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What can I do when a former employer lies about my work history?

In the end of February I was released (fired) from my job as an administrative assistant, because I made a major billing error. I had made some smaller errors in the past (while entering timecards, typing, etc), and had been warned in the quarterly evaluation. I fully admit that I made a mistake and that my mistake is why I was released from the company. The day I was released, my supervisor looked me in the eye and said how she had enjoyed my presence in the office and that she appreciated my hard work, and that I could use her/the company as a reference for future work.

I filed for unemployment benefits while I've been jobhunting. Based on the information I gave the U/E offices, it was determined that I was eligible for U/E benefits. My former supervisor has appealed the decision, claiming that I "was not a good fit" with the company, that I "didn't have the company's best interested in mind" when I worked, that I would answer her "with a shrug of the shoulders and say I don't know" when she asked me something, that I "wouldn't bother looking for misplaced files", and numerous other falsehoods. When I read that on the U/E website (after I saw that the company was appealing), I was appauled. If there was something I didn't understand, I would ask for help. If there was something missing, I'd look for it, and half the time the file that was missing was on her desk! And I would never, ever shrug my shoulders and say 'I don't know' when she asked me something about work. That is completely unprofessional and against my character in general. I loved that job, and I had nothing but good to say when people asked if I enjoyed it.

The appeal hearing (done via a conference phone call) will be in a little over a week. In the meantime, what can I do to gather evidence so that I can show the appeal judge that I'm telling the truth? I have copies of my evaluations, but I'm afraid that if my supervisor lies on the first part of the appeal, she'll lie during the hearing. And since she had been with the company longer than I had, what's stopping her from coercing my former coworkers into lying in her favor?

4 Answers

  • Phil
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think they could win on the basic reason for firing you but if UI says that wasn't enough, then I don't see how they can entertain these claims which will NOT have been disclosed to you in writing in your evaluations, etc.

    Take all the paperwork you have. If you can get a letter notarized from a coworker that calls the claims into doubt they might take that. If there is another former employee who can testify on your behalf have them in the hearing. Be sure the hearing personnel have seen the evaluations and such so they know exactly what you were told and you can ask "why were none of these things mentioned to me" If you get to ask your supervisor questions ask her "when did that event happen? Did you mention it to me or anyone else? Did you make a record or note of that event? How is it that you can recall so precisely the date it happened."

    At the end of your questioning ask her "if this is true, why did you say it had been a pleasure to work with me and offered to be a good reference for me?"

    Usually these things are pretty simple and the hearing officers are good at figuring out who is telling the truth.

    And the things she said really don't seem to me to be justifying a denial of UI anyway.

  • 1 decade ago

    This really blows. Your best bet would be to talk to your former coworkers and hopefully they will back you. You did a good thing by appealing. Also mention how long you've worked there. If were such a bad why did they wait so long? You said you have evals. Does it say anything about your character? If yes, then ask why was evaluation say this? Only if it's different then what she is telling the UE people. If there is a comment section on read it if it's good. Basically use her words against her. Admit you messed up with whatever and if there is anything else your ex boss mentions say that you were never reprimanded or talked to about it. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    if you were fired for a mistake then it was not your fault and you will be given UE. That's all you have to prove. She can lie all she wants but it should not affect whats going to happen. your evaluation papers should tell everything. the only way she can appeal is if you quit your job,didn't show up, or was fired for an argument with the management. Explain to them that she is lying. The UE is on your side basically because its not their money your taking its the companies money that they pay through insurance. Explain that the mistake was totally accidental and that she over acted on it.

  • tansey
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I consider the opposite reply to. in case you inform them that they can't touch this organisation they will consider that you just did anything unsuitable there and that you're hiding anything, however you probably have a different supervisor or anything that truthfully didnt have a difficulty with you than i could use them. in case you dont than i woulod quite simply give an explanation for on your interviewer your challenge of why you believe it's quality that they don't touch him. and in the event that they do then for them to ignore what hes says approximately you being homosexual in view that in any activity that you just cross into that are supposed to now not subject, all that are supposed to subject is you're employed competencies.

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