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Did you have an emotional religious experience to become a Christian?

...and if so, can you understand how someone could have the opposite emotional experience (ie: loss of a child, loss of spouse etc.) that would cause them to either doubt God or stop believing in God?

I'm playing devil's advocate here, a bit, trying to elicit some thoughts on the matter.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    God is not responsible for the death and pain in the world today.

    That is Satan. And you need to direct that emotional pain towards the true source of it.

    God is going to fix things. God is going to bring the dead back to life.

    He will not let this suffering go on much longer.

    The case Satan presented to God was that men should be able to rule themselves. That we do not need God. That we should not have to worship him as the universal Sovereign.

    Adam and Eve listened to Satan, and all their children die and get sick from the wrong path they chose.

    No, I did not have a deep emotional experience to becoming a Christian. I have love and respect for God as I have my whole life. Sometimes Christian songs or people talking about God makes me feel full in my heart and happy.

    But all that born again, roll on the floor and speak in tongues stuff you see, is a bunch of garbage. That is just crazy religious people getting wacked. Personally, I think it is Satan behind that, making people look like idiots in front of God. Satan's way to taunt and make fun of God.

  • 1 decade ago

    i was diagnosed with endrometrial cancer(of the uterus) and was so scared that my time was up. i hadn't been close to god in a while and when i was told i had to have surgery,i immediatly prayed to him and begged for him to help me. that was in 2005,and i had the surgery and needed no radiation or chemo and so far,thank god,i am still 100% ok,no sign of cancer. i also was diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety last year and got closer to god. i prayed daily and was even having thoughts of suicide,which i really talked to god and he really helped me get through my thoughts,which are now gone. i feel close to him and i know that he loves all his children,even people that have strayed from him. i am now a christian and talk to him a lot.

    but when i had the cancer scare,i wondered why me and that he hated me. i do see how some people that had a bad situation and loss of a loved one or health scare would cause anger and doubt that he exists.

    he does and i know he truely watches over people.

  • 1 decade ago

    when Jesus became personal to me and not just God's son whom i was taught bout, i was in a major depression, i became self injurious. it was BAD!!!! but anyhow He delivered me from it like immediately!! as soon as i said "Lord i need u i cant do this on my own" He delivered me!!!!!! i understand what ur talking bout. i haven't lost parents or children, so i cant relate with that. but even what i have been through could turn u away. it has made me stronger and has given me compassion for hurting ppl. example: i grew up in an alcoholic abusive home. (i wont go into details) but one might would say "how come this child had to go through it? then i was 13 got with an abusive person. i was always alone and feared for my life. i was still a child. ive been abused in all kinds of ways, ive been abandon, neglected, i ve been through alot from as far back as i can remember, but ive never turned my back on the good Lord! all this evil has actually gotten me closer! im sorry when one have lost! i did lose my best friend whom was closer to me then my cousin, aunt, and grandparents that i did lose to death.

  • 1 decade ago

    In order to become a Christian the Holy Spirit has to resurrect your dead heart. He has to bring life to your dead soul. Your soul becomes alive to God and your affections are turned toward him. At the same time you express sorrow over your sins, turn away from them, and trust in Jesus as your sole source of righteousness before God. It can involve much emotion, but it is not about an existential emotional experience.

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  • 5 years ago

    i think of a few athiests and theists hate Christians in accordance with their loss of tact in verbal replace. basically as any Christian believes of their ideals and thinks somebody else's ideals are incorrect they from time to time "over rigidity" their opinion. This comes for the time of as shoving their ideals down somebody else's throat. Athiests and thiests have the potential to do an identical ingredient. basically as you're saying "0.5 of my u . s . a . is so deluded." It comes for the time of as insulting quite of attempting to cajole or convince. I even have an extremely good pal who's a thiest and that i've got found out to not even communicate something with spiritualism with him based on the shown fact that he can not see previous his very own perspectives to even evaluate relaxing mine, whilst i'm able to understand why he does or does not have self belief in this or that he sits there and calls me ignorant or fanciful. i've got self belief what i've got self belief and you have self belief what you have self belief. It does not propose each and every Christian hates each and every Athiest or vice versa, yet there are extremes everywhere and for this reason they shop the two factors far flung from one yet another lots of the time. Or a minimum of, that's my opinion.

  • 1 decade ago

    I did not, I became a christian after studying the bible,but I can understand something like that happening.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No, but most do.

    Yes, absolutely-it is when we are wounded (emotionally) that Satan moves in for the kill. He prowls about like a Lion at the smell of blood.

  • 1 decade ago

    God told us that He'll even give us bad experiences to bring us closer to Him. My parents divorced and my father was closer with the Lord because of this tragedy. Me too.

  • 1 decade ago

    That happens (both examples) but I didn't need anything emotional for logic to tell me that particular belief just isn't possible.

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