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Lv 5
Jay asked in Arts & HumanitiesBooks & Authors · 1 decade ago

What makes a good book good?

If the plot, what makes that interesting?

Or I thought the language, but how do you make that interesting without being too long and boring?


carolyn - omg i read that when i was little! loved that book.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    - plot; it needs to have a good start, middle and end. In other words, make sure your book grabs your readers attention right through. If a book is slow at the beginning with very little action I quickly get bored. A great storyline needs to be easy to follow (not complicated), humorous, believable and stick in a few twists for added suspense! I always find that when each chapter ends with a bit of suspense I always want to carry on reading to find out what happens. Keep the chapters flowing!

    - Good grammar and language is important. A badly written book is off-putting (and would be unlikely to make it past the publisher). Likewise, a book that has too many fancy or complicated words makes it hard for the reader to digest.

    - Good characters; I like to read about characters that I can relate to in some way, or characters that I can love to hate. I believe that strong central characters are the key to a successful book. Make them sassy, interesting, witty, b*itchy, evil..whatever. Just make sure they're strong.

    - Length. In my opinion (and I'm by no means an expert!) long, drawn out chapters are slightly offputting. Keep chapters relatively short. Just my opinion! Also make sure you hit a decent word count. Anything too short or too long might jeopordise (sp?) your books success.

    - Have you thought about how the book will be narrated? Will it be written from the main characters point of view? A bit more challenging I think but by using the main character as the books narrator will mean your readers can engage more with him/her. I think. lol

    I hope that helps! If I think of anything else I'll edit!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dear Questioner.

    I think that you have to connect with the reader.

    An experience to which the reader can relate on a personal level.

    This is why the 'Great Gatsby' by F Scott Fizgerald is so good.

    It is about the kind of experiences that we have all shared at some point and expresses them very artistically. This is what makes the book a great work of art.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    I decide a sturdy e book, only like i could decide a sturdy action picture. My type one rule is, if it makes me cry, it fairly is handed my try. i like books that make me experience as though the characters and their circumstances are actual. i prefer to forget approximately that i'm even examining. a sturdy e book is one that keeps you up into the early hours of the morning. you finally end up crying, shaking in worry or exhilaration. those are the books that are "dermis breaking" for my section. So some people could love Twilight, different's hate it. as long because it made somebody, someplace get those chills and goosebumps, it fairly is considered a sturdy e book in my head. nicely-written would not neccessarily advise it has to have extensive vocab and maximum of info you do no longer even understand what's happening, to me it only ability that the author is conscious what she or he's doing with their tale. Oh nicely, i'm rambling, so i will stop. yet surely, a sturdy e book has to snatch you thru the hair and throw you right into a international you by no ability knew existed and depart you awe-struck and puzzled whilst it fairly is over.

  • 1 decade ago

    Character development, plot/premise, language, etc...

    I like to feel really invested in the characters. I want to feel similar to them, I want to care how things are going for them, I want to either love or hate them. I want to know their feelings and see how their actions affect themselves and the people around them.

    The plot should be interesting, or at least the premise should be interesting. However, without strong characters it's pointless. (Perfect example is 'My Sister's Keeper' by Jodi Picoult)

    It's hard to explain what makes a book's language well-written. I like books with simple, plain language (such as 'The Name of the Wind', 'The Alchemist', or 'Siddhartha'). I also like the language to be descriptive, imaginative, and enchanting.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Both matters! good plot & good language. These are the most important pillars of a good book. But sometimes good book is a subjective concept. You never know which book you will find very good. Sometimes your own life is reflected in a book and it touches your heart.

  • 1 decade ago

    How the conflict and theme is somehow related and interesting. Also, I do think that a good book is based on its character relationships and dynamics.

  • 1 decade ago

    well in my opinion a good book has to have a good story a good book has emotions and feelings. Originality, and imagination are important to me. books that encourage younger people who are not so much for reading and inspire them. I'm a teacher and i've been reading a ook to my class, "Cool Kid by Michael Morpurgo" and they absolutely love it! it's about a boy in a coma but i don't want to spoil it for you! but it's extremely emotional and mesmorising! a little girl was actually crying!

    so there you go.:D hope i helped:)

  • It has to have good characters, and a good story line with a few twists and turns, but not too many. It also has to be gripping, and if you can't keep engrossed in it, it has no hope.

    Hope I helped

    Source(s): writing a book myself
  • get 6s in all 6 traits. ideas, detail, voice, language, and something else. im in a rush to get to school on time. so im not thinking straight. srry.

  • 1 decade ago

    one that you find you can't put down and you find yourself thinking about it even when you are not reading it...or one that you read again and again..something that you are interested in, in finding more about.

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