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Amber B asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 1 decade ago

Has anyone had a GPS tracking chip put in their child?

I've been thinking about it and just wondering if anyone else has, if they've found them useful, if they told their kids, what they told their kids, and how their kids feel about it? Also how much do they cost, and are there any problems that can arise because of them?


She's 4.... It has nothing to do with my trust of her. It's incase she ever goes missing or is kidnapped.

Update 2:

It's not really realistic to be paranoid about the government tracking them if it's registered through a private company. I don't really think you understand how they work if you think this is possible. Also, why would you think the government would want to track you? I'm not really into the whole government conspiracy thing. I think child abduction is a more realistic fear.

Update 3:

They're not "hackable". It would be more possible to hack and track your cell phone than a GPS chip...

This question was kind of just for people who were able to answer it. Not for people who have no basic understanding of how they work to spout their paranoia.

Update 4:

Jayme- Yes I'm paranoid because I'm worried about abductions that have actually happened, and have a high likelyhood of happening again.

But you're totally not paranoid thinking people might hack into a GPS chip and watch your kid sleeping which has never happened, and has no plausible way of technically even being possiblt. (actually ok, maybe you're not. I think retarded would probably be a better word to describe that theory)

Update 5:

Rachel clearly you don't even have the simplest understanding of the technology. They can be hacked about as easily as your microwave oven.

Update 6:

Has nothing to do with living in fear. Has to do with seeing what risks face todays children and being interested in solutions that aren't ridiculous.

Yes my kid could die in a car accident. That's why I put her seat belt on. Your kid is statistically more likely to die in an accident around the house so you might as well tell them to stop wearing seat belts. See the massive flaw in you logic yet?

For the people out there so terrified of the government hacking childrens GPS chips to see them sleeping at night, do any of you have myspace? Have your kids photo's online? All those are about a 100 times more dangerous and likely than a GPS chipped being hacked by anyone. Identity theft is very common, and a lot of children abducted are first stalked on online blogs etc.

Honestly, if you don't know, don't answer. It was a pretty neutral question because I wanted more information on it. Not ridiculous paranoid rants.

Update 7:

Nuclear physics has been around for years Jaymee. Does everyone know how that works? I didn't ask how it worked. I asked how much they cost and if anyone had used them. Not for idiots to spout their uneducated opinions.

27 Answers

  • Chad B
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Do you know how much they cost and how it works??

    EDIT: Ignore people, there was just a little 8 year old girl about an hour away from me that was kidnapped, raped and her Sunday School teacher. It is a big thing going on right now, her memorial was today actually...I'm with you on this one.

    Here: I found a website on it, if I find more I will post it:,-doctors-staying-awa...

    Ok, looks like the one company that did do it has put the project up for awhile due to complaints, so it isn't available in the US right now. But it was approaved technically in 2004 by the FDA, so it might come back one day after the recession probably.

    Good Luck!! I am going to keep a watch on when they come back out cause I want my kids to have one too. I figure if I am doing nothing wrong, I have nothing to worry about (gov't and all) and anyways, if something ever happened to my kids, I sure as hell will be happy I have it. If i ever find anything out, i will e-mail you the info and I would appreciate you doing the same for me.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Gps Tracking Chips

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Gps Chip For Kids

  • 1 decade ago

    Radio frequency identification chips or RFID chips are a fairly new product on the market. They were approved back in 2001 by the FDA. However, a lot of risks are still involved in using these chips and it's been reported that animals have developed tumors and certain cancers due to the high exposure to radio frequencies.

    I couldn't give you a price range for these chips, but I'm sure they are fairly expensive since this is a newer technology. Also, there are certain bracelets similar to the med alert to help track your child in an emergency situation. Personally, I feel this would be just as a affective and a lot less dangerous.

    You should check out some of the writings of Katherine Albrecht, RFID chips is actually one of her favorite topics. I can't say I disagree with this woman's position either. You're really giving up a lot of freedom, and personal securities when you implant a chip into your body. Why? With the digital age comes new technologies, and with those technologies come people who misuse them for their own personal benefit or as a form of control. That's something you should take into consideration before chipping your child. God bless.

