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Is President Obama really going to bring in a breath tax?

The US government is to regulate carbon dioxide emissions, having decided that it and five other greenhouse gases may endanger human health and well-being. BBC news as of now. If co2 is bad then we had better change our metabolism.


He says that co2 is harmful to human health, and therefore we should limit our production of it. Taxation is the best way to do this.

Update 2:

I did not know that the buried carbon is unnatural. I have been led to believe that it is part of the earth's past. According to BLPHNX it is unnatural. Maybe we should burn it all up and get rid of unnatural stuff.

Update 3:

Al Gore ought to be worried.

Update 4:

Industry will not run off windmills. Windmills will also not provide the materials to make windmills.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, and if you run you will be in a higher tax bracket.

    If only the American people had not bought the lie and realised Obama was a pinko, taxing liberal.

    When he promised change he wasn't joking.

    Source(s): David Icke
  • 1 decade ago

    No, and if anyone suggested that they are lying. Humans breathe out about 1 kilogram of CO2 per day, but since we don't eat fossil fuels, this is mostly recycled carbon. Even if it wasn't, human respiration emissions are swamped by emissions from the burning of fossil fuels.

    People that disagree with mitigation of global warming should not intentionally misrepresent it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. But not through metering noses, just for the breath of industry for now.

  • 1 decade ago

    silly... CO2 you breathe out is natural and completely a part of the natural cycle, you were created from carbon, you use it throughout your life, and you give it back throughout your life, and will release it when you die.

    For some reason, a lot of people have a difficult time understanding this.

    The CO2 that scientists are concerned about, is not the natural CO2 like that which you breathe. They are ONLY concerned about the 'ancient' 'buried' carbon (which hasn't been a part of earth's natural CO2 cycle of millions/hundreds of millions of years) converted directly to CO2 through human activities (combustible engines, smoke stacks, etc.). In other words, we're taking for example a one pound, 50 million year old rock (which hasn't been seen in that time) and converting to several pounds of Carbon Dioxide gas and releasing it without care of consequence, directly into the earth's atmosphere, and we're doing it at a rate of trillions of pounds of CO2 (new CO2, not the completely natural 'recycled' version your body consumes or releases naturally) every single day! Not to mention, we're adding all this new CO2, so quickly, that what naturally would take thousands of years, even with the help of volcanoes, we're doing in a very, very short amount of time on the geological scale, and on top of that, things that actually help to remove CO2 from the air, we've been removing at the same time (vegetation, land clearing world-wide, half the world's vegetation which was on the planet less than a century ago, exists now). And one last thing... we just happen to be in a PEAK interglacial WARM period as is... having nothing to do with global warming, we just happen to be in the already warmest point of our cyclical Ice-Age cycle. So any FURTHER changes we can possibly contribute, puts us at a critical point of 'over heating' so to speak. This all leads to what is known as negative feedback loops (snow-ball affect, domino affect, undesirable consequences which only further accelerate warming, like methane hydrate reaching the melting point in oceans that we only ever barely touch upon during peak interglacial warm periods naturally... but now, we're driving up the temps just enough, that this time may be different, potentially catastrophically different).

    This isn’t a political world wide conspiracy (if anything sounds nuts, it’s that). It is reality. And the best we can hope for, is finding a way to slow it down and prepare for the consequences. Ignoring it, business as usual with coal and oil for example, that is not going to help us, and definitely not our off-spring. But worse, supporting efforts to go 180 degrees against global warming awareness and efforts to curb it, by supporting drilling in ANWR or bashing every effort made to curb global warming… obviously is such a bad idea, it is a crime to humanity. You don’t want to be so wrong on something like this that you’re grand kids will be able to look you and tell it to you in your face when the unavoidable truth is omni-present, undeniable and entirely irreversible.

    People who don't believe in AGW, many of you, your heart is in the right place, yes... government by large is unreliable, untrustworthy, corrupt even, but this issue isn't part of some crazy global conspiracy... this unfortunately, is very real. We're simulating an event that hasn't happened on earth in at least 55 million years [1], because of how fast we're doing it, and exactly when (peak warm period)... add to that, 2012 increased sunspot activities, etc... add anything, it only gets worse. Nothing good comes out of 'creating', and 'adding' ancient CO2 in the atmosphere right now, while clearing our forests, etc...

    You don't have to be smart or a scientist to realize, adding CO2 into our atmosphere (which is actually so abundant, it is sinking and filling up our oceans as well, at an alarming rate), is not necessarily a 'good' thing. Therefore... the time finally has come, to not listen to the Exxon-Mobil influenced powers that be, and to embrace, encourage, and use any and all available alternative solutions. The worst that can happen, is that there may be some of this precious resource like oil left in the future should human civilizations ever fail and need to start over again (hopefully, wiser... getting off oil as soon as they can).

    We could have been off coal and oil generations ago, the only reason we haven't... $$$ (pretty obvious... and billions of dollars of quarterly profit leaves a lot left over for propaganda and dis/misinformation - if you truly believe we couldn't get off oil any sooner, or have no reason to, you've been seriously 'punked' by Exxon).

    "The use of solar energy has not been opened up because the oil industry does not own the sun." - Ralph Nader

    Source(s): The last time earth has experience global warming... The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum [1] "No remaining scientific body of national or international standing is known to reject the basic findings of human influence on recent climate change" [2]
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  • 1 decade ago

    Next Obama should stop people with low IQs from voting....

  • 1 decade ago

    It makes no difference if U are not saying something by now. Let them destroy our lives and country.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nope, sorry, that's not a question at all. That's a strongly-biased specimen of ridicule with a question mark tacked on.

    Y!A is not a forum for debate -- not that you're inviting rational debate, even. Please take this elsewhere.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes. the carbon tax scheme is a fraud, the money that will generate from this tax will go to the elites to support their greed, and that greed is to take our freedom

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    wouldn't surprise me.

    Tax runners more.

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