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Hypothetical question about God and morality?

If God came to you and asked you to do something that you would usually consider against your morals what would you do? How "wrong" would the task need to be in order to say no?


I would like to stress that it's hypothetical and if you do not believe in god I'm not trying to argue against you, it's just not relevant to this hypothetical situation.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    whatever it takes to get Jesus to let me into heaven

    Source(s): Bible, duh
  • 1 decade ago

    No, I don't listen to imaginary characters.

    Atheists such as me realize that every situation is unique and requires a response suitable for that particular situation. We are not blindly rigid in our beliefs or actions.

    Morals come from socio-culturing, parents, peers, and life experience.

    My friend Christian claims that only those who believe can live a moral life and those who do not believe in god have no moral compass. He claims to live a moral life, not because it is the right thing to do, but because his god expects everyone to be moral. The fallacy with his reasoning is that mitzvahs and morals should be followed because his god and holy book dictates rules to us and not for personal, philosophical spiritual reasons, or simply the secular humanist approach of treating others with dignity.

    Whose morals are based upon a stronger footing?

    ATHEISTS - who have an intrinsic sense of positive and negative behaviors and actions, understanding that each situation is unique and calls for flexible rules and reasoning. Atheists possess an internal compass – call it a golden compass -- to help guide them toward positive and negative outcomes. Atheists possess great courage by taking a stand on something they comprehend, not some set of rules blindly followed.

    MY FRIEND CHRISTIAN, who would have no sense of morality in absence of his god or bible. Christian’s only sense of morality comes from an external source yet he possesses no internal compass to guide him through life. He constantly asks, "What would Jesus do" because he appears completely devoid of internal sense making or judgment. Christian only has his book to point to for his beliefs.

    From responses I've seen in R&S, some Christians are jealous of us, believing we atheists are getting away with debauchery or something wicked without having to pay some type of penalty; that we get to live a life without morals and then don't have to suffer the consequences. Not sure by what irrational logic they arrive at that conclusion. As an atheist I am moral, kind, and selfless because it is the right way to live. I have no expectation of any reward for proper living. Wouldn't a true Christian be good in absence of salvation, or are they only good to be saved?

  • Silent
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If a god existed, and it told me to do something immoral, I would refuse.

  • 1 decade ago

    You mean, stuff like kill your child?

    Do you know the story of Abraham in the bible? He was willing to do just that.

    (also see : jephthah's daughter)

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would do what God told me to do.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It would'nt happen so I'm not gonna worry about that!

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