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Is "2012 Neuropathic Behavior Syndrome" Real?

After reading Samantha D's question, it occurs to me that someone really should write up a research proposal and get some of 'Mistah Obamas' stimulus package money to do research into a new form of paranoid neuropathy which should be called '2012 Neuropathic Behavior Syndrome'. Look how many people are obviously affected by it. It causes loss of rational comprehension, schizoid breaks with reality, an almost catatonic fascination with ancient Calendar systems, and delusional rationalizations of (non-existent) relationships between poorly (or even fictionally) reported events, incoherent babblings and writings (past and future) predicting doom, and a general malaise which contributes to a deep-seated fear of the future and devaluation of the individuals perceived self-worth (since we're all gonna die anyway).

It does have a catchy sort of 'Pop-Sciencey' ring to it that would probably sell a ton of copies of the 'National Enquirer'. Hell..... Maybe I could use it as the basis for a Doctoral Dissertation and get that PhD in Psychology I gave up when I decided to do Math and Physics instead.

Actually....... Maybe it should be called "Dougs Disease" after the αsshole who first described it in the literature ☺

Howzabout it guys? Anybody besides me think that it might work? ☺



I wasn't thinking so much of the 13 to 18 age bracket. They already have enough problems without adding to the list. And I wasn't talking about giving money to people who have the symptoms. They can go to an expensive clinic (financed by their insurance) and the 'discoverer' ('chronicler', 'inventor') of the syndrome could travel to these clinics charging utterly outrageous speaking and training fees.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh, it's real TBS, tho just one of the grab-bag of hysterics being bandied about: a luminary such as Dick Cheney peddled his own notions, built around the rubric of "National Security"- look what that amounted to.

    I agree that there are those of unbalanced dispositions who will sow dissension and discord and somehow profit thereby, but the fact remains that there are huge segments of the population who are simply gullible, who will be taken in by the thieves, cheats and charlatans sponsoring false premises based on plausible suppositions.

    I, for one, fantasize about the possibility of a reliable, automatic, affordable BS detector and filter readily available to all: tho it is likely to be outlawed as an ultimate hazard and impediment to our fine news providers, advertisers and politicians of every ilk. Just imagine...

    We have more to fear from "1984" (remember that?) than from "2012", where we are more likely to self-dismantle ourselves as a society and spin out our days in a dystopian state of anarchy, compared to the apocalyptic vision of the sky splitting open to reveal...nothing.

    Don't try to raise a family- what we have now is as good as it gets.

    Source(s): Reading, listening, watching the trends. PBS and BBC are recommended.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    I think that this 'syndrome' afflicts the young at a significantly higher rate. This would be mostly due to the under-developed reasoning skills in the 13-18 year olds that seem to be the primary askers of the '2012' type questions. Being a father of a 13 year old, I can tell you that she worries about *everything*. Just a few days ago she was sobbing at a story about the plight of Polar Bears. Several top contributors here pointed out to me that it is unreasonable to expect someone in that age group to have the same critical thinking and reasoning skills as you or I might have.

  • 1 decade ago

    That is a bad idea. If Yahoo Answers is a representative sample of the US population (and I sincerely hope it is not), then many tens of millions of people would be eligible for payments, and there'd be no money left for repairing infrastructure, bailing out banks and car manufacturers, or lining the pockets of the people who wrecked the economy in the first place. Thus, a total collapse would be inevitable.

    People selling survival equipment would become extremely rich, however...

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey Hy

    I think I have a Doug's disease but of another kind. I won't explain my condition here, it's not a private place for that.

    Interesting question. I think that you might have a point. Go for it! Maybe a PhD diploma is waiting for you? Maybe you have a career in this area?

    Good luck with that


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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You have to find a mentor who will be willing to be your Ph.D. committee chairman first. You'd better start reading up on the professional psychological literature to find a mentor, then you have to get admitted to graduate school, again. If it has been more than 5 years since you were enrolled, you'veee lost any graduate credit you may have accumulated. By the time you finish your Ph.D., 2012, will have come and gone.

    Edit: I've GIVEN you a legitimate dissertation topic for free, how Internet abusers justify their abusing of individuals and exploiting whatever Internet community they inflict their abuse on, for free. Find some one who is willing to mentor THAT dissertation project, since you will have to explain your own pathological abuse of other members of YA when you become a PhD. candidate, if you pass the oral examination, and when you defend your dissertation. Sorry, but that is how academia has worked for over almost 20 years. You have to find some one willing to head your master's or PhD. committee BEFORE or WHEN you get admitted to grad school.

    Find another way to justify your abuse of young people, if possible, because there is no legitimate justification for Internet abuse or exploitation of an Internet community by psychotic emotionally immature cyber-bullies who abuse people online to feed their own egos and low self-esteem.

    Source(s): Approaching 30 months of being stalked and defamed across forums on and YA by a psychotic cyber-bully who displays all the symptoms of a classical abuser in online posts, in addidtion to 42 months of defamtion campaigns by various user names on the forums. Then are those individuals who stand up to to internet abuse and defamation attempts FOR YEARS, ANOTHER dissertation topic.
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