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Yahoo Answers Question? ("Top Answerers" Only)?

How many best answers do you have to get in a certain subject until you become a "Top Contributor"?


11 Answers

  • Ryan
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    a Top contributor is a member of the Yahoo! Answers community who has shown they are knowledgeable in 1-3 categories on this site.

    to gain a TOP Contributor badge you have to keep answering in the sections you Excel in, regularly answering there and getting best answers,there are many criteria talked about as to how to get one,but the exact formula is kept secret.

    once you receive the badge it isn't permanent, you have to keep answering frequently in those categories, take me for instance: around a month ago i had 3 TC badges,but due to being busy i hardly logged on and lost all 3 badges, now i have been active again..i have got 3 badges back.

    it takes commitment & dedication to yahoo! answers and the categories you are Top Contributor in.

    For more information please read the Yahoo! Answers Team blog regarding Top Contributor badges.

    Extra Tips:

    -Try to answer at least 40-50 Questions per month in the category you wish to become a Top Contributor in.

    -Have at least 10% Overall best answers, ALSO get at least 10% of your answers chosen as best, in the categories you wish to be a TC in.

    -Try to earn around 200 points per week in the categories you wish to be/are Top Contributor in (this can be a combination of: Answers,Best Answers,votes,receiving thumbs up etc)

    -Only answer questions that you have a good answer to, don't answer questions that already have 30 identical correct answers.

    -Always be polite,courteous & as helpful as possible.

    -Try to contribute as much as possible, and have fun on the site.

    Yes there are some Very rude Top Contributors, they managed to get their badge by probably being kind in some answers, but not all.

    The only categories you cannot gain Top Contributor badges in are: Polls & surveys, and Jokes & Riddles.

    NOTE: The actual formula to become a Top Contributor is a secret only known by Yahoo!, all Tips and strategies i have given were the way i gained TC badges, so these are just my theories.

    Ryan Here

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No one but yahoo knows for sure, you can have a Top Contributor badge in 3 categories at once except ''Polls & Surveys'' and Jokes & Riddles.'' Badges come and go on Monday mornings. Yahoo keeps the formula secret. You just need to answer in a category you know the most about and get many best answers and one day it will appear.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Top Contributor badge is given to users who answer a lot of questions in up to 3 different categories and get a fairly decent amount of Best Answers in these categories. The Top Contributor badge is usually given to users who actively answer questions in particular categories. To get or keep the badge, one must continue answering questions and getting Best Answers in the categories that they wish to have the Top Contributor badge in.

    The formula for becoming a Top Contributor is kept a secret by Yahoo and is kept secret so that it is not just a thing for people to gain who don't deserve it. People believe that you need to have a minimum of 10% Best Answers and answer a certain number of questions in a certain amount of time, but that is just speculation. There is no set amount of answers that you need to get or percentage of Best Answers that you need to get and no set amount of Best Answers that you need to get. You also don't have to have a certain amount of points in order to get the Top Contributor badge, although I have rarely seen a Level 1 Top Contributor :).

    If you do not remain active and actively answer questions and getting Best Answers in the categories that you are a Top Contributor in, you can lose the badge. As was said before, so long as you stay active in the category(ies) that you want the Top Contributor badge in, and you keep on getting Best Answers in that category, you'll keep the Top Contributor badge :P.

    Hope this helps :)

    Source(s): Own experience/opinion
  • 5 years ago

    I claim NO pretense...i am assured it wouldn't be me ...but I LOVE this question...i love its edginess...i will never stoop to the "Pick me! Pick me!" mentality....VERY astute of you!!!! Just had to say it....brilliant!!! You just created a new reality show Hon.....kudos!!! Why not Maple Leaf..? it may be a long shot..but I think it is a great avatar and whether or not it matters she REALLY has a head on her shoulders!!! GREAT QUESTION!!! Her avatar would be the nest top avatar in my book!!! Still water runs incredibly deep!!! Best Blue

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    Well to put it in a simple way...

    10% of your best answers has to be in a certain category. That's all there is to it. (Hint: Be detailed in your answers)

    ♥Hope this helps

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You have to have about 10% best answer in one category and a decent amount of answers in that same category to get a TC

    Remember though, once you get one you can lose it so you still have to answer questions in the section to keep the TC

  • ++++
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I don't know. I just answer a lot of questions in a category and I just got it. =)))))

    Source(s): Top Answerer in Handball and Primary and Secondary Education
  • 1 decade ago

    40 best answer in a certain category

    Source(s): yahoo answer Wikipedia
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Somewhere between 1 and 3 billion.

  • 1 decade ago

    idk lol! all i know is that you have to have atleast 10% best answers in that category to get the badge.

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