    Amber, you are very naive to believe that anything can't be hacked. With those who mastered the creation of a product there are those who master the ability to destroy it. We live in an age of masssive credit card fraud and identity theft. Once you put your information into the digital realm you have absolutely no idea who or what agency could obtain you or your child's data. This is not some "conspiracy theory", it's just a simple fact.

    Sammi, in some states it is illegal to implant chips into humans. For example, in the state of Wisconsin they have banned forced human chipping.

    Here's the statute.

    What's so shocking about this, is that some americans are so psychologically conditioned via the television, that they feel the "boogie man" is lurking upon every corner. Yet they have the nerve to claim that others are "paranoid" and "conspiracy theorists."

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  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Has anyone had a GPS tracking chip put in their child?

    I've been thinking about it and just wondering if anyone else has, if they've found them useful, if they told their kids, what they told their kids, and how their kids feel about it? Also how much do they cost, and are there any problems that can arise because of them?

    Source(s): gps tracking chip put child:
  • 6 years ago

    Out of 800,000 kids missing annually the good news is that most of them are found. The bad news is around 250,000 are never seen again. In as little as 23 months half a million vanish forever. Where could you possibly hide 500,000 milk jugs? Children are a lot bigger than a gallon jug. That's enough flesh to fill two county landfills. I believe most kids get lost in remote areas and die of dehydration and animals eat them, slip into trenches, climb into storm drains or drown in nearby lakes and canals. And worse, they are abducted, raped and murdered. We need these chips inserted. Preferably in the buttocks or abdomen. Only the state police and parents should decide where. Regardless of expense it's definitely a good investment. Why is this still a questionable solution in 2015?

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I was kidnapped at 14 and sold into sex slavery (from a government grouphome) and I am a Christian I think this is a great idea. What is wrong with wanting ultimate satisfaction that your child is safe. This has nothing to do with the mark of the beast. The end times are going to be revolved on your choice of your soul or life if you even believe in one. To choose you have to be given a choice it has nothing to do with the mark.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Dear Person,

    I have a statement to be recorded at your website about me being tracked, heard, harassed and stimulated by dream movies.

    I have been going through this for the past five years and could not get off from this.

    I have made the legal complaints to police stations and legal departments but still they have not heard me.

    I am telling you this because i am aware about the authenticity of the work you guys are involved in tracing the modern scientific development of such aids or devices used to track, capture and destroy people.

    I hope you would go into these details and would achieve the truth of how people use this technology to trace people and use dream animation technology to harass them.

    I have been socio-political victim of my countries' politician. After i was interviewed at national talent hunt by the Indias top most politician Rahul Gandhi...all this started. They kept the Presidents's tag on me and the inferior politicians got me trapped in this web with the nexus of filmwalas of lower productions.

    They use technology to disempower me and weaken me so that i succumb to their pressure they use in my body digitally and pain the muscle continuously.

    At night they show the dream movies with their technology about my past with the same ideas repeated continuously. They try to distort the reality.

    I am writing this full awareness of the fact that such statements made makes one think whether i have gone abnormal. No let me put clearly that i have not discussed this with anyone as much and know that would be considered in vain. Also would be considered been gone mad.

    However, please do take me seriously and my case affirmatively. You will get the substance of such crimes taking place in the world.

    They have used silicon or some micro particles which have been fixed in the body and are tracing through it. They have further advanced the usage of this criminal technology in digital way to destroy me.

    i want is to confirm from you guys the truth in use of such technology and its effect.

    Please do call me on 9221353566(use indias's code before dialing)


    Shoaib Ali

    Attachment image
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    only thing i can find on the web is a watch that tracks children. Sounds good to me but as they turn into their teenage years they will be stubborn and no want it on them. I heard awhile back they would start putting a chip in their wrist but i cant find anything on it unfortunatly hopefully technoligy works itself out before she gets older.

    until then i wil use the watch they run about 180$ and should work great.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't have any real knowledge of them but certain states require you to have your livestock chipped and I'm just as against that so no, my child would not get one unless I was assured of several privacy issues. I think chipping my child would be conceding to my fear and I don't want us to live like that. However, if it makes you feel better about your child being away from you, by all means.

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