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Bobbo asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

What is it that Liberals want?

We know consevative view points. We know they want a limited government with more personal freedoms. Follow the Constitution and support people's rights. They want less taxation. They believe more government regulations and forceful policies make it harder to live freely. We dont want government making decisions for us. Do not like the idea of being taxed and giving my money to the government, so they can give it to the banks, so they can loan it out back to me. We want less government spending so that the government does not have to tax people more. The more the government spends the more it needs to tax. Making money does not make you a bad person.

My question is, what does the average everyday Liberal person want in his/her life? What are the political values of the average Liberal person? What specifically do you want for yourselves whether it be the future or the economy? I hear a lot of bashing Conservative ideas and thoughts about what I have listed but I am not sure what Liberals want accomplished. Do you want the government to have a greater role in your everyday life? What are your main concerns? I want honest answers.

This is not a party bashing post. Keep that in mind.


New world order -- now choose your words carefully as you seem to be slightly ignorant of the fact that Republicans are not the same as Conservatives .. Not all Republicans are Conservatives that is why we havent moved in that direction..

Update 2:

Also New world... read the question again im asking about liberal views .. nothing about conservative views.. i know what those are .. like i said above all i hear is conservative bashing and no actual liberal ideas...

So basically what i gather is the liberal views are to oppose the conservative views??

Update 3:

i notice many liberals claim that they want "Freedom"... i am a little puzzled with government regulating your health care provider, your light bulbs, your income, your utilities, the car you drive, and energy usage can that possibly be freedom? there is no freedoms if the government makes all your decisions and eliminates choice

Update 4:

this one is for you coffee ---

now im not for ZERO government but a limited government.. im not for ZERO taxes but limited taxes..that is often the misconception conservatives get is that you think we just want no government and no taxes..we need some government and some taxes..but this country didnt have an income tax until around 1920..we functioned just fine before that..the only thing the income tax does is nibble at the national debt and pay governments planes and expensive salaries..again though please tell me what the liberals want.. you keep reinforcing my belief that many liberals attack conservative views and often they have none of their own.. eg: coffee

16 Answers

  • 2xJ-58
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I want FAIRNESS. It really is that simple. I don't mind paying higher taxes but I expect something in return for my tax dollar. I want first class schools, Good roads, a bigger investment in all things DOMESTIC. I don't see a need for the military budget to be more than half of the total budget. I wouldn't mind paying more for universal health care. I want my government to stay out of other countries business.

    If we truly have a FREE MARKET SYSTEM, then we should not be in the business of giving CORPORATE WELFARE to anyone. I am tired of the rich getting a free ride because of the view that they know best or that we need their money or that they pay to much in taxes. I believe that as a portion of their wealth that they are the most under taxed people in the country. I am tired of the pious views of religion getting into the countries political arena. There is only one conservative point that I can agree with and that is on IMMIGRATION. These are just some of my views.

    Source(s): liiffee
  • 1 decade ago

    What I gathered when I asked this question is that they basically want every one to be exactly the same all the time. To have jobs that pay the same, live in moderate apartments in the city, and take public transportation.

    In regards to the government interfering with peoples lives and abortion. I actually support the government criminalizing murder. I do think it's a legitimate government function to protect us from outsiders who would kill us, whether they be murderers or foreign terrorists. With that being said, You're taking a conscious action to end an innocent's life. That's not a choice, that's not government getting involved in your sexuality.

    A fetus is a stage of human development it's not just cells any more that you are. If you make that argument you're saying, "People are just a collection of cells or a parasite so it's ok to kill me because you have the right to that choice.

  • 5 years ago

    properly, lessee. a million#- i'm professional selection. i'm a guy, so i've got not had an abortion. My spouse miscarried, and that sucked. yet I nevertheless think of that selection is as much as the girl, her physician and HER ideals. #2- i think of you should own each and all of the weapons you %. I additionally think of weapons ought to have a call so in the event that they are used in against the regulation, the possession of the gun could properly be traced returned to the way it have been given into the hands of a criminal. i don't hunt, yet venison is positive. I grew up on a Dairy farm and have butchered extra cows than you have probable eaten. #3- i'm an Atheist. For my very own motives. and that i'm probable extra ethical than you, as i don't randomly accuse and ascertain human beings on little or no counsel. #4- Spelling is solid. It facilitates positioned across your message for sure. what's incorrect with that? #5- i'm on drugs for melancholy. SO.... i assume my opinon of myself ought to apply some artwork. concept i attempt to apply good judgment and reason over knee jerk reactions. #6- See #5. My little female is on no meds. How do we've extreme comments of ourselves if we are depressed? that's slightly an contridiction. #7-Yep. as quickly as I die, this is going to be plenty like how I bear in recommendations it till now i replaced into born. i'm not making plans on any all-powerful powers. #8-i don't think i've got used any foul language and have tried to apply impecable deductive reasoning. #9- See #2. Dairy farm. Meat is yummy. thank you for the quiz. Lemme comprehend in case you ever have a query. Have a advantageous day.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A utopian nondiscriminatory society. A society that sees no differences.

