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I am so angry, my car was broken into last night.....?

Last night when I got home, I opened my garage door and my little cocker spaniel came shooting out of the open door. My daughter was in the garage vacuuming out her car and let the dog out to be with her, otherwise my dog would have been in the house. There was a big stray male Boxer in the street, saw my dog and attacked her. I ran and was finally able to get my dog away. My arms got pretty scratched and my face a little. Luckily my dog wasn't hurt just really scared. In all the panic, I locked my car and ran inside to make sure the blood was from me and not my dog. Of course I've never seen the boxer before and no one I have asked has either.

This morning I went out to my car to get a book I had left there, and everything from the center console was spread all over the back seat and the back door was barely open. It took me a few seconds to figure out what had happened. Someone had obviously broken into my car. They found the cord to my sons navigational device and probably started looking under the seats to see if they could find it. He always brings it in the house, I noticed that my sunglasses were gone, they were cheap anyway, they hadn't broken windows or anything so I didn't call the police.

Then tonight my husband and I were going to go grocery shopping. I went to the closest to get my purse and it wasn't there. In all the confusion with my dog I had left my purse in the car. I have never done that. My husband is disabled and can't work, I had just cashed my paycheck, every cent I have I guess had was in my wallet. Along with 3 credit cards, my drivers license etc, etc. The thief's wouldn't have been able to see my purse, because I always push my purse under my seat. I think they were looking for the navigational device and found my purse. I know I had locked my car because I had to unlock it to get the book out, they had jimmied the back door.

I called the police and filed a report. Later found out that two locked cars in the next circle were broken into last night as well. We had a neighbor call us and tell us that last week someone broke into her car stole her stereo and then used her garage door opener and came in her home and stole a bunch of stuff, while they were sleeping just down the hall. She said that they have a really good idea who the kids are that are doing this, and gave me their names. I called the police back, four different officers had investigated each break in and they hadn't linked the four together. I told the officer that we have some names and would like him to check out the possibility that these boys did this. He said it was "hearsay" and he had no probable cause to check it out. What? Four robberies isn't probable cause? I informed the officer that my husband was going to comfort these boy and their parents tomorrow. He said that if my husband did he would be arrested for harassment.

What can I do? I did cancel the credit cards Do we have any rights at all? I really need some advice.


No chance of my husband raising his voice. His vocal cords are paralyzed making it difficult to speak and breathe. He doesn't have a temper, but he is big and may look intimidating. I know he would more inquire than accuse.

This has made us both physically sick, I've been throwing up with a migraine and my husband is struggling harder than normal to breathe. It's 3:30 am I can't stop shaking.

Update 2:

Thanks! All your advice was helpful. I spoke to the police sergeant this morning. She went to their home. She describes them as “very shady characters”. They did a small search but found nothing, yet. The father told the sergeant that if anything was in his home he would be turning the boys in himself. She informed them that because of the “evidence” they have against them that their names are now on the police data bank & more patrolling will take place. She is confident that they are in on some, if not all of the resent break-ins, & confident that they will be able to catch them in the act or find proof. My husband made up a 100 flyers this morning; with information from the states website showing the thefts in our area. Many made additional copies & passed out more, the neighborhood is now aware & helping the police. I hope this will save others from the same fate. It’s not totally solved but, I feel somewhat vindicated. We were able to close all accounts, I think we are okay.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Makes you wonder what ever happened to "protect and serve" doesn't it? Call back during the day shift and ask to speak to the chief of police. Explain what you have told us here and ask him to look into the way you were treated by whoever took your original call. That is uncalled for.

    If the chief takes no action, next try the city council or whoever is over the police department.

    You probably will never see your cash again though, and for that I'm sorry.

  • car253
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I am sorry for what your going through.

    Check your credit card bills to make sure there are no unauthorized charges. Credit card companies are very good at reversing unauthorized charges. So, don't worry about that. Just check your statements that come in. And, the same thing with your checking account. Call your bank and have them close the account and put your money into a new account. And, check your balances because they will also reimburse you for any unauthorized charges.

    Call to the supervisor or Captain at the police department. It is usually detectives that investigate thefts. And, many police departments do not have enough officers. It's not the police fault, its just there are not enough of them. So, try to get more officers in your area by calling your local public officials.

    You can file a complaint so find out how you do that too.

    Everything will turn out fine. You might want to install some security cameras around your home. A system does not cost that much any more. And, starting a neighborhood watch is not a bad idea either.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's not harassment, if he simply inquires and puts the family on notice that he suspects them, there is nothing that can be legally done. In order to harass someone the "harassment" must be done more than once.

    Just make sure he doesn't raise his voice or break any laws (loitering on property, etc) and he will be fine. And if they retaliate, then just tell your husband to file a complaint based on disability discrimination. Nobody wants that bad press.

    Also, you can set up a camera if you have the means, so that you catch whoever it is. As long as there is no audio, you can record anyone, anywhere you want.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You need to contact the highest police authority and report to him/her as to how you were treated. If you don't get any satisfaction, file a complaint with the proper authority. You deserve better treatment. Cops should understand that even though they may go through these situations regularly that most of us don't and it is upsetting. Your husband should not confront anyone ! I doubt that you will ever recover anything but I hope you do. Good luck

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  • Boots
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If there was damage to your car - you would file a claim under the comprehensive coverage of your auto policy. Your deductible will apply.

    You can file a claim for the personal property taken from the vehicle (GPS, Purse etc) under your homeowners policy. Again your deductible will apply.

    Along with canceling your credit cards -you may want to put a freeze on your credit report. It will cost about 10 per credit reporting agency. However, the freeze will prevent anyone (including you) from applying for credit in your name. If you want to apply for credit - you will have to get the freeze lifted to do so. However, it will prevent your identity from being stolen (since they have all your Id from your purse). You can contact each of the credit reporting bureaus to do the freeze.

    Source(s): Insurance Adjuster 12 years
  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know, maybe get a lawyer and acuse the police of not conducting the investigation properly. I wouldn't do anything to the people who supposedly did this, that would just make you guys look bad. But you have my sympathies.

  • 1 decade ago

    sorry, been there, gone through the same type of thing...and really there is not much you can do unless they catch someone and find some of your stuff so they can charge them in court

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