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Does this mean that the bible is Right and True?

i was looking at this site on Evolution.

and reading the bible account of the events.

I found out that each event was recorded in order by the bible only the time was off.

also when looking at the events of the days of creation.

i found this starting with Science facts.

Day 1 -about - 15 3/4 Billion years ago.

Day 2 -about- 7 3/4 Billion years (about 1/2 the 15 billion)

Day 3 -about- 3 3/4 Billion years (1/2 of the 7 3/4 billion)

Day 4 -about- 1 3/4 Billion years (1/2 of the 3 3/4 billion)

Day 5 -about- 3/4 Billion years (1/2 of the 1 3/4 billion)

day 6 -about- 1/4 Billion years (1/2 of the 3/4 billion )

Again the dates are not exact but then again neither is the dates science gave us.

here i was thinking i found something new but someone else had also found it.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't consider youtube or "johnkyrk" to be the best sources to cite on such a controversial issue.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nik Tao - I think the Earth and the sun were formed around the same time when interstellar material in a spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy condensed and collapsed. Under influence of gravity this material flattened into a counterclockwise rotating disk. The entire solar system coalesced from the same dust cloud. The sun can't make an element heavier than helium so the sun couldn't have produced all the elements that make up the earth. The metals grouped towards the center of the disk creating the inner planets and the leftover gasses on the outer edge cooled and condensed to form the gas giants.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God does not like it when people takes his word and twist it for their own benefit, I forget the verse and not 100% exactly how it is written but God warns not to add or take away from his words, he wrote them exactly how it is to be read no more and no less. When reading the Bible you do so by faith and you believe it to be true because it is of Gods word, the book of Revelations is the only book of the Bible that has not been fulfilled, but if you read it and you will see that it is being fulfilled right this moment and soon it will come to an end Gods plan will have been completed and the only thing left is Judgment day and it will not be held here on earth, because it will be consumed by fire as God said he will destroy the earth by fire.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Roman Emperor Constantine produced the bible and he was a pagan not god!!! He also organized Christianity into the Holly Roman Catholic Church!! Not in Israel or any of the countries of supposed origin but entirely Italian!!

    Not one word of it is contemporary with the period and was not written until many years after the period the story is set in!! How did the apostles write their books long after they were dead?

    What a wonder full disinformation and deception campaign he waged against his Christian enemies - so good in fact that Christians are still following the deception to this day!!!

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  • The Holy Bible is always Truth because it is the Written Word of God. The dating System of so called Scientist has been proved to be False by themselves!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, this is hardly a new idea. But all it means is that whoever wrote the Bible made a good guess about how the universe evolved and created our planet.

    You might find it interesting to explore the creation myths of other cultures.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most Scientists agree the Sun gave birth to thee EARTH

    about 5 Billion years ago. Bet if it Thrills yu - Yu can Go

    w/ the Views of minority groups of Spectulators - Everywhere.

    Bible was written by KIDS who did not Know.

    " the Honest Man is always a Child." --- Socrates

    Source(s): World Body of Space Scientists Cosmologists and Astronomers
  • 1 decade ago

    No. Each day of creation was 24hrs long. Exodus 20:11.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like you're just trying to twist the bible to make it fit. You need to accept that it doesn't because it's a load of fairy tales written by bronze age goat herders.

  • 1 decade ago

    you maybe right (or wrong)

    but one thing is for fact that bible is true

    if you have some doubts

    compare the controversies in other religions with christianity and u will know

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