    The problem with this ideology is that the basis of rational thought is in discrimination.

    A dog for example can't choose which brand or form of peanut butter it will consume. It will eat whichever is closest or available. The human being by contrast will choose between, smooth, chunky, organic etc. This is discrimination, preferential treatment of one over the other, it is the hallmark of rational thought and it is this that the leftist is trying to force out of man.

    They teach our children in their schools not to discriminate at a very small age an age too young to process between racial or gender or sexual preference and any other form of discriminatory thought. Our children are left not being able to decide between right and wrong. And this is the goal of the left. In a homogenous utopian world there is no right and wrong unfortunately that isn't true in the real world.

    Psychos shoot up schools and they blame guns. Terrorists blow up buildings and they blame Bush. Gangsters rob old ladies and they blame America. They are trying to make wrong right and thus there is no right and wrong.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I can tell you what I don't want. You want limited government with more personal freedom. Then why is it that you are against the woman's right to abortions. What happens to her personal freedoms. It seems to me that conservatives only want things when it benefit themselves.So ,you don't want to help the government. Well sir, the highway and bridges that you ride on everyday. Who is going to pay for that.Or are you going to build your own with your precious money. I would love to hear your answer to that one.And another thing. I didn't want a war in Iraq but our tax payer money is paying for that.The point being, who is to decide what tax payer money should pay for. What is your stance on that. Should we just let the U.S. soldiers fend for themselves.It seems to me that conservatives want to be the boss and they want all of us poor peasants to just fall in line and agree. But that ain't happens so deal with it!" EIGHT IS ENOUGH"So you don't want to pay taxes, then don't ,it wouldn't bother me if you didn't. And before you make a stupid comment. I don't do welfare or food stamps but I don't knock people that come on hard times and have to. The difference in a Liberal and a Conservative is that we have a heart and you guys have stone where the heart is suppose to be.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you're really describing libertarian... about 90 percent of self-described conservatives are Republicans... so, maybe their all wrong, but you can argue that with them...

    conservatives want a TON of personal and social restrictions from the government because God said so...

    liberals want the gov. to be there if people need help... and the gov. to step in and protect us from harmful business interests...

    we don't want melanine in our food... we don't want our children in sweat shops...

    we want the gov. to act as a check and balance to the horrors of capitalism...check out the industrial revolution...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am not a liberal however I have many liberal friends.

    They want a government that stays out of the way, however helps people in need. They want everyone to have helth care and live in a nice place. And overall they want everyone to get along.

    Source(s): To bad we live in the real world
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If those are the things conservatives supposedly want, how come none of the Republican presidents has ever moved in that direction?

    It's easy to talk the talk.

    We want some honesty. If you say the government shouldn't interfere with the lives of people, then you should also be in favour of letting abortion be a personal decision and in favor of consenting adults of any gender marrying each other.

    You cannot have it both ways, wanting freedom from government for some things but regulation in others. That is the basic difference between us and conservatives: we want things to be equal for all, not create some laws specifically aimed to make life more difficult for some.

    So you want merit to be rewarded? Fine, but when the child of someone who's rich makes it in life it's not their merit at work, it's just legacy. That's why we want to even the field: a kid educated in a first-rate expensive private school already starts the race with more than half the road covered for him. That is not merit.

    Conservatives want to keep things the way they are, thus making life more difficult for those who have the most hurdles to overcome. We don't want that, we do believe in real merit, that of people working for themselves and rising above their condition --but with similar opportunities. Anyone defending an intrinsic superior right of those who were fortunate to be born in wealth doesn't want equal opportunities: s/he wants privilege.

    Source(s): Conservatives have always supported Republican candidates to the presidency. Republican presidents have often called themselves conservatives. Why should I now believe that there is not some degree of identification? You're remarking on it now only because it's politically convenient.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The average everyday liberal wants total individual freedom of choice and absolute tax payer funding to do it.

    Even my 12 year old has gotten hold of the understanding that if he eats all the candy he wants, he's going to get some cavities and mom is going to have to cancel the ski trip to Colorado. In fact, he learned that at 10.

    Conservatives want the government to let us keep more of the money WE earn. We want a strong military to protect our freedoms. We want individual choice COUPLED with personal responsibility.

    Source(s): See Amsterdam
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, the crazy radical lefties want socialism. I cannot say the same for ALL democrats. As there are some whos views are not much different than some republicans.

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