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I'm looking through these Q &A's about the Tea Parties and I just have to ask;?

Do Any of the Liberals in this Forum understand just what was being protested? It certainly seems to me like they are missing the entire point.


Ask yourselves, just how many pieces of Pork has Obama signed already. I believe the number of individual slices is already up to about 15,000. Think about it, this is the same guy who was going to cut pork. This is where the tax dollars are going, and the stimulus that won't be spent until 2010 or later? that's a stimulus?

52 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Now you and I are considered a threat to the very country we love. How I wish for the return of McCarthyism!

    Liberals don't care what the tea party was about. They just figure it's a handful of "racist" Republicans who won't bow before their god in Washington.



  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Your possibilities are actually not hassle-free. You, your self, in simple terms like me could desire to stability your checkbook at domicile. So what's incorrect with our Federal government doing the comparable? Its observed as being responsibile, a misplaced thought right here interior the states. in case you dont understand the enormous brother theory then in simple terms verify out something of the international. maximum are dictatorships the place seventy 5% of the persons strengthen there very own meals or starve. we are heading in that direction with enormous government. OSHA has already led to sufficient issues and close down sufficient enterprise right here. So why no longer bypass to a third international u . s . a ., produce a product for penny's, pay no well-being care, coverage, or benifits of any variety. The U.S. regulation makers have allowed imports at little or no fee to "help out third international international locations" on an analogous time as us individuals stay unemployed,and lose our residences. Do human beings relatively have confidence it takes debt to create wealth? Does the inhabitants be responsive to with reference to the 9 adult men in china? everybody is conscious whats appropriate or incorrect, reliable or undesirable. i think of newshounds who blame race is attempting to seperate the team spirit of those us of a just to have a miles better tale to jot down. greater beneficial tale, greater beneficial money, greater beneficial domicile etc. Oh by employing the way... the actual subject our u . s . a . will face a substantial melancholy if the spending does not give up. submit to in recommendations your verify e book at domicile??

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    I must disclose some ignorance.

    Here is my question:

    "I currently have no TV and we in Canada don't get Fox anyway. What is this "Tea Party" I read here about?";_ylt=Ak...

    I agree that Obama shouldn't have bailed out the fat cat corporations.

    That seems to be more a thing a Republican--at least a Bushist would do.

    This tax protest seems to be as politically motivated as the anti-Rae protests in Ontario during the 90's.

  • 1 decade ago

    I keep running into people who are convinced it was a KKK rally. I have no idea where they got that message but I am guessing it was from the liberal media. What the media neglects to tell them is that KKK rallies were common in the Democrat party. (see link )

    I was at a Tea Party and people from all walks of life attended. There were both anti Obama and pro Obama people there but most had the same message regarding stopping the reckless spending.

    Here are a few more photos to show it was not a KKK rally .

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  • 1 decade ago

    Sadly, many who voted for Obama have moved on from keeping an eye on things and have their heads in the sand. They are not paying attention and their freedoms are disappearing right and left (mostly left - ha ha).

    Several factors have prompted the tea party phenomena. Primarily it is wasteful spending. Who could imagine rushing through a bill that was supposed to "save" us all that no one took the time to read and this bill put us into debt for 3 trillion dollars, the largest ever debt in history. Then, to top it off, we are in debt of a communist nation of all things.

    The stimulus bill wasn't just the icing on the cake, though. There have been bailouts, earmarks and so many other things that have been so off balance.

    Who could argue that spending 200 million on astrology research in Hawaii would save us all, right? Who could argue that we should put our grandchildren who are yet to even be born into debt individually to the tune of $36,000 each was a smart choice?

    In my family, we get paid. We budget what we need to do according to this paycheck. I expect that of our government. I do not expect them to make up a bunch of grandiose things that they think need to be done and wildly spend money, unchecked.

    The elected officials are supposed to be working for US not the other way around. We're supposed to be able to communicate and advise our congress and senators and it is supposed to be their job to listen to us.

    I do not disagree that a few of the things in that stimulus were "nice" and that some will benefit from them but did we need to do it all and did we need to saddle our country with this massive debt that most of us see no end to and no way out of?

    What happens when it all comes crashing down and we can't pay back China? Do they begin to run our country like Obama is running GM and telling them what to do?

    Since when does the president of the United States tell a president of a supposed private company to step down? What? Sounds like a dictatorship to me.

    So, to those liberals who don't "get" why the tea parties were happening and seem confused, I do understand your confusion. There are so many things going on that it's hard to keep track.

    I highly recommend to you that you watch the news more and not only watch one news channel, but switch around to keep yourself informed. There is so much media bias that you are not getting the full story nowadays unless you do switch around.

    I am not a CNN fan, or an MSNBC fan at all, I enjoy watching FOX, truth be told, but I force myself to watch those other channels a few days a week so that I "get" what the other side is seeing and hearing. Sadly, those other channels are only offering one slant on things.

    Wake up before it's too late!

  • 1 decade ago

    Of course, they do not want change!! they want to keep putting the screws to everyone!!, After seeing how P'lousy today, thought the rest of us were wrong, I think we still need a real good cleaning in wash DC, no one running this nation, cares about the average person, the ones still working and paying all those taxes!! sad indeed

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The GOP/DNC good guy/bad guy/propaganda have the liberals under some form of milieu mind control. The whole 'tea day' was the brainstorm of MANY Constitutionally based 3rd party members. Some of the repubies are waking up, but the 3rd degree brain washed liberals are all but lost to any form of reality!

    Source(s): Lost in the sixties!!!
  • bwlobo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think this is a major turning point as Americans stand up and say to their politicians, enough, no more big spending, no more big deficit, no more tax increase. Let's get government under control.

    Source(s): bwlobo
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am past the point of really caring what liberals think or whether they get the point or not. In 2012 we're going to shove conservatism down their throats and they can all go to h*ll as far as I'm concerned.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is not the only thing liberals do not understand - I guess by now we ought to accept the fact that liberals do NOT think like normal people.

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