someday.

    When you see someone mocking God and you put up with it, you are also considered mocking Him because you didn't defend your faith. Do not use harsh rationale to define your faith and for who you are but always say, "I have a God, He is my shepard, He has always shown the way, therefore, He has brought me this far." Never try to define God's existence in this world for you are testing his powers. Define yourself with God and how he guides you and never judge a man for who he is.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do you know how God doesn't like selfish people who spend their money on computers and then sit around all day sending out hateful messages to people who have different opinions or beliefs? God wants YOU to go out and do charity work and make the world a better place rather than sending out pathetic pointless messages. Seriously, that is what God and the Bible and stuff is all about. Don't get the concept twisted. He would rather you got people to help humankind and those who are less fortunate rather than sending these silly questions about being mocked. Waste your energy on more important things PLEASE.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Sadly the r&s section here is not used for the purpose of chritians(or other religions)to help each other out. Ignorant athiests come on here and insult alot of people who refuse to be decieved by their lie.

    Thank you for stepping up to question those who come on here for hateful worldly reasons.

    God bless

    its sad i just thumbed down all but 4 of us-wow

    Source(s): Me-a Christian
  • 1 decade ago

    You know I'm a Christian and I don't see how on earth writing that will benefit anyone. Being confrontational is really not going to get any new brothers and sisters in Christ. It's just going to piss off all atheists and about half of your fellow christians. I like to think God has a sense of humor. Why else would there be laughter in the world if he didn't? God be with you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Which god? I assume your talking about the christen one, and ya, I've heard the stories of global infanticide, genocide, slaughtering, torture, and abortion, but you see, because there is no evidence that ANY of these events occured, how am I supposed to know if they aren't anything but just stories?

  • 1 decade ago

    It is your religion I mock. God is an irrelevant and unnecessary concept.

  • 1 decade ago

    Boo hoo. Did I make your all-powerful creator of the universe sad? Get over yourself. You have no way of knowing that there is a god let alone what it would want of us.

    Source(s): Atheist
  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry to disagree with you but there is no God. And, unfortunately, those who believe in God are holding the rest of us back. So grow up already.

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